in appositional growth, chondrocytes within cartilage divide and secrete new matrix. true/false


Answer 1

True. Appositional growth is a process of cartilage growth where chondrocytes, the cells responsible for producing and maintaining the cartilage matrix, divide and secrete new matrix.

This is in contrast to interstitial growth, which involves the chondrocytes within the existing cartilage matrix dividing and producing new matrix.

During appositional growth, chondrocytes in the outer layer of cartilage, called the perichondrium, divide and secrete new matrix on the surface of the cartilage. This process leads to an increase in cartilage thickness and is important for the growth and maintenance of bones, joints, and other tissues that require cartilage for support and movement.

Appositional growth can also occur in other tissues, such as bone, where it contributes to bone remodeling and repair. In bone, the process involves the activity of osteoblasts, cells responsible for producing new bone matrix, and occurs on the surface of existing bone tissue.

In summary, appositional growth is a process of tissue growth where cells divide and secrete new matrix on the surface of existing tissue, and chondrocytes in cartilage are an example of cells that can carry out this process.

Learn more about cartilage  here:


Related Questions

The largest type of lymphatic vessel, which deposits lymph into the subclavian veins, is called a collecting
thoracic duct


In the human body, the thoracic duct is the largest lymphatic channel. The right upper limb, right breast, right lung, and the right side of the head and neck are the only parts of the body where lymph does not exit through the thoracic duct, which is responsible for approximately 75% of all body lymph.

What does the subclavian vein drain into?

The right subclavian trunk continues to produce the right lymphatic duct, which enters at the right venous angle, while the left subclavian trunk straight empties into the thoracic duct (junction of the internal jugular vein and subclavian vein). The deep vein known as the subclavian vein returns oxygen-poor blood from the upper body to the heart. Your body has one on each side. Right subclavian vein receives blood from right upper chest. Your left subclavian vein is the vein that carries blood from your left upper chest.

Why subclavian vein is central line?

The subclavian veins are a frequently chosen location for central venous access, including access for emergency and acute treatment, tunneled catheters, and subcutaneous ports for chemotherapy, extended antimicrobial therapy, and parenteral feeding. Placement of a central venous line is indicated in a variety of situations, such as fluid resuscitation, blood transfusion, drug infusion, monitoring of the central venous pressure, pulmonary artery catheterization, emergency venous access for patients for whom peripheral access is not possible, and transvenous pacemaker implantation.

To know more about Subclavian Vein visit:


if a gene is found only on the x chromosome and not the y chromosome, it is said to be__


A gene is referred to be an x linked trait or a sex-linked trait if it is exclusively located on the x chromosome and not the y chromosome.

An X-linked gene is one that is found on the X chromosome but not the Y chromosome. Genes on non-sex chromosomes inherit differently than X-linked genes (autosomes). Because he contains just one X chromosome, a guy who carries this mutation will be impacted.

Characteristics that are influenced by genes on the sex chromosomes are known as sex-linked traits. Because the X and Y chromosomes are different, males and females may have different inheritance patterns for certain features. Color blindness is an example of a feature that is more prevalent in men and is connected to sex.

To learn more and chromosomes click here:


The above question is incomplete. Check complete question below -

If a gene is found only on the x chromosome and not the y chromosome, it is said to be__

A.  X linked

B. Autosomal

C. Recessive chromosomes

D. Dominant chromosomes

Fluid mosaic model of membrane structure
Which of the following is true of the fluid mosaic model of membrane structure?
A)Membranes behave more like a solid than a liquid.
B)Lipids can flip from one leaflet to another as easily as they can move laterally in a membrane.
C)Proteins can easily move across membranes.
D)Proteins can easily move laterally through membranes.


D) Proteins can easily move laterally through membranes, is the following true of the fluid mosaic model of membrane structure.

Fluid mosaic model of plasma membrane structure is bilipid layer and flexible.

This model was given by Singer and Nicholson, according to which lipids have molecules in the middle and the protein may be intrinsic or extrinsic.

also, considered to be a quasi fluid structure.

lipids which form the structure are phosphoglycerate, sphingolipids and cholesterol.

There are 2 types proteins in plasma membrane - integral and peripheral proteins.

carbohydrates are of 2 types - glycolipids and glycoproteins.

The role includes, interaction of cell with the environment.

sorting membrane protein to several compartments.

To know more about fluid mosaic model,


if the trees in that woodlot are associated with emf, what effect might the excess nitrate have on the fungi and/or trees?


If the trees in a woodlot are associated with EMF (ectomycorrhizal fungi), excess nitrate in the soil can have negative effects on both the fungi and the trees.

EMF are a type of fungi that form a mutualistic association with the roots of trees. They help the trees to absorb water and nutrients from the soil, and in turn, the fungi receive carbon compounds from the trees. Nitrate is a form of nitrogen that plants and fungi can use for growth. However, when nitrate levels in the soil are too high, it can disrupt the balance of nutrients and affect the EMF and trees in several ways.

Excess nitrate can reduce the availability of other essential nutrients, such as phosphorus, which can limit the growth of the EMF and trees. It can also disrupt the carbon-nitrogen balance between the trees and EMF, which can lead to a decline in the health of both. Additionally, high nitrate levels can lead to the production of harmful reactive nitrogen species, which can cause damage to the EMF and trees.

Overall, excess nitrate in the soil can have negative impacts on the symbiotic relationship between EMF and trees, which can ultimately affect the health and productivity of the woodlot ecosystem.

Learn more about EMF  here:


What is required for the Calvin cycle?


Chlorophyll pigments, the chloroplast "theatre," and enzyme catalysts are the three prerequisites for the calvin cycle to occur.

The first stage converts light energy into chemical energy, which is currently stored in ATP and NAD molecules.Ph Calvin cycle, is most commonly too nown as the C3 cycle.It is series of many chemical processes that can be used by plants to convert carbon dioxide and other chemicals into glucose.Animals exhale carbon dioxide as part of their breathing process, and plants then take up this gas to carry out photosynthesis. The acceptor molecules and carbon dioxide mix to create glucose, which the plants use to obtain nutrients.The RUBP is a crucial first carbon dioxide acceptor during carbon fixation. RUBP and carbon dioxide both

To know more about chloroplast please check the following link


what is the source of glucose that is needed for cellular respiration in humans?


Glycogen, the body's storage form of glucose, and dietary sources provide the glucose needed for the production of ATP during cellular respiration.

What does a high glucose level mean?

Because the body doesn't produce enough insulin, hypoglycemia (high blood glucose) occurs if there is too much glucose in the blood. Hyperglycemia, a diabetic condition, can cause vomiting, increased hunger and thirst, a quick heartbeat, eyesight issues, and other symptoms. Serious health issues may result from untreated hyperglycemia.

Why does the body use glucose?

The primary form of glucose in the body, glucose serves as the body's cells' principal source of energy. Glucose may be produced by the body from other chemicals or it can be obtained from the meals we eat. The cells receive glucose from the blood. One hormone that controls blood glucose levels is insulin.

To know more about glucose visit:


what is the nitrogen source for the carbamoyl phosphate in pyrimidine synthesis?


L-aspartic acid and carbamoyl phosphate provide the pyrimidine ring atoms (CP). An enzyme known as carbamoyl phosphate synthetase II catalyzes the formation of the latter molecule, which is the first step of the route. As a source of nitrogen, this enzyme utilizes glutamine (L-Gln) (Scheme 1).

What is the use of nitrogen?

The chemical industry depends on nitrogen. It is used to make fertilizers, dyes, nylon, nitric acid, and explosives. To produce these products, nitrogen must be coupled with hydrogen to form ammonia. The Haber process is used for this. A chemical element with atomic number 7 and the letter N is known as nitrogen. The lightest element in group 15 of a periodic table, often known as the pnictogens, nitrogen is a nonmetal. It is a typical element in the cosmos, believed to be eighth inside the Milky Way as well as the Solar System in terms of overall abundance.

What is source of nitrogen?

Nitrogen in atmospheric deposition is mostly produced by the combustion of fossil fuels like coal and oil. In the form of dry particulates, gases, and droplets, atmospheric nitrogen deposition can take one of two wet forms: rain, snow, hail, fog, and freezing rain. The nitrogen cycle is important because nitrogen is a nutrient that is necessary for maintaining life on Earth. The building blocks of proteins, amino acids, and nucleic acids, which make up genetic material, all contain nitrogen as a major component (RNA and DNA).

To know more about Nitrogen visit:


Imagine a future ecological change that may happen on the Galapagos Islands. What would be the result in the finch population?



If an ecological change were to happen on the Galapagos Islands, it would likely result in a significant impact on the finch population. The Galapagos finches, also known as Darwin's finches, are a classic example of how species can evolve to adapt to their environment. Any changes to the environment, such as changes in food availability, competition for resources, or introduction of new predators, can affect the survival and reproduction of different finch species.

In the case of an ecological change, some finch species may be better adapted to the new conditions and their populations may increase, while others may decline. This could lead to a shift in the balance of finch species on the Galapagos Islands, and the finch populations as a whole may change.

Additionally, the loss of any single finch species could have a ripple effect on the entire ecosystem, as they play an important role in the pollination of plants and as a food source for other species. The result of an ecological change on the Galapagos Islands could therefore be significant and far-reaching, affecting not only the finch populations, but also other species and the overall ecosystem.

se the following information to answer the question(s) below. Giardia intestinalis can cause disease in several different mammalian species, including humans. Giardia organisms (G. intestinalis) that infect humans are similar morphologically to those that infect other mammals; thus they have been considered a single species. However, G. intestinalis has been divided into different subgroups based on their host and a few other characteristics. In 1999, a DNA sequence comparison study tested the hypothesis that these subgroups actually constitute different species. The following phylogenetic tree was constructed from the sequence comparison of rRNA from several subgroups of G. intestinalis and a few other morphologically distinct species of Giardia. The researchers concluded that the subgroups of Giardia are sufficiently different from one another genetically that they could be considered different species. According to the phylogenetic tree in the figure above, G. intestinalis constitutes a _____ group.


The evolutionary tree shown above shows that G. intestinalis belongs to a paraphyletic group.

How does a phylogenetic tree work and what does it mean?

A phylogenetic tree depicts the relationship between several creatures by tracing the course of evolution from a shared ancestor to various descendants. The relationships between individuals within a population to the entire Earth's history of life can all be represented by trees.

What function does a phylogenetic tree serve?

The use of phylogenetic trees to express theorized evolutionary relationships between enclosed groups of taxa (polyphyletic groups) that have been supported by similar characteristics known as increased presence is crucial for organizing knowledge about biodiversity.

To know more about phylogenetic tree visit:


if the amount of potassium in the blood decreases, what would a negative feedback control mechanism be expected to do?


If the amount of potassium in the blood decreases, A negative feedback control mechanism activates insulin and aldosterone actions to increase potassium level.

The activation of insulin and aldosterone actions and other processes that lower plasma potassium are brought on by an increase in plasma potassium. This is an illustration of a negative feedback system whereby increases in plasma potassium level cause an increase in potassium excretion. A feed-forward system, on the other hand, reacts to potassium intake in a way that is unrelated to changes in the level of systemic plasma potassium. Consuming foods high in potassium causes a considerable rise in urine potassium excretion in sheep without increasing serum potassium level. This feed-forward control is mediated by an unknown signal between the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and the kidney potassium processing.

To learn more about blood potassium click here,


what is the largest type of lymphatic vessel, which deposits lymph into the subclavian veins?


The collecting lymphatics throughout the body eventually merge into bigger lymph trunks, the biggest of which, the thoracic duct and right lymph duct, discharge directly into the subclavian veins.

The right lymphatic duct drains lymph into the right subclavian vein, whereas the thoracic duct links to the left subclavian vein. The biggest lymphatic veins are lymphatic ducts. These two ducts pour lymph into neck veins (the right and left subclavian veins at their junctures with the internal jugular veins).

The efferent vessels that carry lymph from lymphatic organs to nodes and then to the right lymphatic duct or thoracic duct, the body's biggest lymph channel.

Learn more about lymphatics


Trace the pathway a drop of blood would take from the time it leaves the aorta, to the time it returns to the left ventricle ready to leave the aorta again, describing the chambers and vessels


A drop of blood would leave the aorta and travel to the systemic circulation, where it would enter the body's tissues to deliver oxygen and nutrients.

What is systemic circulation?

All body tissue has a functional blood supply thanks to the systemic circulation. It transports nutrients and oxygen to the cells as well as waste products and carbon dioxide.

The arterial system, which consists of bigger arteries that divide into smaller arterioles, is where blood would first enter from the aorta.

A drop of blood would go through the systemic circulation, the arterial system, capillaries, the venous system, the right atrium, the right ventricle, the lungs, the left atrium, and the left ventricle before returning to the left ventricle and being prepared to leave the aorta once more.

Thus, this is the pathway a drop of that blood would take from the time it leaves the aorta.

For more details regarding systemic circulation, visit:


During a sea breeze, the _______ becomes warmer than the water, causing the air over the land to _________
creating a ________ pressure area over the land. The air over the water is cooler than the
land during the day, causing the air over the water to _______ creating a ______
pressure area over the water. Since air moves from areas of _______ pressure to areas of
pressure, cool
air blows inland from the water and moves underneath the ______ air.




land, rise, high, sink, low, high, warmer

A high concentration of calcium salts is normally found within the cytoplasm of a protozoan, while the surrounding environment contains a lower concentration of calcium salts. The higher concentration in the protozoan is most probably the result of 1) diffusion 2) excretion 3) active transport 4) cellular transport


Chemoreceptors in the carotid and aortic bodies detect all of the following except...
A) oxygen levels
B) blood pressure
C) pH
D) carbon dioxide
E) both A and D


B) blood pressure is not detected by the chemoreceptors in the carotid and aortic bodies

What are chemoreceptors?

Chemoreceptors are specialized sensory cells or neurons that respond to chemical stimuli in the environment or in the body. They can be found in different parts of the body, such as the nose, tongue, and blood vessels, and play important roles in detecting and signaling changes in the chemical composition of their surroundings.

For example, chemoreceptors in the nose help us sense and identify different odors, while chemoreceptors in the blood vessels help regulate blood pressure and pH by detecting changes in oxygen, carbon dioxide, and other chemicals in the blood.

Learn more about chemoreceptors, here:


what is endocytosis called when liquids are taken in by the cell?


Pinocytosis is endocytosis called when liquids are taken in by the cell.

A specific type of endocytosis called pinocytosis includes the cell's ingestion of tiny droplets of fluid. The term "cell drinking" also applies to this procedure.

Pinocytosis is the process by which fluid droplets are encircled by tiny invaginations of the plasma membrane and then absorbed into the cell. Pinosomes are tiny vesicles created when the invaginations pinch off from the plasma membrane. After that, these pinosomes combine with lysosomes, which have enzymes that degrade the contents of both.

Pinocytosis is crucial for the delivery of materials including nutrients, ions, and tiny molecules into the cell. Additionally, it controls the fluid balance within the cell as well as the elimination of waste products.

To know more about pinocytosis, click here,


how well an organism survives and reproduces in its environment can be described as its


Any inherited characteristic that aids a plant or animal in surviving and reproducing in its environment is known as an adaptation.

One way to characterize an organism's ability to survive and reproduce in its environment?

The ability of an organism to survive and reproduce in its environment is referred to as fitness. High fitness is the term used to describe people who have environmental adaptations that allow them to live and reproduce.

How does a living thing thrive in its surroundings?

Evolutionary adaptation, or simply adaptation, is the alteration of an organism to its environment in order to maximize its chances of survival.

According to Charles Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection, animals who have heritable qualities that allow them to better adapt to their environment than other members of their species will be more likely to live, reproduce, and carry more of their genes to the next generation.

To know more about organism to survive and reproduce visit:


the skin plays a role in regulation of body temperature, when environment is cool and body heat must be conserved, arterioles serving the skin so that blood bypasses the dermal networks temporarily?


Option B is correct. Skin blood flow decreases when exposed to cold environments due to cutaneous vasoconstriction.

As a result, there is fewer convective heat flow from the center to the surface and less thermal management from the skin's surface. As the body continues to cool, shivering starts.

The extensive blood supply of the skin aids in temperature regulation by allowing for heat loss through dilated vessels and heat retention through constricted vessels. With the help of its blood supply, the skin controls body temperature. Homeostasis is aided by the skin. Our bodies reduce blood supply to the skin in an effort to stop heat loss in an effort to maintain body temperature. We also produce more heat internally thanks to a number of mechanisms. One illustration is shivering, which is the quick contraction of muscles, which can generate a lot of heat inside the body very quickly. These include inducing sweating to allow the water to evaporate on the epidermis to cool it's own surface and increasing blood flow to the body's surface to enable for the heat to be dissipated through the skin.

Learn more about “ Homeostasis ” visit here;


Complete Question-

The skin plays a role in regulation of body temperature, when environment is cool and body heat must be conserved, arterioles serving the skin ___so that blood bypasses the dermal ____ networks temporarily?

A. dilate, papillae

B. dilate, capillary

C. constrict, capillary

D. constrict, papillae

What are 2 physical, behavioral, and unique adaptations of giraffes and how do those adaptations help giraffes survive and/or reproduce?



Giraffes are known for their long necks, which are one of their most distinctive adaptations. Their long necks help them reach leaves and other food sources high up in trees, allowing them to feed on vegetation that is unavailable to other grazing animals. This adaptation helps giraffes obtain sufficient sustenance and allows them to live in areas where other herbivores cannot.

Another important adaptation of giraffes is their speed and agility. Giraffes are known for their quick movements and can run at speeds of up to 35 miles per hour. This allows them to escape from predators and ensures their survival in the African savanna. The giraffe's height and long legs also help it to keep a lookout for predators and detect any danger from a distance.

In terms of reproductive adaptations, giraffes have unique, prehensile tongues that can reach up to 45 cm long. This allows them to easily grasp leaves, fruits, and other food sources, but it also makes it easier for them to mate and feed their young. Additionally, giraffes have a short gestation period compared to other animals of similar size, which allows them to have more offspring over the course of their lives, increasing their chances of survival as a species.

In conclusion, the physical adaptations of a long neck and speed and agility, as well as behavioral adaptations such as their prehensile tongues, have allowed giraffes to survive and reproduce successfully in their African habitats.


The evolution of cuticle presented land plants with a challenge that threatened their ability to live on land. Describe this challenge, and explain why stomata represent a solution. Compare and contrast stomata with pores found in liverworts.


Although stomata were a crucial adaptation that helped plants to adapt to life on land, the more primitive liverwort pores are a more primitive trait.

A stomate, also known as a stoma, is any of the minuscule pores or openings in the epidermis of leaves and young stems; the plural of stoma is stoma or stomas. Stomata are more common on the underside of leaves. They allow gases to move back and forth between the atmosphere outside and the leaf's branching system of linked air canals. A stomate's two sausage-shaped guard cells that surround it open and close due to internal pressure. The interior wall of a guard cell is thicker than the outer wall. As the guard cell becomes turgid and filled with water, the outer wall of the cell extends outward, pushing the inner wall along with it and widening the stomate.

To learn more about stomata please click on the given link:


what term is used to describe the direction of movement from the occipital lobe to the cerebellum?


The term used to describe the direction of movement from the occipital lobe to the cerebellum is posterior to anterior.

Posterior to anterior is a directional term that describes the orientation of structures or positions in relation to our body's anatomical axes.

Posterior refers to the back or rear of the body, while anterior refers to the front or head end of the body.

The occipital lobe is found in the back of the cerebral cortex, more particularly in the posterior region of the brain.

Just below the cerebrum in the frontal region of the brainstem is where you'll find the cerebellum.

Posterior to anterior can be a useful way to describe the direction of movement between these two brain regions.

To learn more about posterior to anterior:


1 A. how is DNA Replicated


DNA replication occurs in three major steps which are the opening of the double helix and the separation of the DNA strands, the priming of the template strand, and the assembly of the new DNA segment.

What is DNA replication?

DNA replication is defined as the biological process of making two identical copies of DNA from a single original DNA molecule that occurs in all living organisms, serving as the most essential part of biological inheritance.

DNA replicates in the S phase of the cell cycle and begins at specific regions in the DNA called DNA replication 'origins'. Many proteins participate in DNA replication and the process is subject to a check by cell surveillance mechanisms called cell cycle checkpoints.

Thus, DNA replication occurs in three major steps which are the opening of the double helix and the separation of the DNA strands, the priming of the template strand, and the assembly of the new DNA segment.

Learn more about DNA replication, here:


in eukaryotes, atp synthase is located in the _____________



Inner mitochondrial membrane


In prokaryotic cells, ATP synthase lies across the plasma membrane, while in eukaryotic cells it lies across the inner mitochondrial membrane.

How does the body maintain thermoregulation?


Body maintain thermoregulation by a part of brain called hypothalamus that examines our current body temperature and compares it to our normal body temperature. When body temperature is too low, hypothalamus causes body to generate and retain heat.

What are the steps in the process of thermoregulation?

Thermoregulation includes the body's ability to dissipate heat and the body's ability to gain heat and reduce heat loss. There are four ways to transfer heat: conduction, convection, radiation and evaporation.

What are main ways the human body maintains body temperature homeostasis?

The cardiovascular, integumentary (skin and related structures), respiratory, and muscular systems work together to help the body maintain a stable internal temperature. If body temperature increases, blood vessels dilates, allowing more blood to flow near the surface of the skin. 

To learn more about body temperature visit:


which factor likely contributed most to limiting the number of fossils of land creatures?most land creatures were almost entirely made up of softer tissues that decayed too quickly to fossilized.plants and water creatures fossilized in the most common way, while land creatures fossilized in other ways.most land creatures probably died away from watery environments where they would be covered in silt.


The factor that likely contributed most to limiting the number of fossils of land creatures is that most land creatures were almost entirely made up of softer tissues that decayed too quickly to fossilize.

Soft tissues such as muscle and organs decay more quickly than hard tissues like bone, making it less likely for land animals to leave behind fossilized remains. In contrast, many plants and water creatures have harder tissues or shells that are more likely to fossilize. Additionally, land creatures may have been less likely to be rapidly buried in sediment, which is a key process for fossilization to occur. Overall, while there may be multiple contributing factors, the decay of soft tissues is likely the primary factor limiting the number of fossils of land creatures.

Know more about fossils here:


two processes used to maintain homeostasis by transporting substances into and out of the cell are


The two processes used to maintain homeostasis by transporting substances into and out of the cell are: Passive transport, Active transport.

Passive transport: Passive transport is the movement of molecules or ions across a cell membrane from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration, without the input of energy. Passive transport can occur through two main mechanisms: diffusion and facilitated diffusion. Diffusion is the movement of molecules down their concentration gradient, while facilitated diffusion involves the use of a protein channel or carrier to assist in the movement of molecules across the membrane.Active transport: Active transport is the movement of molecules or ions across a cell membrane from an area of lower concentration to an area of higher concentration, with the input of energy in the form of ATP. Active transport can occur through different mechanisms, including primary active transport, which uses ATP directly to transport molecules, and secondary active transport, which uses the energy stored in an electrochemical gradient to transport molecules.

To learn more about homeostasis refer to this link


movement from low concentration to high concentration will require ?


In active transport, substances are moved against the concentration gradient from a low-concentration area to a high-concentration one.

Does switching from a high to a low concentration level use up energy?

Natural processes like passive transport take place without the cell using energy to move. Diffusion is the process by which chemicals travel passively from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration.

Does assisted diffusion require ATP?

It is not necessary to use high energy molecules like ATP for facilitated diffusion. Channel proteins and carrier proteins are used in this sort of diffusion to move molecules across the plasma membrane.

To know more about Active transport visit:-


What are the 7 carbon transfers (fluxes)? (Will give brainly to 1st correct answer)


Answer:1. photosynthesis

2. respiration

3. decomposition

4. combustion

5. burial and compaction

6. carbon sequestration

7. weathering


Muscles are not likely to tear from their bones because perforating fibers of collagen attach the tendons and periosteum to the cortical surfaces of bone
True or False


The statement is true. Muscles are attached to bones through tendons, which are composed of dense regular connective tissue made primarily of collagen fibers.

The tendons attach to the periosteum, which is the outer layer of bone, and the perforating fibers of collagen attach the tendons and periosteum to the cortical surfaces of the bone.

The perforating fibers, also called Sharpey's fibers, are bundles of collagen fibers that extend from the periosteum into the cortical bone. They anchor the tendons to the bone and provide a strong attachment that resists tearing and pulling forces.

When a muscle contracts, it exerts force on the tendon, which in turn pulls on the bone to produce movement. The strong attachment between the tendon and bone provided by the perforating fibers is crucial for allowing this movement to occur without tearing the muscle away from the bone.

In summary, the perforating fibers of collagen fibers that attach tendons and periosteum to the cortical surfaces of bone play an important role in preventing muscles from tearing away from their attachment points.

Learn more about collagen fibers here:


does protein expression begin with transcription or translation?


These proteins are produced by cells by the transcription and translation of certain genes from their DNA into molecules of messenger RNA (mRNA), chain of amino acids, and finally fully functioning proteins.

Making messenger RNA is the initial stage, after which it exits the nucleus and moves into the cytoplasm to join a ribosome. At this time, the second stage of translation starts, during which a particular protein molecule is created by reading the genetic instructions contained in the mRNA molecule. Transcription and translation take place simultaneously. Translation is the mechanism used to create new proteins. A messenger RNA (mRNA) molecule formed during transcription of DNA must next be translated into a protein to complete the biological process.

Learn more about transcription


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