how did the collapse of the western roman empire affect western europe?


Answer 1

Answer: ( give brainliest)


Europe lost its sense of unity; trade slowed, towns emptied, learning declined, invaders swept through the region. ... Clovis conquered Gaul in 486, Charlemagne built an empire stretching across France, Germany, and part of Italy.

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Let's add it all up together



Thayer Hall was made from ___________, quarried right here on campus.


You don’t have any answer choices on here .

how was slavery the instutuion of slavery not benifical



Slavery played the central role during the American Civil War. The primary catalyst for secession was slavery, especially Southern political leaders' resistance to attempts by Northern antislavery political forces to block the expansion of slavery into the western territories.

Why is slavery wrong?

Slavery increases total human unhappiness.

The slave-owner treats the slaves as the means to achieve the slave-owner's ends, not as an end in themselves.

Slavery exploits and degrades human beings.

What was writing and record-keeping like in ancient India


Writing came to India rather late, compared to the fascinating developments of philosophy and higher thought. And ever after the introduction of writing, without the advent of printing,record keeping was not easy. Most of the ancient knowledge came downthrough oral traditions and rote memory. Indians produced people and methods with fantastic memories called Sutradhars, I believe. And they had tremendous twchniques (sutras) to aid the memories, like the Brahmasutras. Writing came to India rather late, compared to the fascinating developments of philosophy and higher thought. And ever after the introduction of writing, without the advent of printing,record keeping was not easy. Most of the ancient knowledge came downthrough oral traditions and rote memory. Indians produced people and methods with fantastic memories called Sutradhars, I believe. And they had tremendous twchniques (sutras) to aid the memories, like the Brahmasutras.

What addiction helped to bring down the Shang dynasty?


Answer: The Zhou conquerors claimed to overthrow the Shang Dynasty for moral reasons. They said that the Shang king was evil and that heaven no longer wanted him to rule. They blamed the Shang's downfall on its king's excessive drinking, indulgent lifestyle, and immoral behavior.


List 5 community events that Germany has in the year 1920/1930s.



Kristallnacht is the only one i could think of


What is the preamble?




A preamble is an introduction to a document that describes the documents purpose.


The preamble is everyone known as an American (America first)

A more perfect union as it would be reflected today

Provide for the common defense today (department of defense). The promotion of the general welfare (department of education). Secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity. Bill of Rights, additional rights, defines citizenship, and voting rights for all citizens over 18 years old. It defends the nation to secure rights.

The preamble reflected today

united as a country

strong justice system making sure rights are not violated

federal agencies that keep the peace, military and homeland security, federal agencies provide public services and maintaining rights, voting, and teaching future generations.

The constitution: 

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.


I just got it right on edge!! make me brainliest if you don't  mind :)

sorry it's late lol just posting it for people who search this and need to copy and paste :) have a wonderful day!

Which of the following factors represents the most significant
cause of the growth of cities in Afro-Eurasia in the period

A: Increased interregional trade

B: Decreased agricultural

C: Climate change

D: Increased invasions


Answer: A increased interregional trade


Increased interregional trade represents the most significant cause of the growth of cities in African-Eurasian in the period 1000-1450. Hence, option A is appropriate.

What led to Europe's economy in African-Eurasian from 1000-1450 A.D.?

The commerce of that portion became very much stagnant and came to a halt during the period of the end of the Han dynasty in China. Also with the fall of the Roman Empire European economy also came to a halt. Increased interregional trade like the trade of tobacco, opium, and handcrafted items also helped.

The major portion of this trade also came in with the increased trading routes along the region. African-Eurasian gradually started to gain its foothold by the beginning of the Silk Roads. Thus, by bringing all the commercial routes. Hence option A is correct.

Learn more about African-Eurasian from 1000-1450 A.D. here:


Where was the “arsenal for democracy”?



"Arsenal of democracy" refers to the collective efforts of American industry in supporting the Allies, which efforts tended to be concentrated in the established industrial centers of the U.S., such as Detroit, Cleveland, Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh, and other places.


Hope it helps

Peace out

^^ ^-^ :) ;) ~-~

describe the cultural impacts of the conflicts between the U.S and Native American Indians during the 1800s


The confrontations, known as the American Indian Wars, involving Indigenous people, the English, French, Spanish, and United States Army, and resulted in huge Native American population and tribal land losses, as well as the forcible evacuation of survivors to reservations.

Both sides suffered severe casualties, with Native Americans losing thousands of people to fighting, disease, slavery, or fleeing to other areas. During the fight, almost 600 colonists were killed, and dozens of towns were destroyed.

What were the consequences of the American Indian wars for the Native American population?

Thornton estimates that the Choctaws lost 15% of their population during removal, the Creeks and Seminoles lost about 50% of their populations as a result of war and removal, and the Cherokee lost an estimated 4,000 out of 16,000 people during their relocation to Indian Territory in the late 1830s along the infamous "Trail of Tears."

Thornton thinks that the Cherokee experienced a net loss of 10,000 people when indirect losses are included in (Thornton, 1984, 1987).

Learn more about the American Indian Wars:

If you want to write a paper in which you explain the political system of the U.S.A., which of the following text structures would you use?


The correct answer is expository narrative, descriptive and persuasive wouldn’t nearly as much fit in this situation or even at all

Pull factors are


reasons to leave a place

B pieces of culture that spread from place to place


reasons to go to a new place

forces that make a person move involuntarily


reasons to go to a new place :)
D. Reasons to go to a new place
Explantation: Pull factor is a geography phrase that is utilized to define factors that captivates people to a region, religion, organization, etc. Oppostite to push factor.

Which dynasty is believed to have lived before
the Shang?



The Yin dynasty (Chinese: Shang dynasty; Pinyin: Shāng cháo), historically known as the Yin dynasty (Yīndài), was formed in the 2nd millennium BC of the Xia dynasty and was a Chinese dynasty followed by the Zhou dynasty.

2. Samuel Adams and the radical Sons of Liberty were desperately looking for another Boston Massacre-
type event to catalyze American resistance. The Tea Act provided just such an opportunity.
When three tea-laden cargo ships landed in Boston Harbor, Sam Adams led a group of 150 colonists
dressed as Mohawk Indians to the docks. The men boarded the ships, smashed the crates and dumped
tea into the water. By the end of the night, the Boston Tea Party had destroyed $70,000 worth of British
tea. It was a powerful message to the British. King George of England took it to be an act of defiance.
"The die is now cast. he told his prime minister. The colonies must either submit or triumph."
What is the purpose of the underlined sentences in the passage?
A. to explain the king's relationship to his B. to support the claim that King George didn't
prime minister
care about the Boston Tea Party or the
colonists in America
C. to hint that the Boston Tea Party was going
to set off a larger conflict between the
colonies and England
D. to provide a detail about the type of board
games King George liked to play





Die is cast refers to game.  George thought like a chess match, his move was to commence on a larger program of total world domination (submission by colonies)

Why would you not expect to find many steep hills in far East Texas?



East Texas is mostly Prarie.

how did mexicans use labor unions to improve their working lives



In the early twentieth century, in order to facilitate Mexico’s dramatic postwar economic growth, labor unions in Mexico accepted wage increases that did not exceed productivity gains. This helped reduce the effect of inflation, but fell short of the gains many workers hoped to achieve through their organizations.


if this helped you plz mark brainliest

Can someone please help me with this question?

Some historians argue that immigration contributed to economic development during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. How did the government’s policies on immigration influence economic development?



The researchers believe the late 19th and early 20th century immigrants stimulated growth because they were complementary to the needs of local economies at that time. Low-skilled newcomers were supplied labor for industrialization, and higher-skilled arrivals helped spur innovations in agriculture and manufacturing.


This is me!
De 1. Get a piece of paper and a pen.
2.Doodle for a minute without thinking. Just feel free to do it in whatever direction. 3. After a minute, try to draw a square, rectangle, circle, and triangle at the back of the paper Processing Questions 1. How do you compare the two activities? 2. What did you feel when you were doodling and drawing figures? 3. Between the two activities, what needs certain control or discipline? Why do you think so?​


After following the instructions, these are my comments.

I doodle for a minute without thinking, following my instincts and feeling free to draw in any direction. Then I draw a square at the back of the paper

1. I compare the two activities in that they allow me to simply express my creativity by following my instinct.

2. What I felt when I was doodling and drawing figures was the following.

It made me express myself like never before.I was not restricted to following strict instructions. I felt very creative to just draw what I wanted.

3. Between the two activities, what I think needs certain control or discipline:

is when you have to heed instructions in order to get to a determined result.

Otherwise, it is very important to be free to be creative

I conclude that true expression comes from creativity, not from a set of instructions or restrictions.

Freely expressing yourself is a true mark of creativity.

Learn more about this topic here:

ok then that not really a question but okie dokie

What type of government was established at the Constitutional Convention?

federal system


Constitutional Monarchy

question attempt #6


The answer is federal government. I hope this helps and please mark me brainliest!




what entertainments are denied to the salem puritans



Dancing and Witchcraft


What was the MOST significant impact of the Committees of Correspondence in the late colonial period?

a.They allowed colonial governors and legislatures to communicate with each other quickly in order to avert crises following the passage of new laws.

b.They presented an alternative to violent resistance to the laws so that colonists could claim the moral advantage in their disputes with Britain.

c.They controlled the newspapers and therefore how acts of resistance and the British response to such acts were reported to the public.

d.They organized many colonists who were unhappy with the political situation into more effective groups of resistance.


Answer: They organized many colonists who were unhappy with the political situation into more effective groups of resistance. So, the answer is D


Question about Stephen Austin letter


What is your question? By the way, I just did an assignment over this lol, so whatever questions you have I’m almost positive I can answer.

Explain how militarism shaped and affected politics, economics, and society in Germany to 1914. How Democratic and representative was the German government during this period?


ok i am doing


Do you believe that Lincoln possessed the power to free the slaves in the seceded states? Why or why not?



Hello There!!


I believe the answer is yes because he wasn't recognising them. Also, that he was president of the United States and commander-in-chief.

hope this helps,have a great day!!


Lincoln believed that the South should be:

A.punished harshly and made to suffer for their part in the Civil War.

B.rebuilt as a productive part of the Union.

C.permanently made a separate country.

D.taxed at a higher rate for 5 years to repay war debts.





I think this is the correct answer, pls correct me if I am wrong.

How do you think the French people felt about the restoration of the pre-revolutionary government?



They were thoroughly enraged. They felt like they had moved beyond Absolutist monarchical rule and would not readily submit to another overbearing king. There were revolutions in France in 1830, 1832, and 1848 against the monarchs when they flexed their absolutist muscle.


when was the titanic supposed to arrive in new york?



The Titanic would have docked in New York on Wednesday morning, April 17, 1912, at White Star Line's Pier 60 had it not sunk.


Hope this helps! :D


he supposed to dock at the Pier 59 by April 17, 1912

List five issues facing modern medical researchers today.



Costs and expenses

Consumer experience.

Delivery system transformation.

Data and analytics.

Consumer data access

what is the heart of the first commandment how do we keep it



The heart of the First Commandment is "I am the Lord, your God; you shall not have strange gods before me." We keep this by having faith, hope, and love in him.



I am the Lord, your God; you shall not have strange gods before me." We keep this by having faith, hope, and love in him.


keep your priorities in check.

Im not sure if that's what your asking but umm good luck

why did women push for reforms?​


Women became leaders in a range of social and political movements from 1890 through 1920. ... Progressive reformers wanted to end political corruption, improve the lives of individuals, and increase government intervention to protect citizens. The suffrage movement was part of this wave of Progressive Era reforms.

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