I need the answer for this because I kinda do need it

I Need The Answer For This Because I Kinda Do Need It


Answer 1
the answer is a and c

Related Questions

What was the main cause of the French and Indian War?
A. The French and Indians claimed the same land
B. The Indians wouldn't sell their land
C. The Indians and British claimed the same land
D. The French and British claimed the same land





because the french and the british claimed some of the same land in north america, the indian war started

it was fought between the french and the british with different indians (native americans) supporting both sides

d because they both wanted the same land and fought over it

Which of the following is NOT true about the Albany Plan of Union?It proposed the formation of a central government.It was not approved by any American colonies.It was written and presented by George Washington.It was a response to colonists’ concerns about land.


a code for the British colonies to declare independence from Britain.”

Who was the man who killed Alexander Hamilton?

(Lacers answer)



Aaron Burr

please mark me as brainiest

gypsum makes is good to use in material that needs to be bendable and flexible?

Question 3 options:


It's dullness.


It's softness.


It's cleavage.


It's streak

pls hurry asp


itsstreak or its softness

Someone plz help me :(






Neolithic Revolution


The Neolithic Revolution is also called the Agricultural Revolution. They learned to farm and grow their food. They also were hunters, but had done that before the revolution, along with gathering food. In addition to learning to farm, they also bred and domesticated animals that they had hunted (such as wild boar, and goats.) While this provided them with many new resources to use, (like meat, milk, pelt, etc.) and made farming easier, it also exposed them to disease.

However, they did live as nomads as well, but they had lived like that for their whole lives. Hope this helps!


How were the earliest farming communities formed in West Africa?


From 3000 BCE to 1000 BCE, the practice of farming spread across West Africa. These early farmers grew millet and sorghum (plants used for grain and fodder). Later, they began growing a special strain of rice native to Africa.


From 3000 BCE to 1000 BCE, the practice of farming spread across West Africa. These early farmers grew millet and sorghum (plants used for grain and fodder.

halloween is the ____ most commerically successful holiday?



Halloween is the first most commercally successful holiday

Explanation:but fow me this is so beautiful holiday when it's Halloween

Analyze: In what ways do you think by John Locke's ideas influenced the kind of government that we
have today?



casa. Completa las oraciones con el pronombre de objeto directo correcto, según el contexto.

1. Tu ropa está sucia. ¿Por qué no ____ lavas?

2. Ellos tienen muchos libros. ____ tienen en la estantería del despacho.

3. La casa de mi mamá tiene muchas ventanas, pero no ______ abre todos los días.

4. Profesora, Ud. debe usar la cochera. ¿ ______ve allí?

5. ¿Quieres ir al cine con nosotros? _____ llamamos antes de salir.



Multiple Choice Question
What marked the defeat of France in North America during the French and Indian War?
the British capture of Quebec and Montreal
the British victory on the Plains of Abraham
O the British capture of Fort Duquesne



The British capture of Quebec and Montreal.


please mark Brainlist

How were citizens of the United Sates affected by the knowledge that they were going to
war with their neighboring states?
And what type of conflicts did this cause within the United states


The knowledge that the country was going to war with its neighboring states can bring fear to the people.

War destroys families and communities. War also disrupts the development of the economic and social fabric of nations.

The effect of war includes psychological harm to children and adults and the reduction in human and material capital. Armed conflict can lead to forced migration, destruction of infrastructures, and deaths. All these resulted in the fear of the people.

Read related link on:


What encoraged mansa musa to take pilgrimage to mecca



His elaborate pilgrimage to the Muslim holy city of Mecca in 1324 introduced him to rulers in the Middle East and in Europe. ... Mansa Musa was knowledgeable in Arabic and was described as a Muslim traditionalist. He became the first Muslim ruler in West Africa to make the nearly four thousand mile journey to Mecca


its kinda easy UwU

What was an "act" (such as the
Intolerable Acts) in the late
1700s meant to serve as?
A. A declaration of war.
B. A business transaction.
C. An imposed tax.
D. A treaty between nations.





PLS HELP and answer right away I need it for tomorrow​


I believe it’s The Fertile Crescent
The Fertile Crescent is the correct answer I believe

Explain the differences between the geocentric theory of the universe and the heliocentric theory?



The main difference between the two models is the perceived center of the known universe. According to the geocentric model, Earth is the center of the known universe or the solar system. ... In comparison, the heliocentric model states that the Sun is the center of solar system and that all the planets orbit around it.

What do you think is the main purpose of the Declaration of Rights?



"The Virginia Declaration of Rights was drafted in 1776 to proclaim the inherent rights of men, including the right to reform or abolish "inadequate" government. It influenced a number of later documents, including the United States Declaration of Independence (1776) and the United States Bill of Rights (1789)" Wikipedia


The main purpose was to keep the government in check and protect our rights. It paved the way for crucial documents, such and the Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights.

How did Enlightenment philosophy affect government, society, and the arts?



The enlightenment had effects on, Education, Religion, and Women.

Education: The renaissance and the scientific revolution influenced education during the Enlightenment. For example, the study of classics subjects. This means that they studied Philosophy and literature. Application of reasoning to study. means applying a reason to their study. Publications by philosophers spread knowledge. Which means the creation of encyclopedias and the development of scientific institutions.

Religion: Enlightenment thinkers began to pursue secularism. They questioned the role of the church in government and the daily lives of individuals. They called on people to use reason to explain the world around them. They also were pretty fond of supporting freedom in religion. Enlightenment ideas influenced the framers of the Constitution of the United States. The First Amendment to the US Constitution calls for the freedom of religion and the separation of church and state. In “Notes of the State of Virginia” by Thomas Jefferson, it says “The rights of conscience we never submitted, we could not submit. We are answerable for them to our God. The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as injurious to others. But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg . . . . Reason and free inquiry are the only effectual agents again error.

(didn't have women in my notes. Sozz)

The answer is above my comment please go check it out :)))

How did the Puritans influence the development of the Massachusetts Bay Colony?


Answer:The morals and ideals held by Puritans between 1630 and 1670 influenced the social development of the colonies by putting into practice a series of rules


brainliest plzzzzz

how did the custom of dressing up in costumes start



ancient Celtic festival (Samhain)


People lit bonfires and wore costumes to keep away ghosts. Pope Gregory made November 1 All Saints Day which took on some of the Samhain traditions.

Which action represents an individual exercising a constitutional right?

Summary judgement

Quartering soldiers

Civil disobedience

Double jeopardy



i think is answer A, am not sure but i think is that one


How did the Nazis use the concentration camp system throughout World War II?



They build


They build to proctect them self this dont make any sence

If an observer sees Polaris at 66° 33", he would most likely be standing _________.

1. in Australia
2. at the South Pole
3. in the Bahamas
4. at the Equator
5. in northern Russia
6. in Virginia


When someone is standing in Northern Russia (option 5) Polaris is going to be at 66 °

Polaris is the name of a star that marks the north celestial pole. The entire northern sky rotates around it.

Polaris is also used as a geographical location point on earth to know at what North latitude a person is located.

To know the location, you have to point with one arm towards the northern horizon and with the other arm point to the Polaris star.The angle that forms between your arms will be your latitudinal location in the Northern Hemisphere.

Therefore, if a person is located in Northern Russia (option 5) Polaris will be at 66° 33" because from there the angle of his arms will be 66°.

Learn more in: https://brainly.com/question/1383547

What was Alexander Hamilton's argument over George Washington's Proclamation of Neutrality in the War between France and Great Britain?

Pick one of the answers below



Yes it


Alexander started the argument and it got out of hand

What belongs in the empty box to complete the cause-and-effect diagram?
a. Development of farming
b. Expansion of freedoms
c. Rise in prosperity
d. Increase in attacks



developement of farming


Need the answer for this



your answer is C.  a place to sell finished goods


What are 5 reasons for imperialism?

#1 ECONOMIC. The Industrial Revolution encouraged Imperialism: Factories needed raw materials & colonies provided these AND a market for the goods made.

#2 POLITICAL. -To protect. ...

#3 MILITARY. National Security-to. ...

#4 CULTURAL. Social Darwinism- strongest society will.


Think about the events listed below. Decide whether each event was more or less democratic.


Based on Democratic ideals and principles, the following events are:

Eighteenth Amendment: this is considered undemocratic.

This is because it is the amendment that forbids the intake of alcohol in the United States. It deprived individuals of what to eat or drink. It was later repealed.

Nineteen Amendment: this is considered democratic.

This is because it guarantees the rights of women to vote in the United States. It prohibits any state from denying eligible citizens the chance to vote on account of gender.

Muckrakers: this is considered democratic.

This is because Muckrakers are a group of writers who focus on revealing or exposing the problems of America. This is freedom of speech.

The Square deal: this is considered democratic.

This is because the Square Deal promotes the conservation of natural resources, control of corporations, and consumer protection. This deal serves as means to protect the citizens and their environment.

The Spoils System: this is considered Undemocratic.

This is because Spoils System is a system whereby the government executives reward their loyalist juicy positions and works in their government. It is a biased system of governance, hence, undemocratic.

Relocation of American Indians: this is considered undemocratic.

The relocation of American Indians to reservations is undemocratic because the decision to relocate them is not supported by the American Indians and often is against their wishes.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that there are events in the history of America that are undemocratic.

Learn more here: https://brainly.com/question/5459431

place the parts of human circulatory from highest to lowest degree of internal organization system in order from highest to lowest degree



cell, tissue, organ and system.


Cell, tissue, organ, and system. The parts of the human circulatory from highest to lowest degree of the internal organization system in order from highest to lowest degree.

What is the meaning of Organ?

The organ is a keyboard instrument used to produce tones in music. It may have one or many pipe divisions. The majority of organs include a pedalboard and two to three manuals, with a maximum of five, for playing with the hands. Registers allow many groups of pipes to be connected to a single manual.

In biology, an organ is a group of tissues that collectively form a functional unit that is specialized to carry out a certain function (the Latin word "organum" means an instrument or tool). Your kidneys, lungs, and heart are a few examples of organs. A bodily portion that serves a particular purpose. The heart is an example of an organ.

The cardiovascular system is the first organ system to form during organogenesis.

Learn more about the Organ here:



The area of the Balkan countries is frequently plagued by ethnic conflict that generates _____ among the nations.




The ethnic tension almost always causes Conflict

How much did Italy change after WW1?
If you can put the information in bullet points and cite the sources that you have used.
I give crown


Italy’s entrance into World War I on the side of Britain, France and Russia in May 1915 had been based on the Treaty of London, signed the previous month, in which the Allies promised Italy post-war control over a good deal of territory. This included the land along Italy’s border with the Austro-Hungarian Empire, stretching from Trentino through the South Tyrol to the city of Trieste (an area of historic dispute between Italy and Austria); parts of Dalmatia and numerous islands along Austria-Hungary’s Adriatic coast; the Albanian port city of Vlore (Italian: Valona) and a central protectorate in Albania; and territory from the Ottoman Empire. When Orlando and Sonnino arrived in Paris in 1919, they regarded the Treaty of London as a solemn and binding agreement, and expected its terms to be carried out and Italy to be rewarded for its participation alongside the victorious Allies.

The leaders of Britain and France, for their part, deeply regretted making such promises; they viewed Italy with annoyance, feeling the Italians had botched their attacks on Austria-Hungary during the war, failed to honor their naval promises and repeatedly asked for resources which they then failed to put towards the war effort. The American president, Woodrow Wilson, felt even more strongly that Italy’s demands could not be met, as they violated the self-determination of other nationalities—particularly South Slav or Yugoslav peoples—living in the territories in question.

Negotiations over Italy’s demands, planned to last six days, opened on April 19, 1919, in Paris. Tensions flared immediately, as Orlando and Sonnino held firm in the face of fierce resistance from the other leaders, warning of civil war in Italy—driven by an increasingly radical movement of right-wing nationalists—if the country did not receive what it had been promised. On April 23, Wilson published a statement arguing that the Treaty of London must be set aside and reminding Italy that it should be satisfied with receiving the territory of the Trentino and the Tyrol, where the majority of the population was Italian. A day later, Orlando and Sonnino left Paris and returned to Rome, where they were met with a frenzied demonstration of patriotism and anti-Americanism. In a speech before the Italian parliament, Orlando urged his people to stay calm and stated that Italy’s claims were based on such high and solemn reasons of right and justice that they ought to be recognized in their integrity. The rabid nationalists, led by the charismatic poet and playwright Gabriele D’Annunzio, held meetings throughout the country, bitterly disparaging the Allied leaders—especially Wilson—and hinting at war if Italy’s demands were not met.

In Paris, the Italian departure threatened the entire conference, as the delegation from Germany was scheduled to arrive soon to receive their terms. The secretariat of the conference began combing the draft of the German treaty to remove all references to Italy, even as the Italian government and the other Allies struggled to find a way for Italy to return to the negotiations. After a delegation from Austria was invited to Paris and slated to arrive in the middle of May, the Italians realized their position was worsening. Meanwhile, Wilson and the U.S. were promising Italy a much-needed $25 million credit; Britain and France believed this offer would free them from their obligations in the Treaty of London, and hopes of a better compromise were beginning to fade for Orlando and his compatriots. On May 5, it was announced that Orlando and Sonnino were returning to Paris and the secretariat began to add the Italian references back in to the German treaty by hand.

In the final Treaty of Versailles, signed in June, Italy received a permanent seat on the League of Nations, the Tyrol and a share of the German reparations. Many Italians were bitterly disappointed with their post-war lot, however, and conflict continued over Fiume, a port city in Croatia in which Italians made up the largest single population, and other territories in the Adriatic. In the fall of 1919, D’Annunzio and his supporters seized control of Fiume, occupying it for 15 months in defiance of the Italian government and making interminable nationalist speeches. Resentment of Britain, France and the United States continued to simmer, along with wounded Italian pride and ambitious dreams of future greatness—all emotions that would later be harnessed to devastating effect by the fascist leader Benito Mussolini

You can choose the lines which you find easier

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Which one of these things did NOT happen on July 4, 1776?A)The Continental Congress made the final changes to the Declaration of Independence.B)The Continental Congress approved the Declaration of Independence.C)The Liberty Bell rang to announce the first public reading of the Declaration of Independence.D)John Hancock signed the Declaration of Independence.





The president can influence members of congress and how they vote on a bill by____?



Threatening a veto i think


if wrong pls forgive me

mark me brainliest if im right

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