Identify the following verbs by number and person by checking the appropriate boxes. We blame. third person second person plural first person singular please i am behind


Answer 1

Third Person Plural:  ✔

First Person Singular:  ✘

Second Person Plural:  ✘.

What is Third Person?

Third person is a narrative point of view in which the narrator is not a character in the story, but instead an unnamed external force that is observing the events that unfold. This narrative point of view creates an objective third-person perspective to the reader, as the narrator has no personal connection to the characters or events within the story. This point of view allows readers to gain an outsider's perspective on the events, characters, and settings of a story, which can often lead to a deeper understanding of the themes, conflicts, and other elements that are present.

To learn more about Third Person


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Can someone write me a couple paragraphs on police brutality and why it’s still a problem in the US, what we can do so they don’t get away with discrimination acts


The paragraphs on police brutality and why it’s still a problem in the US, what we can do so they don’t get away with discrimination acts is given below

What is police brutality?

Police brutality refers to excessive or unwarranted use of physical force by police officers, including beating, shooting, or using chemical sprays on individuals who are suspected of a crime. Despite numerous efforts to address the issue, police brutality remains a persistent problem in the United States.

One reason for this is the lack of accountability for police officers who engage in such behavior. In many cases, police departments are reluctant to punish officers for excessive force, and the legal system often provides them with significant protection from criminal or civil liability.

However, there are steps that can be taken to address police brutality and reduce instances of excessive force. One approach is to increase accountability by making it easier to prosecute officers who engage in excessive force and ensuring that they are held accountable for their actions.

Learn more about police brutality  from


1. What is the enharmonic of the note shown? (1 point)
91 40


G-sharp is enharmonic of the note shown. The correct option is A.

What is the enharmonic note?

Enharmonic notes are those that sound the same but are written as two different notes on the staff. Enharmonically written notes on the piano's white keys are also possible.

You'll notice that the notes on the black piano key are enharmonic to one another. Remember that getting higher a half step from the white to the black keys results in an enharmonic note. For example, if you were on note G and moved up half a step to the neighboring black piano key, you'd get G sharp.

Thus, the ideal selection is option A.

Learn more about the enharmonic note here:


what’s the metaphor and simile in this poem? help me please..

- All morning in the strawberry field
They talked about the Russians.
Squatted down between the rows
We listened.
We heard the head woman say,
‘Bomb them off the map.’

Horseflies buzzed, paused and stung.
And the taste of strawberries
Turned thick and sour.

Mary said slowly, 'I’ve got a fella
Old enough to go.
If anything should happen...'

The sky was high and blue.
Two children laughed at tag
In the tall grass,
Leaping awkward and long—legged
Across the rutted road.
The fields were full of bronzed young men
Hoeing lettuce, weeding celery.

‘The draft is passed,’ the woman said.
‘We ought to have bombed them long ago.’
'Don’t,' pleaded the little girl
With blond braids.

Her blue eyes swam with vague terror.
She added petishly, 'I can’t see why
You’re always talking this way...'
‘Oh, stop worrying, Nelda,’
Snapped the woman sharply.
She stood up, a thin commanding figure
In faded dungarees.
Businesslike she asked us, ‘How many quarts?’
She recorded the total in her notebook,
And we all turned back to picking.

Kneeling over the rows,
We reached among the leaves
With quick practiced hands,
Cupping the berry protectively before
Snapping off the stem
Between thumb and forefinger.



a metaphor are two unrelated things being compared to each other and a simile is an exaggerated phrase


simile is like the clapping around the stadium was as loud as an explosion and a metaphor is like comparing a phone to a banana.

Emma, Hana, and Julian were all struggling in their science class, so they decided to
This collaborative effort produced better results than only
form a study group together
studying on their own. They all excelled on their next exam. That is, they scored highly


That is, they scored highly on the exam due to their collaboration in the study group.

How to convey the information

The combination of their different strengths and perspectives allowed them to better understand the material and to help each other out when they were struggling with certain concepts. By working together, they were able to fill in the gaps in their understanding and to reinforce what they had learned.

As a result, they all performed much better on the exam than they would have if they had only studied on their own. This just goes to show the power of collaboration and how working together can produce better results than individual effort.

Learn more about collaboration on:


In the book hidden figures in chapter 5 what was the question many African-Americans were asking


The workspace Melvin Butler sets up for the Black women is in Langley’s West Area. Some of the women working there were featured in the newspaper article that inspired Dorothy. The Hampton Institute, where the women studied, continues to supply human computers to Langley. The Institute’s head, Malcolm MacLean, is determined that his Black graduates will contribute to the war effort. His hosting of racially mixed social events offends some whites. Langley’s director, Henry Reid, is more cautious, but Margery Hannah, the white head of West Computing, is openly progressive. Like MacLean, she treats Black men and women as equals and sometimes socializes with them.

The white women computers work in an East Area building. All workers eat lunch in the same cafeteria, but the Black women are assigned a separate table, with a sign: COLORED COMPUTERS. The white engineers that the women work with, especially the engineers from northern and western states, have a pragmatic attitude about working with the Black computers. Whatever the men’s views about social mixing, they value good work and maintain cordial relationships with the women. The Black computers find the working environment mostly pleasant. A woman named Miriam Mann, however, removes the insulting cafeteria sign. She continues removing replacement signs until they stop appearing. A small battle has been won.



what was their mistake?

why were they not allowed to work freely?

america didn't succeed at first because they were not even letting black people live freely

How do analogies help readers


In writing, analogy can be useful to explain an unfamiliar concept or idea. Using an analogy to link this idea to something that is familiar can help the reader better comprehend what you're trying to say. It's also a catchy and clever way to help get a point across.

Directions: Drag and drop the corresponding error contained in each sentence. If the sentence is correct, drag and drop "correct."
The birth of the sextuplets created a sensation, everyone wanted to see them.
Jim attended the state university for two years, later, after working and saving his money, he returned and eventually
received his degree.
Julie visited Phoenix last summer to meet a friend she had not seen in six years.
Chris shaved off his beard after having worn it for six years he was surprised to discover that he had developed a double
Summer television seems to consist exclusively of reruns and sitcoms from the 1990s it is almost enough to make me look
forward to the beginning of school.
:: sentence fragment :: run-on sentence :: correct


The sentence fragment :: run-on sentence :: correct :: run-on correct. The sentence was the sentence fragment are the words to the sentence containing to the complete.

What is Fragment?

A collection of words that do not fully communicate an idea is referred to as a “fragment.” Instead of being a full statement, it may be a phrase. A sentence fragment is an unfinished structure that strives to stand alone. A sentence fragment in the sentence is missing from the subject.

According to the given the passage was the based on the sentence fragment. Sentence fragment :: run-on sentence :: correct :: run-on correct. The necessary to the element are the complete sentence missing.

As a result, the significance of the fragment are the aforementioned.

Learn more about on fragment, here;


Which sentence best states a central theme in A Very Long Night?
Each of us is a complex mixture of character traits.
No one has the right to judge another person’s failings.
Growing up is easier when you have friends.
We must appreciate our parents while we have them.





bb is the answer

because I don't know


LENA’S DIARY. Through Lena’s eyes, think about your circumstances from the beginning to the end of this part of “City of Immigrants.” Share your emotions and feelings about each step of the journey. Think about the people with whom you interacted, and what you learned from them. Think about the choices you made and the consequences of those choices. Now write a diary entry from Lena’s point-of-view summarizing what happened to you in Part 3. You may choose to illustrate one aspect of your entry.



Dear Diary,

Today marks a new chapter in my life. A chapter filled with challenges, opportunities, and growth. I am still in disbelief of all that has happened to me in the past few months. But I am grateful for every moment and every person who has been a part of my journey so far.

It all started with my decision to leave my home in Russia and come to America, the land of opportunities. I was filled with excitement and nervousness, but I was determined to start a new life and chase my dreams. I remember the first day I arrived in the city, I was overwhelmed by the crowds, noise, and the hustle and bustle of New York City. But I was also filled with a sense of belonging, as I was surrounded by people from all over the world, who had come to America with the same hopes and dreams as I had.

As I started to settle in, I met a group of women who were also immigrants, and we quickly became friends. I learned so much from these women, about their cultures, their struggles, and their triumphs. I also learned about the challenges that came with living in a new country, and the importance of community and support.

I started working at the sweatshop, where I met more immigrants from different backgrounds. I saw firsthand the harsh conditions and the exploitation that many of them faced. I was horrified by the treatment of my fellow workers, and I knew that I had to do something about it. So, I made the choice to join the strike and fight for better working conditions and fair treatment for all workers.

This decision had consequences, as I was faced with opposition and danger. But I was proud of my choice and I felt empowered, as I was standing up for what was right. I was also inspired by the strength and courage of the women I had met, who were also fighting for their rights.

Through this journey, I have learned so much about myself, about others, and about the world. I have learned that I am capable of more than I ever imagined, and that I am stronger than I thought. I have also learned that the power of community and the power of coming together to fight for what is right can make a real difference.

I am still on this journey, and I do not know what the future holds. But I am filled with hope and determination, as I continue to chase my dreams and make a better life for myself and for others.



Dear Dairy,

I am excited to be here in this new city. A new chance. A new beggining. This is the best for me.

As I entered the city, I thought about my life in Russia. I was happy that I managed to escape away. There would be more neck-breaking work for me if I had stayed.

The city seemed large, and I was scared at first, but I grew accostomed to th city sounds the longer I stayed.

So, Dear Dairy, I will leave this entry off here to record the amazing beggining I will have.




Then tell me what has changed about Ellie as a child to Ellie as an adult? What has remained the same about Ellie as an adult?
In class we watched Carl and Ellie’s story and we conversed about characterization. Today we focused on the character trait dialogue. Find a scene where you can imagine what Ellie and Carl are saying. Describe the scene and make up a DIALOGUE script. Make sure to use language and tone that would match Carl and Ellie’s personalities.

Ellie: “This is an example of what a dialogue script looks like!”

Carl: “You better follow this example, or Ms. Monterrosa will roll her eyes at you and gi-ive you a bad grade.”

Then tell me what has changed about Ellie as a child to Ellie as an adult? What has remained the same about Ellie as an adult?
(check comments for video



As a child, Ellie was a curious, intelligent, and brave young girl who was determined to make a difference in the world. As an adult, Ellie has remained determined and brave, but has also become hardened by the events of the past, and is now more jaded and less trusting of others. She still retains her intelligence and curiosity, but is much more guarded and cautious about how she interacts with the world.

In the scene from Carl and Ellie's story, we can imagine them talking about the importance of following the example set by Ms. Monterrosa. Ellie is trying to convince Carl to take their schoolwork seriously, while Carl is trying to make light of the situation and inject some humor into the conversation. The dialogue could go something like this:

Ellie: "You know how Ms. Monterrosa is. She expects the best from us, and she won't settle for any less!" Carl: "I know, I know. But you have to admit, she's kind of a stickler for the rules, so let's make sure we do our best to meet her expectations!" Ellie: "Yeah, definitely. Let's make sure we set a good example for the younger kids too." Carl: "You got it! I'm sure if we put our minds to it, we can make sure Ms. Monterrosa will be proud of us!"

Manuel wants to participate in a local internship. What is most likely to be TRUE about his experience?
He will be required to quit college so he can participate full-time.
He will receive a lot of money for his work with the company.
He will be graded on his ability to show up on time and complete tasks.
He will be involved in aspects of the experiential learning cycle.


Manuel is interested in taking part in a local internship where he will experience some of the cycle of experiential learning.

Which learning cycle phases are involved when actively using a textbook?

The following are the phases of the learning cycle:


Exploration\ Explanation

Evaluation and elaboration

The cycle, like all others, has no beginning or end. Following elaboration, the subsequent learning cycle starts. Evaluation is not the last stage.

Evaluation is a part of the learning cycle at every stage. Smith's work has had a significant impact on how each stage of the learning cycle is described.

What is the process of educational learning?

The way that students learn information is described by the learning cycle.

Beginning with information awareness and continuing until students can apply new knowledge in their own teaching experiences, the Cycle supports learning at many different stages.

To know more about learning cycle visit:


OPTION TWO: Analyze 3 Poems
Identify and explain the theme of each poem.
• Identify and explain the topic of each poem.
Identify and explain at least 2 uses of figurative language in the poem (the poems you use must have at least 2
examples of figurative language use to be used in this assignment).
Identify and explain the meaning or message of the poem.
Must be written in the form of a multiparagraph analysis, using full, complete sentences and appropriate
academic vocabulary.


Answer: i don't know the answer


3.13 Graded Assignment: Create an OutlineCreate an Outline
Use your prewriting notes to build an outline using the framework below. Feel free to use this model outline as an example from which to work. Turn in the completed outline, the topic sheet, and the note-taking graphic organizer.
• Introduction
• Background Information
• Thesis Statement
• Supporting Evidence, Part 1
• Topic Sentence
• Evidence from the text
• Evidence from the text
• Evidence from the text
• Supporting Evidence, Part 2
• Topic Sentence
• Evidence from the text
• Evidence from the text
• Evidence from the text
• Supporting Evidence, Part 3
• Topic Sentence
• Evidence from the text
• Evidence from the text
• Evidence from the text
• Conclusion
• Summary of points made in essay
• Restatement of thesis


Before you begin writing your rough draft, outlines let you see exactly how the various parts of your essay will fit together. An outline will help you understand how your ideas connect, how abstract or concrete they are, how much evidence you have, and how your argument will be organized overall.

How do you create an assignment outline?

Decide on your thesis statement or topic.

Determine the topics you want to cover in your paper.

Put your points in a sequential, logical order such that they all lead back to your main argument.

Considerable paragraph transitions should be written.

How do you formulate a thesis statement?

Writing a strong thesis statement will be made easier if you are aware of what you are looking for. Your question is presented first, then your answer, and finally the supporting materials.

You can choose between a standard thesis and a three-part thesis. A three-pronged thesis gives information about three different but related ideas. In a typical thesis, one topic is the focus, and only sources that are pertinent to that one idea are found. Regardless of the format, your thesis should explain to the reader what you will cover in your essay.

To know more about thesis statement visit:


Douglass' is an autobiographical account of the life of a former slave. Consider Douglass' portrayal of slavery, and of his life afterward. Compare Douglass' vision of the world, freedom, and civility to that of Jefferson's. What parallels so you see in their writing?

Find at least one professional review of Douglass's Narrative of the Life. What value do the Professionals see in Douglass's Narrative? What faults do they find with is? Do you agree? Why or why not? Use quoted evidence from the review and from Douglass's Narrative to prove your assertions. You must also include an MLA citation with a URL that will lead readers to the review.


Less than seven years after Douglass's freedom from slavery, his autobiography, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave, was published in 1845.

What does Frederick Douglass' autobiography's central theme entail?

Truth and justice. Douglass' autobiography was inspired by his belief that the publicizing of the truth will ultimately serve justice. Presenting slavery as it is, in Douglass' opinion, is one of the best ways to combat the injustice of the institution.

What does Frederick Douglass' Life Narrative say about freedom?

For Douglass, freedom of expression was crucial to ending slavery. Douglass was convinced that the spread of literacy and the exercise of freedom were inextricably linked, and that his own journey to freedom had started with his own literacy.

To know more Douglass visit:-'


By comparing the job choices of Cheyenne Mountain High School, an upper middle class school, and Harrison
High School, one of the poorest high schools in Colorado Springs, Schlosser encourages the reader to see how
fast food employers are impacting the disadvantaged.
O True


By comparing the job choices of Cheyenne Mountain High School, an upper middle class school, and Harrison High School, one of the poorest high schools in Colorado Springs, Schlosser encourages the reader to see how fast food employers are impacting the disadvantaged. This is True.

How to convey the information

In his book "Fast Food Nation", Eric Schlosser contrasts the job choices of students at Cheyenne Mountain High School, a upper middle class school, with those of students at Harrison High School, one of the poorest high schools in Colorado Springs, to show the impact of fast food employers on disadvantaged communities.

Therefore based on the above, the correct option is true.

Learn more about food on;


What does this quote mean? “ Nobody who ever gave his best regretted it.” - George Halas


Answer: This quote by George Halas means that giving one's best effort or putting in one's maximum effort will never lead to regret. Halas, a former NFL coach and player, is saying that even if the outcome is not what was desired, the individual will not regret giving their best effort. The quote suggests that the act of giving one's all is its own reward, regardless of the outcome, and that it is better to try and give your best, than to hold back and have regrets.


A "foil" is a character whose
attributes contrast with and
therefore accentuate the main
character's attributes.
In "The Invalid's Story"
Thompson is a foil to the
narrator in that
A. Thompson speaks in slang and says what
is on his mind; the narrator is formal and
B. Thompson is shy, and the narrator is
brash and outspoken.
C. Both men are emotional and struggle to
manage those emotions.


Thompson serves as the narrator's counterpoint in "The Invalid's Tale" because although the narrator is formal and calculated, A. Thompson speaks in slang and expresses himself honestly.

What is the subject of the invalid's tale?

The plot follows the unlucky mishaps of two men aboard a train as they struggle to get rid of a foul odor that they mistake for a dead body. All of their efforts ultimately prove futile.

What occurs at the conclusion of the invalid's tale?

The decomposing Limburger cheese that Thompson and the narrator are smelling is actually the source of the odour. To help the narrator feel better, Thompson says that he has experience dealing with dead bodies. The narrator and Thompson are both given typhoid disease diagnoses at the conclusion of the story.

To know more about "foil" visit:


Which of these is the best reason for Nina to monitor her bank account statements online
or on her cell phone app?
O to know when her bills are due
• to determine the exact date she can retire
• to ensure she's paying her fair share in taxes
O to know how much money she has for budgeting


should be aware of her available funds for budgeting. Option (D) is right as a result.

What do u meant by a bank statement?

An official summary of all financial transactions made for each bank account that a person or business has with a financial institution within a specific time period is known as a bank statement.

These are financial institution-prepared statements that are numbered, specify the time period they cover, and may also include other information pertinent to the type of account, like the amount due by a specific date.

Typically, the statement period's start date is the day following the conclusion of the preceding statement period.

Details on a statement that has already been created and distributed to the customer are typically not changeable.

Learn more about Bank Statements, from :


I am giving brainliest to whoever can tell me which page numbers these four quotes are on in the novel 12 angry men.

Juror 9:

1) “I don’t think we’re trying to find out the truth here. We’re trying to decide on a verdict. That’s all.”

Juror 9:

2) “Im not saying he’s innocent, Im just saying we don’t know. We’re here to decide if he’s guilty or not, not to decide if he’s innocent.”

Juror 3:

3) “Im telling you he’s guilty! You can argue till you’re blue in the face but I tell you he’s guilty!”

Juror 3:

4) “You know what’s going on here? We’re talking ourselves into a hung jury! That’s what’s going on here.”

All you have to do is look through the book.


A quotation is the repetition of a sentence, phrase, or passage from speech or text that someone has said or written.

What is the meaning of the quotation?

The repetition of a phrase, sentence, or section from a speech or book is known as a quote. It is the expression of an utterance in an oral speech that is preceded by a quotative marker, such as a verb saying. John stated, "I saw Mary today," as an illustration.

Using someone else's precise words or statements as part of your writing is known as a direct quotation. • The first letter of something like the cited passage must be capitalized if it is a complete sentence. My sister said, "I need to do my schoolwork," as an example.

Learn more about the Quotation here:


Consider Anzaldúa's claim that alienation leads to inner conflict and a "dual identity" in those who are traditionally excluded by academic institutions (43). What causes this alienation, and how, according to Anzaldúa, does it predominantly affect people of color?


The sensation that you are not a part of a group or have no connection to those around you.

What is the meaning of alienation?

The term "alienation" refers to a certain type of psychological or social ailment, one that involves a problematic division between a self and an other that should be connected. When regarded in this way, alienation seems to play a big diagnostic or critical role, perhaps being cited as evidence that liberal societies and liberal political thought are in trouble. Theories of alienation often single out a portion of these problematic separations as being especially significant, and they then provide explanatory descriptions of the severity and prognosis of estrangement, as thus understood. Though not exclusively, the Hegelian and Marxist philosophical traditions are linked to discussions of alienation.

The core concept of alienation is made clear in the current entry.

To know more about alienation, check the link below:


Write a letter to the Deputy Vice Chancellors (DVC) of IPAM Identifying at least five issues (Problems) that effect freshmen / women and suggest a way by which they can be resolved. y​


Dear Deputy Vice Chancellors of IPAM,

I am writing to bring your attention to several important issues that are currently affecting freshmen and women at our university. I strongly believe that these can be addressed and resolved with the right resources and support.
First, there is a lack of adequate representation and resources for women in leadership roles. Many female students feel that they are not given enough opportunities and resources to reach their full potential and achieve their goals. To address this, we need to provide mentorship programs, internships and other resources that will help women pursue leadership roles. Second, there is a lack of affordable childcare options. This makes it difficult for women, especially mothers, to attend classes or participate in campus activities. To resolve this, we should focus on providing more financial aid and childcare services so that every student has access to quality childcare options. Third, there is a need for increased awareness about sexual harassment. Women on campus often feel unsafe due to a lack of knowledge about how to protect themselves. To ensure that all students feel safe, we should provide more education and support around sexual harassment. Fourth, there is a need for more access to mental health services. Women are often too embarrassed to seek help for mental health issues, yet these issues can have a major impact on their academic performance. To address this problem, we should provide more resources and support around mental health services. Finally, there is a need for more resources to support female entrepreneurship. Women are often put off starting businesses due to a lack of resources and access to capital. To help aspiring entrepreneurs, we should establish more funding sources and provide mentorship programs to help them succeed.

I hope you will consider my suggestions and work to create a better environment for all students on campus.

[Your Name]

Does his willingness to take risks make Vincent more or less perfect?


Taking risks can be beneficial for a person, as it allows them to try something new, explore different options, and potentially gain new skills or knowledge. In the case of Vincent from Gattaca, his willingness to take risks can be seen as a sign of his ambition and determination, which ultimately makes him more perfect in the eyes of the audience. His willingness to take risks also sets him apart from the other characters, as they tend to be more conservative and risk-averse. Ultimately, his willingness to take risks makes him more perfect, as it allows him to achieve his goals despite the odds.


Explanation: cus no

I WILL GIVE YOU 100 POINT PLEASEE, A student is reading a play in class. Their teacher tells the class to visualize what is happening, to imagine what it looks like on stage. In one to two sentences, applying visualization strategies, what are tips that can help the student visualize the play?


What advice would you give a pupil to help them visualize the play in one to two sentences using visualization techniques?

What is an example of visualizing?

What suggestions can you provide to assist the learner visualize the play in one or two words using visualization techniques?

To put it another way, visualizing is the process by which pupils make a movie in their minds as they read, according to Into the Book (2015). A pupil might conjure up a mental image of the dark and frightening forest, for instance, if they are reading a short novel about a character who ventured into it.

Making something visible includes, for example, being able to see or visualize: To try and visualize the issue, enact the radiographic visualization of (an inside organ or portion). the intransitive verb

Know more about sentences Visit:


Whats the correct answer answer asap for brainlist


The concrext clues show that when weaving text into a Literary Analysis, the type of quote is Sample is C. a quote woven into the syntax of the writer's own sentence structure

How to convey the information

It is important that we not only find the evidence to support the thesis of our literary analysis essay, but that we build it into our own sentence structure, our own syntax.

In this case, Ulrich initiates reconciliation between the two men by calling Zynaem his "neighbor" and saying he wants to "bury the old quarrel," asking if Zynaem would be his friend. Based on the information, the correct option is C.

Learn more about context clues on:


4. retired/he/50, /by/ will / turns/the/time/he/have​



By the time he turns 50, he will have retired.


Hope it helps! =D

Directions Find the adverb that modifies an adjective in the sentence and type that adverb in the blank
Those incredibly talented women led the company to success.


Answer: incredibly ( I think)

Explanation: it modifies talented

Why does Juror 10 get angry with Juror 8?


cause he slow!!! juror 10 has nothing to get angry for unless you didnt provide enough evidence to show why he was angry with juror 8

PLSSS HELP!!! due at 8pm

original poem about color. Use at least three of these devices (repetition, rhyme, rhythm, personification, simile, metaphor, hyperbole)



"The Colors of Life"

Color, oh color, so vivid and bright,

A rainbow of hues that fill up my sight.

Repetition of shades that dance in the air,

So lively and joyful, beyond compare.

Red like a rose, petals so bold,

A symbol of love, worth more than gold.

Personification of passion it brings,

So fiery and warm, it makes my heart sing.

Green like the grass, where children do play,

A symbol of growth, in a brand new day.

Metaphor of life, so fresh and so young,

Bringing us hope, with every new sung.

Blue like the sky, where birds do take flight,

A symbol of freedom, with wings to new height.

Hyperbole of vastness, so big and so wide,

It's a true work of art, for all to decide.

Color, oh color, so diverse and bright,

A rhyme of beauty, in every single sight.

So different and unique, yet all the same,

A rhythm of life, with endless new flame.


What’s the correct answer answer asap for brainlist RN


The citation used in the given passage to indicate situational irony is Option C, he observes "the older, wiser and better people... proved to be in error.

What is situational irony?

The third main category of irony is situational irony. Situational irony is the irony of something occurring in a totally unexpected manner. A literary device known as situational irony occurs when the opposite of what is expected occurs.

The situational irony, which is also frequently referred to as an irony of events, necessitates that one's expectations be disappointed. The result is usually unexpected, whether it is tragic or hilarious. Situational irony occurs when the result is the exact reverse of what was anticipated or utterly unexpected outcome. Situational irony is the outcome of a circumstance that does not go as planned, such as a baker who is allergic to flour.

To learn more about situational irony, visit:


The Other Wes Moore
Story Element Tracking Chart
SETTING: Where does this story take place? When does it take place?
Quotation [Include Speaker]
Paragraph Number
POINT OF VIEW: (You may write these on a separate sheet of paper if you want!)
1. What point of view does this story use? How do you know?

2. Is it consistent in its use of point of view? Are there any shifts?
3. If the point of view is that of one of the characters, does this character have any limitations that affect his/her interpretation of events or persons? Explain.
4. Does the author use point of view primarily to reveal or conceal? Explain.


The story takes place in various locations in the United States, including Baltimore, Maryland, the Bronx, New York, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The timeline of the story spans from the 1980s to the early 2010s.

What was the point of view?

The story primarily uses a third-person omniscient point of view, where the narrator has access to the thoughts and feelings of multiple characters.

The point of view is consistent throughout the story. Since the story primarily uses a third-person omniscient point of view, the limitations of individual characters' perspectives are not a significant factor. However, the author, Wes Moore, who is also a character in the story, may have his own biases and limitations that could affect his interpretation of events and persons.

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A particle is moving along the x-axis such that its position is given by x=3t-16t+8. Determine the velocity and acceleration of the particle at t=4s? At what time is the particle stationary? Read the article "Rewiring the Brain" by Kathiann M. Kowalski. The article describes the biological mechanisms that control how our brains adapt and respond to experiences throughout life.Write a response identifying what you found most interesting about the article. Address how you think plasticity has influenced your experience with something in your own life. You can use these questions to guide your thoughts as you write your response:Is there a fact about plasticity that stood out to you as particularly interesting? Why?How would you describe the importance of plasticity to the nervous system?Think of an experience or expectation in your own life that changed the way you thought about something. What was the change? who does antigone blame for her terrible misfortune? Use the Slope Formula to calculate the slope of a line with these two points. Find the slope of the line that passes through (1,9) and (4, 8). What is the most important internal control over cash? four students, tamika, arianys, jin, and mohal, line up one behind the other. how many different ways can they stand in line? An 8 month old infant is eating and suddenly begins to cough. The infant is unable to make any noise shortly after. You pick up the infant and shout for help. You have determined that the infant is responsive and choking with a severe airway obstruction. How do you relieve the airway obstruction?A. give sets of 5 back slaps and 5 chest thrustsB. give abdominal thrustsC. begin 2 thumb-encircling hands chest compressionsD. encourage the infant to cough this is the smallest unit of life and can grow, reproduce, and perform certain basic functions. what is the name of the knife that has a long, wide blade? how can changes in a population lead to new species? ~home edition model 1 - allopatric speciation geographic isolation is an isolating mechanism in nature. over long periods of time, it can lead to speciation. as the name suggests, geographic isolation is when populations of a species become separated geographically. this could also happen from the founder effect, where a small group breaks away from a larger population and establishes a group in an isolated area. isolation could also occur when a geographic event, like an earthquake or a landslide separates a population. once the populations are separated evolution can occur through multiple mechanisms. natural selection could act on each population, where some individuals have favorable traits for survival. genetic drift can occur, where genotypes become more common due to random chance. these mechanisms can lead to each subpopulation becoming so different, that they can no longer interbreed and are considered separate species. Determine whether the statement is true or false. 1. A census is a count of part of a population.. O True O False Which of the following principles emphasizes that actions should make the community as a whole better off? A. The Rights Principle B. The Fairness Principlec. The Common Good Principle. On th train vagon is the constant force=3200N his velocity goes from 2.4m/s to 5.6m/s while 2sek.Find m(weight) liquid water is more dense than ice because a. a liquid h 20 molecule has more mass than an ice h 20 molecule b. a chemical change occurs when ice melts that causes the mass of water to increase c. when ice melts there is an increase in the amount of water molecules d. there are a greater number of h 20 molecules per unit of volume in liquid water than ice what is the connection between conflict during the zhou dynasty and the rise of the hundred schools of thought? consider the following code segment. int count = 0; int number = 10; while (number > 0) { number = number / 2; count ; } what will be the value of count after executing the code segment? total up all of the B choices you selected on your test. what was your total a 70.0 kg person rides in an elevator while standing on a scale. the elevator is traveling downward and speeding up at a rate of 2.50 m/s2 . the reading on the scale is closest to pay level decisions have a significant impact on expenses. other things being equal, the higher the pay level, the higher the: If the trapezoid below is reflected across the x-axis, what are the coordinatesof B?