Karmen's mother has to go to the emergency room, and Karmen needs to contact her manager right away to tell him that she'll miss her shift tonight. What would be the BEST mode and channel for this interaction?

A: text message

B: slideshow

C: face-to-face meeting

D: written document


Answer 1




because its fast and can make you go to the emergency room without worrying to go face to face especially in a rush

Related Questions

Match each word with its antonym.

1 .
2 .
3 .
4 .
5 .
6 .
7 .
8 .
9 .
10 .



trickle - gush

retreat - advance

casual - formal

repel - attract

preserve - destroy

deny - admit

insult - compliment

joyous - sorrowful

fiction - fact

encourage - discourage

Not a work problem but me and my friend want to know what this means and the language it’s in( came from a secret admire) .

hunak hadhih alfataat alati 'uhibuha wa'uriduha bishidat wa'ana 'ufakir biha fi waqt muta'akhir.

Please help it’s for a friend!!!


It’s in Arabic and it says “There's this girl that I love and cherish so badly, and I'm falling for her lately.” That’s it.

This unit describes how Deaf people often rely on visual input for information.
Give some examples of how your setting and clothing can affect the ease with which a Deaf person can understand the signs you’re using.
What should you do to make your signs, facial expressions, and movements clearer and easier to see?


This can show hole pound things are like wind on a shirt or how you can potentially hear by seeing peoples facial expressions as long with their body language

Maria is presenting some information about insurance benefits to a group that includes people for whom English is their second language. How should she moderate her tempo to ensure her communication is clear?

A: She should speak quickly so there is plenty of time for questions.

B: She should speak more slowly than usual.

C: She should vary her tempo between quick and slow to convey enthusiasm.

D: She doesn't need to consider her tempo, only her tone.


b: she shoukd speak more slowly than usual


Explanation: its B

Como se dice papa en Uruguay


Papá In Latin American Spanish speaking countries, this word is the most common and standard way to say 'dad

Marina's study group has been having trouble listening to each other and has gotten off track. What would be the BEST place for their next study session to minimize any barriers to listening?


Answer: a library

Explanation: In a library, you are around a lot of academic resources and it is generally a quiet place.

Do parents need to be careful in their words, gestures, languages and attitudes because it might be imitated by children observing them. why?



Explanation: Imitation is a crucial aspect of skill development, because it allows us to learn new things quickly and efficiently by watching those around us. Most children learn everything from gross motor movements, to speech, to interactive play skills by watching parents, caregivers, siblings, and peers perform these behaviors.

yes they need to because their kids will replicate

When asking a question in chinese, the most effective way is to use a second or rising tone at the end of the question.


Answer:that is true

Explanation: Because if u do so it will help them understand you are finished with your sentence.

what is the situation of market management in Nepal? write any three importance of it.​


Answer:Marketing management is especially crucial for small firms because it allows them to compete on an equal playing field with larger players. Thorough consumer research, innovative campaigns and marketing methods, and favorable branding may all help a firm stand out from the crowd.


Complete the sentence using the correct pair of antonyms.

The food will _______ flies, so we need something to _____ them.

admit to accept as true
advance to move forward
attract to be magnetic
casual not serious
compliment a nice comment about
deny negate
destroy to make unusable
discourage to take away hope
encourage to give hope to
fact a true statement
fiction pretend
formal very serious
gush to flow out quickly in a large amount
insult to say something mean or degrading
joyous happily
preserve to save
repel to push away
retreat to run away from
sorrowful full of sadness
trickle to slowly drip


Answer:I think it is attract to be magnetic and destroy to make unusable

мини-сочинение на тему "В чем заключается богатство русского языка?"



Have any of us ever thought about what the richness of the Russian language is? Maybe yes, but maybe not.

We are divided into categories of people according to the degree of receptivity of all the facts that are presented to us at school from an early age.

For example, starting from the first grade of school, teachers remind us almost every lesson that the Russian language, as they say, is "great", "mighty", "truthful". We all learned by heart the famous and unusual Turgenev poem "The Russian Language". It often happens that I learned, got a grade and forgot. But another category of people (unfortunately, a small one) does not just agree with the words of the great classic of Russian literature until the end of their days, but also realizes that everything said is 100% true.

However, each of us should think about the fact that the Russian language is some kind of extraordinarily huge, intangible, but such a close phenomenon, which, in combination with national culture, traditions, customs, represents a special cluster of our life.

We can observe how rapidly epochs have been going deep into the centuries lately, how life is changing. The language changes along with them. For example, less than five years later, a stream of the latest vocabulary (internationalisms, jargonisms) burst into the vocabulary diversity of the language. The grammatical structure of our external and internal speech has also embarked on a path of change: now we speak and write in short sentences and, depending on the communication situation, use signs.

But variability is not an indicator that the Russian language is rich.

The richness of language also lies in the fact that, despite the changes, our aspirations to shorten, alter, borrow lead only to the fact that every day we receive an updated language, which is thus a living organism, which is simply impossible to comprehend due to the rapid pace of its development.

Therefore, we have something to be proud of, and our language helps us in all spheres of life. Russian Russian is considered by foreigners to be a difficult language to learn, but this only does honor to the Russian people, a native speaker of the Russian language.

Ye is a marketing coordinator for a financial advisory company. What communication task is he MOST likely responsible for?

A: writing a course plan for a financial literacy class

B: creating a content plan for the company's blog

C: contacting local reporters about the company's new CEO

D: counseling clients about their investment planning


Answer: c



Ye is a marketing coordinator for a financial consulting firm. The communication task he is MOST likely responsible for is creating a content plan for the company blog.

B: Creating a content plan for the company blog

What is marketing in a company?

Marketing is the art of exploring, creating and delivering value to satisfy market needs through products or services that may interest consumers. The purpose of marketing is to create value and capture customer attention, creating profitable relationships for both parties.

With this information, we can conclude that The role of marketing in a company revolves around how an organization can understand the market and satisfy its needs and wants through products and services.

Learn more about marketing in  brainly.com/question/13414268


Please help reward 50 points!


Answer: The Answer is Celer Magnus


Celer is the Latin word for swift, as can be seen in words such as accelerate, would be the first half of the Latin translation of swift, large animal. Magnus, which is the Latin word for large, as can be seen in magnify, would be the second half, completing the large and swift portions of a large, swift animal. Magnus celer animal directly translates to "A big, swift animal"

Please help me write my essay and look at the images to read what I have to write about.


maybe how about give me brainliest b ll tt cc hh

witch of the following is an example of the concrete meaning of language



that mean that they are right and strict about what they said


Select the correct answer. A person will most likely read this passage to


Answer: A person would most likely read this passage to:

"C") Learn more about the causes of sleep disturbance"

What is insomnia?

A person would most likely read this passage to learn more about the causes of sleep disturbance.

Insomnia may be a sleep disorder in which you've got inconvenience falling or remaining sleeping.

The condition can be short-term (intense) or can final a long time (unremitting).

Thus, the correct answer is C.

Learn more about "Insomnia":

Match the meaning to the idiom .

1 .
as big as watermelons
a nervous feeling
2 .
throw your money away
waste your money
3 .
bends over backwards
makes a great effort
4 .
got out of hand
was no longer controlled
5 .
butterflies in his stomach
very large




big as watermelons over backwards was no longer controlled very large

eseu cu tema ,,A vorbi despre limba romina e ca o duminica
dau coroana pina la ora 17:25 multumesc sa fie frumoasa


I don’t understand this question???????

Four types of risky behavior​



drug abuse ,sexual behaviour , vandalism and unwanted pregnancy

Can someone please help me? What are three topic questions on the major teaching of the methodist church?


United Methodists believe in actualizing their faith in community — actions speak louder than words. The three simple rules are: “Do no harm. Do good. Stay in love with God.” Some beliefs we share with other Christians are the Trinity (God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit)

The flowers at the edge of the park in full bloom. The swing behind the tall trees the best view of the flowers.


For the first blank the answer is "are" and for the second blank the answer is "has".

Hoped this helped!

The inserted words are as follows - The flowers at the edge of the park are in full bloom. The swing behind the tall trees offers the best view of the flowers.

What is the explanation for the inserted words?

The inserted words provide clarity and proper grammar to the sentences. In the first sentence, "are in full bloom" is added to convey the current state of the flowers.

This helps in describing the flowers' condition more accurately. In the second sentence, "offers the best view of the flowers" is inserted to complete the meaning of the sentence, making it clear that the swing provides the advantageous position to enjoy the view of the flowers.

The inserted words enhance the overall coherence and comprehension of the sentences.

Learn more about inserted words at:



Complete the sentence using the correct pair of antonyms. pls help me

Our government is making an attempt to _______ national parks, but some people
_______ would it by littering.

admit to accept as true
advance to move forward
attract to be magnetic
casual not serious
compliment a nice comment about
deny negate
destroy to make unusable
discourage to take away hope
encourage to give hope to
fact a true statement
fiction pretend
formal very serious
gush to flow out quickly in a large amount
insult to say something mean or degrading
joyous happily
preserve to save
repel to push away
retreat to run away from
sorrowful full of sadness
trickle to slowly drip


Answer:preserve to save and destroy to make unusable

एडिसनच्या विचारांतला ठामपणा तुमच्या शब्दांत लिहा.


डॉ. अनिल गोडबोले यांनी 'दिव्याच्या शोधामागचे दिव्य' या धड्यातून दिव्याच्या शोधात एडिसनने बजावलेली भूमिका स्पष्टपणे मांडली आहे. थॉमस अल्वा एडिसन यांनी बल्ब शोधण्याचा जो निर्धार घेतला होता, तो अखेर त्याने पूर्ण केला. किती दिवस आणि किती रात्री उपाशी राहिल्या, फक्त दिव्यांच्या शोधात दिवसरात्र काढली. बांबूच्या विविधतेच्या शोधात त्यांनी अफ्रीका खंडात हजारो मैल पायी प्रवास केला, त्यातून त्याने सहा हजार प्रकारच्या बांबूच्या जाती गोळा केल्या. पण अजूनही त्यांच्या मनाचे पूर्ण समाधान झाले नव्हते. प्रयोग सतत चालूच होते. प्रयोग करताना दोनशे वह्यांची चाळीस हजार पाने भरून गेली पण प्रयोग अजूनही चालू होता. जेव्हा एडिसनचे टीकाकार त्यांना म्हणायचे कि हा सगळा खटाटोप फुकटचा गेला असा! कारण यातल्या बहुतेक नोंदी या फसलेल्या प्रयोगांच्या आहेत त्या टीकाकारांना एडिसनने उत्तर दिले आहे कि ते जे हजारो प्रयोग केले ते फसले तरी फुकट गेले असे कसे म्हणता येईल, निदान त्यांचानंतर प्रयोग करणाऱ्यांना हेच प्रयोग पुन्हा करून पाहण्याची गरज नाही. लोकांचे ते श्रम आणि वेळ वाचला हा फायदाच नाही का. सुमारे 10 ते 12 वर्षांच्या प्रयोगानंतर एडिसनचे दिवे बनवण्याचे स्वप्न साकार झाले. 21 ऑक्टोबर 1879 रोजी एडिसनने दिव्याचा शोध लावला आणि संपूर्ण जग रंगीबेरंगी दिव्यांनी सजवले.

[tex]\sf \small \pink{Thanks }\: \green{for} \: \blue{joining} \: \orange{brainly } \: \red{community}![/tex]

Dr. Smith was testing false memories on a class of students. He used half the class as participants in his study. The other half provided true stories about events at the school. He used two of these true stories and one false story. Each participant read all three stories. Dr. Smith told them that the events were from his school days and that he was studying friendships. A month later he asked them to remember the facts. Mention the ethical guideline that Dr. Smith broke by telling participants that he was researching school friendships.


The ethical guideline that Dr. Smith broke by telling participants the study was about friendships is respect for enrolled participants.

What are ethical guidelines in research?

In research, it is expected researchers follow strict rules to make sure the study does not have nocive effects and that the results obtained can be trusted. Some of these guidelines include:

Asking participants for consent before they enroll in the study.Protecting the participants personal information.Avoiding conflicts of interests.Respect for participants.

What principle did Dr. Smith break?

The principle Dr. Smith broke is respect for the enrolled patients because the researcher should be honest with participants and participants have the right to know about the real focus of the study.

Learn more about ethics in: https://brainly.com/question/13402919


You need to write someone's phone number which word would you use? a: el dia b: el boligrafo c: la carpeta



The answer is b) el día :)

Match each word with its antonym.

1 .
2 .
3 .
4 .
5 .
6 .
7 .
8 .
9 .
10 .


The antonym of each word given by the question is:

Trickle / GushCasual / FormalPreserve / DestroyDeny / AdmitJoyous / SorrowfulFiction / FactCompliment / InsultAdvance / RetreatDiscourage / EncourageAttract / RepelWhat are antonyms?

They correspond to words that have a meaning opposite to each other, as in the examples above, where we can see that one word has the opposite meaning to another, as in the example "Compliment / Insult".

Therefore, the use of antonyms in the language corresponds to a stylistic resource that can contribute to the textual structure, generating greater meaning for the author's ideas, generating more emotion and engagement with the reading.

Find out more about antonyms here:



scrie o propozitie cu conjunctie




Should I take a bus or should I go by car?

True or false:

During the filtering step of listening, some information might be categorized as useless.



false is the answer


did I help you

what does this say please help



-Exquisite life tasting tea.

|Pottery |

Many people in the Deaf community view deafness as a different way of experiencing the world, rather than as a disability. However, in mainstream American culture, being Deaf or Hard of Hearing is technically a disability that is protected by the Americans with Disabilities Act.
How might this difference in the view of Deafness between Deaf people and others in the larger culture be problematic?



The fact that majority views deaf people as disabled could be possibly problemaic. This is because the majority will start to think that deaf people can't accomplish as much as others. This means that the majority could possibly view deaf people as incapable or less than.

Other Questions
please solve this problem The actual mass of a metal sphere was reported in the manual catalog to be 3.53 kg.A group of 4 students were assigned to perform an experiment and measure the mass of the sphere each one of them using a different scale or balance.Student 1 reported 3.6 kgStudent 2 reported 3.5 kgStudent 3 reported 3.12 kgStudent 4 reported 3.476 kgWhich of the four students reported the most precise measurement?1. Student 12. Student 2 3. Student 3 4. Student 4 conjuguer les verbes suivant limparfait toutes les personnes.faire / prendre / voir / suppliez / craindre Passive occupant protection devices require (_what_) action on the part of the occupant? This hearty component of the hair houses the melanin pigments and provides most of the hair's strength: ________ On vacation you and your family go from Charleston to New Orleans you leave at 7:00 am and arrive at 4:00 pm and the trips distance is 850 miles A lone pair must reside in which orbital type(s) to participate in resonance/conjugation/delocalization? The range of physical and chemical conditions under which each species can persist (survive and reproduce) and the array of essential resources it utilizes are referred to as its ecological ________. Solve the formula for the specified variable.I = Prtt The extent to which people in a society encourage investment in the future by planning and saving is known as ______. The use of effective contracts with penalties could reduce which form of supply chain risk? Choose the angle name JWT Exercise 2 Write a complete thesis statement from the theme given below.theme: the unique quality of rap music which of the following examples demonstrate qulifications that are most helpful for engneering and technology careers check all that apply help please At the cellular level, the biological molecules necessary for animal function are amino acids, lipid molecules, __________, and simple sugars Which of the following could be the rectangle's length and width?(Area = length x width)Choose all answers that apply:A) 1 cm and 15 cmB) 2 cm and 7 cmC) 3 cm and 5 cmD) 4 cm and 4 cm What important education should the nurse provide to the client related to this medication? (select all that apply. one, some, or all options may be correct.) Jim began a 145mile bicycle trip to build up stamina for a triathlon competition. Unfortunately, his bicycle chain broke, so he finished the trip walking. The whole trip took 7 hours. If Jim walks at a rate of 4 miles per hour and rides at 30 miles per hour, find the amount of time he spent on the bicycle. Helminths are:_________a. molds. b. protozoa. c. infectious d. particles. e. parasitic worms. bacteria. Which general considerations help guide management's response to the environment?