How did the Mongol Empire affect Islam?


Answer 1


The Mongol dynasty's relation to Islam, in particular, had tremendous impact on China's relations with the outside world. ... They recruited a number of Persian doctors to China to establish an Office for Muslim Medicine, and the result was even greater contact between West Asia and East Asia.


Related Questions

Based on this graph, how many apartments are property owners willing to rent out at $520?


5 of them are going to be rented out


Post Test: Government


Question #8

Based on this graph, how many apartments are property owners willing to rent out at $520?


Guess which one and then go to explanation


A. 15

B. 20

C. 25

D. 52

E. 58


I took the test and this answer is 100% it


Answer: C. 25

I hope this helped

Also here's a picture of the answer




Which of the following statements about early European explorers is NOT true?

A: It was important to explorers that people uneducated in Christmas ways were taught to follow the ways of the church

B: Prestige, respect, or recognition for being the first or best at something was not a major reason for exploration

C: One of the main reasons for exploration was finding metals, such as gold and silver, which are rarer in europe than in other parts of the world

D: Wanting to know more about the sea and learning about the world were huge reasons for exploration



I think the answer is D

I an not completely sure but I'm positive that it is.

What was required for a southern state to re-enter the union under president johnson



To gain admittance to the Union, Congress required Southern states to draft new constitutions guaranteeing African-American men the right to vote. The constitutions also had to ratify the Fourteenth Amendment, which granted African Americans equal protection under the law.


Answer:As Southern states applied for readmission to the Union, they were required to submit state constitutions that ratified the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments. Grant also kept soldiers in the former Confederacy


Who of the following was a prominent advocate for african american civil rights and argued that a tenth of educated blacks should develop new strategy for the twentieth century


who are the ones listed?

Which of the following was NOT a belief that was central to Jacksonian Democrats?

a) expanding US borders to the Pacific

b) a hands-off approach to the US economy

c) increased voting rights among white males

d) the necessity of establishing a national bank


D. The necessity of establishing a national bank

Match the definition to the term.

1. Franklin Roosevelt
led slaves to freedom
2. Ben Franklin
invented the electric light bulb
3. Harriet Tubman
was elected US president four times
4. Thomas A. Edison
wrote the Declaration of Independence
5. Thomas Jefferson
US Ambassador during the Revolutionary War


Thomas Edison invented the electric light bulb

Harriet Tubman lead the slaves to freedom

Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence.

Ben Franklin assisted in the draft for the Declaration of independence but he is known for being the US ambassador for the revolutionary war

Franklin D Roosevelt was elected president four times
Hope this helps :)

Read the information below. Then answer the following question(s).
For over 150 years, the state of Virginia operated an all-male college called the Virginia Military Institute (VMI). In 1990,
the United States government sued the state of Virginia at the request of a female high school student seeking admission to
VMI. The Supreme Court ruled that VMI had to admit women who could meet the physical and other requirements,

Which of these statements best explains the reason for the decision in this case?

Public colleges cannot discriminate on the basis of gender.

Publlc colleges must have minimum standards for admission.

A military institution cannot discriminate based on physical ability

State schools must admit a majority of the people who apply for admission




Public colleges cannot discriminate on the basis of gender is the statement which best explains the reason for the decision in this case.

Public colleges set their standards of admission which should be applicable on all students irrespective of their gender. The minimum or maximum standards of admission depends upon the Nation, State, and college management policies. A military institution cannot discriminate over physical ability but can keep a benchmark on which all the participants for admission must lie. State schools cannot admit all people who apply for admission but can admit those who satisfy the admission needs. The Supreme court decision here suggests that public colleges cannot discriminate on the basis of gender the military school was considered to be male college but to remove gender based discrimination the Supreme court suggested that those women who satisfy the admission needs by showing physical abilities can also get the admission.

Hence, public colleges cannot discriminate on the basis of gender is the statement which best explains the reason for the decision in this case.

Learn more about Supreme Court:


In looking at the impact of the bombing of Hiroshima, if you had to make the decision, would you
have used the atomic bomb during World War II? Explain your reason.



We have to look at this from the government's point of view. Truman wanted to prevent Japan from participating in the current wars. What he did was for the best of our nation, and most likely others. Japan had the Imperial Japanese Army, with 51 divisions and special purpose artillery, cavalry, anti-aircraft, and armored units with a whopping 1,700,000 people. That was only 1941, by 1945 there were 6 million soldiers in the IJA. They were a force to be feared. And Truman felt threatened and acted out to protect America. So I believe his actions were reasonable, though it resulted in the death of more than 80,000 people. There were rumors that Truman attempted to warn the great cities before they were destroyed.

I really hope this helps you, even if only a little...!

1. Who was America fighting in the War of 1812? What pulled them into the war?



In 1812, the US fought Great Britain.

From June 18, 1812, through February 17, 1815, the 2 nations fought over British violations of U.S. maritime rights.


Hope this helps! Have a good night/day

Answer: The United States declared war against Great Britain due to multiple disputes that included trade restrictions against the United States, the capture of American sailors and the support of Native American tribes fighting against American settlers.


. If God calls you to be His servant in this time of pandemic, what would be your respond to His call? Will you say yes or no to His call? If so, what will you do? If not, why?


Absolutely. We have servants we were blessed with as well. Our mothers, our fathers, our loved ones who help us with our everyday needs. God blessed us with life, I would most definitely respond yes to his call. With that being said, there are thousands of people needing help in this pandemic. There wouldn’t be a doubt or question in my mind to say no to him when he’s given us so many yes’s.

Depends on keeping soils in good condition, we're likely master this challenge in the
long run. Whether this will be done in a way equitable to all people around the globe,
remains an open question.


Food safety is important because it is the only way to guarantee food for all people.

Food safety is a term to refer to

Access to food sufficiently and stably.Physical and economic access to food.The biological use of food

Food security is important because it allows everyone to have access to daily food. In addition, for countries, it is an index to know their development (the ability to feed their citizens)

Food safety problems are:

InequityLoss of soil

Note: This question is incomplete. Here is the complete question:

Given that food security depends on keeping soils in good condition, we're likely to master this challenge in the long run. Whether this will be done in a way equitable to all people around the globe, remains an open question.

Learn more in:

What civil liberties case determined that students' symbolic speech is
protected by the First Amendment?
A. Gideon v. Wainwright
B. Miranda v. Arizona
C. Hazelwood School District V. Kuhlmeier
D. Tinker . Des Moines


D civil is my spalty trust m
D is the answer for this

explain how a lobbyist might try to influence the government in at least 3 ways



I don't know the answer:

Which country established a representative government in Virginia and what does it mean to have one



The Roman Republic

What impact did the alliance in Europe have on WWI


Como resultado del conflicto se disolvió el Imperio austrohúngaro, se repartió el Imperio otomano entre las potencias vencedoras, se creó una Polonia independiente, Alemania asumió el coste de la guerra, se creó la Sociedad de Naciones y Rusia se convirtió en la Unión Soviética por el camino.

Question 1
Which of the following is not a type of war?
1 Declared war
2 War of conquest
3 Total war
4 None of the above
5 All of the above



none of the above....I think




The Hammurabi code of laws, a collection of 282 rules, established standards for commercial interactions and set fines and punishments to meet the requirements of justice. Hammurabi's Code was carved onto a massive, finger-shaped black stone stele (pillar) that was looted by invaders and finally rediscovered in 1901.

city state: city-state, a city that with its surrounding territory forms an independent state.

Babylonia: Babylonia was a state in ancient Mesopotamia. The city of Babylon, whose ruins are located in present-day Iraq, was founded more than 4,000 years ago as a small port town on the Euphrates River. It grew into one of the largest cities of the ancient world under the rule of Hammurabi.

Mesopotamia: Mesopotamia is a historical region of Western Asia situated within the Tigris–Euphrates river system, in the northern part of the Fertile Crescent. It occupies the area of present-day Iraq, and parts of Iran, Kuwait, Syria, and Turkey. 

Cuneiform: Cuneiform is a type of writing that was used in ancient Mesopotamia and Persia. ... From the shape of the characters, we get the adjective cuneiform, which means "wedge-shaped," like a cuneiform platter. Cuneiform also describes wedge-shaped bones, like those found in the lower leg.

Stele: A Stele is a stone or wooden slab, generally taller than it is wide, erected in the ancient world as a monument. The surface of the stele often has text, ornamentation, or both.

hope ur happy with this :)

Explaining How did two brothers, Cyril and Methodius, succeed in bringing Christianity to the
Slavs, people who lived in Eastern Europe (t/f)


Cyril and Methodius, were two missionaries, brothers from Thessaloniki, who popularized Christianity among the Slavic peoples.
Such was their influence that they are now known as the “Apostles to the Slavs”. When Cyril returned to Constantinople, he taught philosophy at the University.

Which U.S. Senator from Vermont changed the balance of power in the Senate by leaving the Republican Party and becoming an Independent?



Jim Jeffords


Took the test

What was the Model Parliament, and why was it created?



Found this on g00gle have a good night or day lol:))


Who was the first African American to serve in Congress?
Frederick Douglass
Blanche Bruce
Hiram Revels
Robert Smalls


The correct option is C. Hiram Revels was the first African American to serve in Congress.

There have been 11 African Americans who have held Senate positions to date. The first African American senator was Hiram Revels of Mississippi, who was elected in 1870.

Who was Hiram Rhodes Revels and what did he do?

In 1870, Hiram Revels of Mississippi was elected as the first African American senator. Revels, an African Methodist Episcopal minister who was born in North Carolina in 1827, attended Knox College in Illinois before moving to Baltimore, Maryland, to serve the church.

Revels promoted desegregation on the railroads and in the classrooms during his tenure. After leaving the Senate in 1871, Revels took the helm of the newly founded African American institution of higher learning Alcorn Agricultural and Mechanical College in the vicinity of Lorman, Mississippi.

Thus, The right answer is C. Hiram Revels, the first African American to hold a congressional office.

Learn more about Hiram Revels here:


4. How does each branch check the other?


Maintaining a balance of power between them. If the legislative branch passes a law, the president can veto it, or the judicial branch can rule it unconstitutional.

I hope I help you!!

I agree with the answer that the first user put!

What types of behavior was a tribal leader supposed to avoid in the Great Binding Law, and what two things were they supposed to do or focus on? How can the United States leaders learn from this old law today?




“Each individual must have a strong sense of justice, must treat people as equals and must enjoy equal protection under the Great Law.”

Which statement is true in the context of early European exploration?
a. The voyage of Christopher Columbus was sponsored by Portugal.
b. The Treaty of Tordesillas was signed between Spain and Portugal.
A Line of Demarcation divided Europe into two zones.
d. Christopher Columbus was the one who gave the Americas that name.


b. The Treaty of Tordesillas was signed between Spain and Portugal.

what happened to the men that surrendered at the battle of coleto



After being outnumbered and surrendering to Mexican forces at the Battle of Coleto Creek, Colonel Fannin and nearly all his 344 men were executed soon afterward at Goliad, Texas, under Santa Anna's orders for all rebels to be executed.


Why did abolitionist John Brown want to capture the military arsenal at Harper's Ferry?
O to sell weapons to native tribes in the Plains
O to continue his raids on proslavery settlements in Kansas
O to recruit followers to take control of the government
O to provide weapons for slaves who joined his movement



Brown's daring attack on the federal military armory was meant to provoke a slave revolt. On October 16, 1859, militant abolitionist John Brown launched a small attack on the United States military armory in Harpers Ferry, Virginia, with the aim of sparking a slave insurrection and eventually establishing a free state for African Americans.


Hope this helps! Please Mark Brainliest!


if its talking abt the weapon arsenal then - O to provide weapons for slaves who joined his movement

if the question means the raid at Harper's Ferry in general - O to continue his raids on proslavery settlements in Kansas

What advantage did the British have during the American Revolution?

1. more soldiers and guns

2. more familiarity with the terrain

3. more efficient in getting supplies to their army

4. more belief in their cause



A. More soldiers and guns.


**Their soldiers were well equipped, well disciplined, well paid, and well fed.**

**The British navy dominated the seas. Funds were much more easily raised by the Empire than by the Continental Congress.**

**Some of those funds were used to hire Hessian mercenaries to fight the Americans.**

Hope this helps <3

Pretend you are working as a historian or news producer, your boss asks you
summarize the map in one or two sentences. Summarize the map by explaining
the area shown with the disposition of religions.


Answer: Why read literature? To many of us, that question seems as strange as asking “why breathe?” Literature has been part of our life, family, school,

and community for as long as we can remember. Of course, there are those who

argue that what today’s students need is preparation for the “real world,” but in the

push for practical university and workplace preparedness we sometimes overlook

the importance of educating students’ imaginations. Literature offers windows to

worlds outside students’ experience as well as mirrors onto the world they already

know. Literature also prepares students for the personal challenges and moral

dilemmas they are likely to face. How better to refl ect on the demands of contemporary life than to study William Wordsworth’s “The World Is Too Much with Us”

alongside Nathalie Handal’s “Caribe in Nueva York”? And does not the proffered

wisdom of William Shakespeare, Emily Dickinson, Seamus Heaney, and Rita Dove

provide important preparation for surviving and thriving in this complex world?

Literary analysis is an intellectual discipline that hones students’ thinking by

requiring them to probe a text deeply and analyze the means that writers employ

to achieve their effects. Along with preparing students for the rigors of an

Advanced Placement* exam, learning how to analyze text and articulate a perspective prepares students for life, both in academia and in the workplace. This

preparation and exploration are what we hope to achieve in Literature & Composition by specifi cally targeting the skills and habits of mind that are the keys to

success in an Advanced Placement Literature course.  


A standing army is one that is

available only in times of war.
permanent and available at all times.
available only after the harvests have been collected.
independent from the government.



parmanent and available at all times


the army will be there for you when you need it


B.) permanent and available at all times.


I need help asap !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



The second one isn't equivalent, and the first one is.



I agree.


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