homocysteine is an amino acid in the blood that is thought to dissolve plaques and help clear blocked arteries. True or False


Answer 1

It is false that homocysteine is an amino acid in the blood that is thought to dissolve plaques and help clear blocked arteries.

Homocysteine is a -amino acid that is not proteinogenic. It is a homologue of the amino acid cysteine, with the exception of an extra methylene bridge. It is produced by removing the terminal C methyl group from methionine.

Homocysteine can contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease through a variety of ways, including its negative effects on vascular endothelium and smooth muscle cells, which result in changes in preclinical artery structure and function. The body's intricate homocysteine metabolism is heavily reliant on vitamin-derived cofactors. Vitamin B12, folic acid, and vitamin B6 deficiencies are linked to elevated homocysteine levels. Poor food and a sedentary lifestyle are also likely to elevate levels.

To learn more about homocysteine, here



Related Questions

Briefly describe the variables that contribute to a bodybuilder's ability to recover from training. What steps should be taken by a trainer to ensure that
optimal recovery is achieved?



The variables that contribute to a bodybuilder's ability to recover from training include nutrition, sleep, stress levels, and genetics. Proper nutrition plays a crucial role in the recovery process as the body needs adequate amounts of macronutrients, vitamins, and minerals to repair muscle tissue and support overall health. Adequate sleep is also important for recovery as it allows the body to rest and recharge. Chronic stress can negatively impact recovery, so managing stress levels through relaxation techniques or exercise can help promote recovery. Genetics can also play a role in the recovery process as some individuals may recover more quickly than others.

To ensure optimal recovery, a trainer should focus on several key steps. First, the trainer should recommend a balanced and nutritious diet that provides the body with the necessary nutrients for recovery. Second, the trainer should encourage the bodybuilder to get sufficient sleep and manage stress levels through relaxation techniques or exercise. Third, the trainer should monitor the bodybuilder's progress and make adjustments to their training program as needed to avoid overtraining and injury. Additionally, the use of supplements such as protein powders, creatine, and glutamine may help support the recovery process. Overall, the goal should be to create an environment that promotes optimal recovery and allows the bodybuilder to perform at their best.

This is made up of you lungs, all airways connected with them, and muscles that help you breathe.

A. Nervous System

B. Endocrine System

C. Circulatory System

D. Respiratory System


The answer is d respiratory system

blank is characterized by the consumption of an unusually large amount of food in a short period without the compensatory purging to rid the body of the calories consumed.
O A. Bulimia nervosa
O B. Binge-eating disorder
OC. Anorexia nervosa
O D.Overeating



Binge-eating disorder


Unlike people with bulimia nervosa however, they do not regularly use compensatory behaviors to get rid of the food by inducing vomiting, fasting, exercising or laxative misuse.

Explain how the equilibrium price and quantity sold of eggs will change in the following casesa) an outbreak of food poisoning is traced to eggsb) scientists breed a new chicken that lays twice as many eggs per weekc) a popular talk show host convinces her viewers to eat an egg a day


all of these cases, the changes in equilibrium price and quantity sold will depend on the magnitude of the shift in supply or demand.

Other factors that affect the supply and demand of eggs, such as the availability of substitutes and changes in production costs, can also influence the equilibrium price and quantity sold of eggs.

a) An outbreak of food poisoning traced to eggs can decrease the demand for eggs as consumers may avoid purchasing eggs to reduce their risk of getting sick. This shift in demand will result in a decrease in the equilibrium price and quantity sold of eggs.

b) If scientists breed a new chicken that lays twice as many eggs per week, this will increase the supply of eggs. As a result, the equilibrium price of eggs will decrease, and the equilibrium quantity of eggs sold will increase.

c) If a popular talk show host convinces her viewers to eat an egg a day, this will increase the demand for eggs. As a result, the equilibrium price of eggs will increase, and the equilibrium quantity of eggs sold will also increase.

Learn more about equilibrium price here:



you are a teacher in a kindergarten classroom and a child there acquires chicken pox a parent asks you about the incubation period what is the best response


If a child has chicken pox then they are very infectious until the last blisters dried up. A teacher should make aware of the parents about the details of chicken pox.

Chicken pox is a disease or a infection caused by the varicella virus. This infection cannot be treated with antibiotics. It needs treatment to relieve the symptoms which are commonly fever and a rash. It easily spread by direct contact with a person who has chickenpox or by fluid droplets in the air when they cough or sneeze. Children can develop serious complications from the chicken pox. The chickenpox vaccination is given to children aged 18 months as part of their normal schedule of vaccinations. It is very effective. It has few side effects. If your child has chickenpox they are infectious to others from one to two days before the rash first appears up until the last blisters have dried up. Other embers of the family may need to stay away from the child during this infectious stage.

To learn more about Chicken pox please visit:



Patients often select plans based on the amount of money they must pay out of pocket and the type of coverage they will receive.

Discuss four types of insurance coverage and give examples of benefit coverages and the cost of plans. Of the four different types of coverage, which plan would you select, and why?


Four types of insurance coverages include:

Health insurance Life insurance Property  and Casualty insurance Disability insurance

What are some types of insurance ?

Health insurance provides coverage for medical expenses, including hospitalization, surgery, and doctor's visits.  The cost of plans varies depending on factors such as the type of plan, the age and health of the policyholder, and the deductible amount.

Life insurance provides financial protection for beneficiaries in the event of the policyholder's death. Property and casualty insurance provides coverage for damage to property or personal injury caused by an accident.

Disability insurance provides financial protection in the event that a policyholder is unable to work due to an injury or illness. Examples of benefit coverages include partial or full income replacement, coverage for medical expenses, and rehabilitation services.

Find out more on insurance at https://brainly.com/question/25855858


___is Maslow Safety Level of Need.

Law and order
Desire to marry
Achievement of potential



Law and order


Law and order

Law and order is Maslow safety level of need, hence option B is correct.

Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a psychological theory that contends humans have five basic wants that must be addressed in order to achieve psychological well-being.

The needs are organized in descending order, with the most fundamental needs at the bottom and the most sophisticated demands at the top.

The second level of Maslow's hierarchy of requirements is safety. These requirements include the desire for security, order, and safety. People's safety needs are satisfied by providing them with a safe and secure environment, as well as a sense of order and predictability.

Learn more about Maslow, here:



Body joint is Shoulder


1. What are structures that reduce friction (e.g., cartilage, menisci, bursae, etc) and provide support (e.g., ligaments) at the joint?

2. For each muscle, name the origin and insertion (just bone names, not landmarks)

3. For each muscle, what are the major motions produced by the muscle (flexion, adduction, etc).

4. Describe one yoga pose (including the name of the pose) or stretch that engages the muscles around the joint and helps to stretch the muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Include a photo of the pose or stretch. If the photo is from the web, include a link.

5. Post a personal reflection related to either the joint (have you or someone you know had problems or an injury with this joint?), the exercise class (did you find it challenging, beneficial, etc.?) or some other aspect of this assignment.

Please Include references!!!


1. Structures that reduce friction and provide support at the shoulder joint include the articular cartilage, glenoid labrum, bursae, and ligaments such as the coracohumeral, glenohumeral, and acromioclavicular ligaments. (rest of the answers are below).

What are some of the muscles of the body?

2. For the deltoid muscle, the origin is the lateral third of the clavicle, acromion, and spine of the scapula and the insertion is the deltoid tuberosity of the humerus. For the supraspinatus muscle, the origin is the supraspinous fossa of the scapula and the insertion is the greater tubercle of the humerus. For the infraspinatus muscle, the origin is the infraspinous fossa of the scapula and the insertion is the greater tubercle of the humerus.

3. The deltoid muscle produces shoulder abduction, flexion, and extension. The supraspinatus muscle produces shoulder abduction, and the infraspinatus muscle produces external rotation of the shoulder.

4. A yoga pose that engages the muscles around the shoulder joint is the Downward Facing Dog pose. In this pose, the arms and shoulders are used to support the weight of the body, stretching the muscles and tendons in the process.

5. Personal Reflection: I have not had any personal experiences with shoulder joint problems or injuries, but I have heard that it can be very limiting and painful. Engaging in exercises such as yoga can help to maintain mobility and flexibility in the joint, preventing future problems. I find yoga to be a very beneficial form of exercise, not just for the physical benefits but also for the mental and emotional benefits it provides.


-Moore, K. L., & Dalley, A. F. (2019). Clinically oriented anatomy. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

-Yoga Journal. (n.d.). Downward-Facing Dog Pose - Adho Mukha Svanasana. [online] Available at: https://www.yogajournal.com/poses/downward-facing-dog [Accessed 10 Feb. 2023].

Learn more on muscles here: https://brainly.com/question/13920046


What do intermediate timer events indicate a?


An intermediate timer events indicates that the process execution waits for a timer. It is an event that occurs between a start and an end event.

An intermediate timer event is an event that must have a time duration definition that defines when it is triggered. A corresponding timer is scheduled when an intermediate timer catch event is entered. This involves the process instance stops at this point and waits until the timer is triggered. When the timer is triggered the catch event is completed and the process instance continues. Intermediate timers is defined by providing either a duration or a cycle. If the expression belongs to a timer start event of the process it is evaluated on deploying the process. Else it is evaluated on activating the timer catch event.

To learn more about intermediate timer event please visit:



The correct question is,

What does a  intermediate timer events indicate?

I need help asap?!!!




Correct! These are all related to the safety and sanitation of food preparation environments. Sanitation in food refers to the practices and processes used to ensure that food is free from harmful substances, including contaminants like chemicals and biological agents. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) is a systematic approach to food safety that identifies and prevents potential hazards in the food production process. Laceration is a type of injury that can occur in the kitchen, and it is important to have proper safety measures in place to minimize the risk of cuts and other physical injuries.

Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow. THE SHOCKING POWER OF SOCIAL PRESSURE AS A STRESSOR A new study shows that interacting with others can sometimes lead to more stress than we can ever imagine, since you and your relationships are bound together. Each relationship shapes another relationship in different ways due to the social pressures we place on each other. This implies that when relationships are mutually enhancing, everyone is happy. When people psychologically harm one another though, that is what leads to stress in relationships. [Adapted from www.psychologytoday.com. Accessed on 4 February 2020.] Write paragraphs on stress and stressors. Use the following as a guideline: • Indicate THREE ways how social pressure could be regarded as a stressor for young people in their family relationships. (3 x 1) ● Discuss THREE ways in which building and sustaining good relationships may impact positively on your emotional wellbeing. (3 x 2) Recommend TWO conflict resolution strategies you could implement to resist negative social pressure from your friends in a responsible way. In each answer, also indicate how EACH strategy could help you to protect your rights as an (2 x 3) individual. (3) (6) (6) [15]​


Stress and stressors are common experiences in life. Stress is a physical, mental or emotional response to a perceived threat, challenge or change. A stressor is the stimulus that triggers the stress response. In the above extract, social pressure is described as a stressor that can lead to stress in relationships.

Social pressure can cause stress in young people in their family relationships in several ways. Firstly, family members might have different expectations and values that could create tension and conflict. Secondly, young people might feel pressure to conform to social norms or expectations from their family, which could lead to feelings of inadequacy or frustration. Thirdly, the pressure to please and maintain relationships with family members could lead to anxiety or emotional exhaustion.

Building and sustaining good relationships can impact positively on emotional wellbeing in several ways. Firstly, having positive relationships can create a sense of belonging and connectedness, which can promote feelings of happiness and security. Secondly, good relationships can provide emotional support during times of stress, which can help to reduce stress levels. Thirdly, building and sustaining good relationships can help to develop important social skills and positive behaviours, which can contribute to overall wellbeing.

When faced with negative social pressure from friends, it is important to implement effective conflict resolution strategies. One strategy is assertive communication, which involves expressing your thoughts, feelings and needs in a respectful and direct way. This can help to establish clear boundaries and expectations, which can help to protect your rights as an individual. Another strategy is negotiation, which involves finding a compromise that works for both parties. This strategy can help to resolve conflicts in a constructive and respectful way, which can also help to protect your rights and the rights of others.

In conclusion, social pressure can be a significant stressor in relationships, but building and sustaining positive relationships can have a positive impact on emotional wellbeing. Implementing effective conflict resolution strategies, such as assertive communication and negotiation, can help to resist negative social pressure from friends in a responsible way, while protecting individual rights.

explain the concept of gateway drugs. how do gateway drugs lead to the use of harder drug addiction?​


Definition of "Gateway drug" - A drug whose use is though to lead to the use of and dependence on a harder drug. - Both alcohol and tobacco are "gateway drugs" that are often liked with Marijuana and Cocaine use.

Sharon experiences mild manic episodes that alternate with major depressive episodes over the course of time. She would be diagnosed with _____ disorder.


Over time, Sharon has modest manic episodes that alternate with big depressed bouts. Her bipolar disorder would be identified.

Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition characterized by extreme shifts in mood, energy, and activity levels. People with bipolar disorder experience episodes of intense emotional highs, known as manic or hypomanic episodes, as well as periods of deep sadness and hopelessness, known as depressive episodes.

During manic or hypomanic episodes, individuals with bipolar disorder may experience symptoms such as increased energy, decreased need for sleep, racing thoughts, impulsivity, grandiosity, and high irritability.

During depressive episodes, they may experience symptoms such as sadness,  fatigue, loss of interest in activities, sleep problems, changes in appetite.

Learn more about bipolar disorders here:



Which of the following is an ipsilateral polysynaptic spinal somatic reflex that regulates muscle tension protectively?a.Tendon reflexb. Crossed extensor reflexc. Stretch reflexd. Any visceral reflex


Spinal reflexes feature the spinal cord as the integration (processing) center of the reflex arc, spinal somatic reflex that regulates muscle tension protectively.

Spinal reflexes feature the spinal cord as the integration (processing) center of the reflex arc. Cranial reflexes use the brainstem as the processing center.

A somatic reflex is an involuntary response to a stimulus, such as pulling one's hand away after touching a hot stove. The nervous system is split into the central nervous system (i.e., the brain and spinal cord) and the peripheral nervous system (i.e., nervous system outside of the brain and spinal cord).

The stretch and Golgi tendon reflexes work in tandem to control muscle length and tension. Both are examples of ipsilateral reflexes, meaning the reflex occurs on the same side of the body as the stimulus.

It is the kind of reflex that includes more than one synapse. It involves one or more interneurons in the reflex arc. Thus, the communication between afferent and efferent neurons is indirect and widely spaced.

Learn more about  spinal cord here:-



What are the observable characteristics of a person, including appearance and personality, called?
O genotype
O chromotype
O phenotype
O karotype


I believe it is called a phenotype
the answer is: phenotype

Areas of neuroscience include

the impact of medication on the brains of children with learning disabilities
the ways people categorize or characterize people with mental health issues
the considerations people must make in courtroom situations, including concepts of justice and responsibility
Choose one of the areas to research. Once you have completed your research, write a response that answers these questions:

Why did you choose to research this area?
Have scientific advances created new ethical issues in the area of neuroscience you chose?


The study of the nervous system's structure, function, and development is known as neuroscience, often known as neural science. Neuroscientists concentrate on the brain and how it affects behavior and mental processes.

What is the impact of neuroscience in medication?

In addition to expanding information of neurological and mental illnesses, research in neuroscience has resulted in new treatments for significant killers in both industrialized and developing countries (parasitic diseases and cardiovascular diseases).

To put it another way, research demonstrates how the brain organizes and uses information, how learning and other observable behaviors are affected by neuronal plasticity, and so on.

Therefore, Research has considerably improved our knowledge of how the brain works and how its underlying neuronal systems function.

Learn more about neuroscience here:



José is contemplating a career as a medical assistant specializing in practice management. He has a choice
between a diploma and a degree program. Which of the following reasons might support his decision to choose
a degree program?
OA. A degree program can be used to advance into supervisory or management positions, whereas a
diploma program can be used as a stepping stone to other health care careers.
OB. A degree program focuses on developing clinical skills and limited administrative skills, whereas a
diploma program focuses on developing both administrative and clinical skills in depth.
OC. A diploma program is an academic program, whereas a degree program is an occupational program.
D. A diploma program can range from eight months to approximately two years, whereas a degree
program is six months to one year in length.
Time Remaining: 00:46:31


In a case whereby José is contemplating a career as a medical assistant specializing in practice management the reasons he might support his decision to choose a degree program is B. A degree program focuses on developing clinical skills and limited administrative skills, whereas a diploma program focuses on developing both administrative and clinical skills in depth.

What is administrative tasks and clinical responsibilities?

The biggest distinction is that each person's work duties are very different from one another. In their daily duties, clinical assistants deal with equipment, sterilization, and tools,.

The administrative assistants often perform more clerical duties like billing or making patient appointments.

Therefore, option B is correct.

Learn more about career at:



these types of tests detect brain impairment by measuring a person's cognitive, perceptual, and motor performances. is the definition of?


In order to detect brain dysfunction, a test known as a neuropsychological exam evaluates how well a person performs on multiple cognitive, perceptual, and motor tasks.

An examination known as a neuropsychological assessment is used to measure how well a person's brain is working. The skills that are tested include reading, language use, attention, learning, processing speed, reasoning, memory, problem-solving, mood, and personality. using the neuropsychological assessment's performance-based method to gauge cognitive functioning. Investigating the cognitive impact of severe mental illness, brain disease, and brain injury uses this method. Cognitive tests assess the abilities required for reasoning. In these tests, candidates are asked a series of questions aimed at evaluating how well they can use their thoughts to solve problems at work or pick up new abilities.

Learn more about Neuropsychological assessment here:



1. Does perception equal reality? Why or why not?


Perception is not reality, but, admittedly, perception can become a person's reality (there is a difference) because perception has a potent influence on how we look at reality.

Anaerobic means "with oxygen" and refers to activities that are often low in intensity but long in duration.
A. True
B. False


Answer: False

Explanation: Anaerobic refers to activities that are often high in intensity but short in duriation.

What are the key differences between the right side and left side of the heart?



The right side of your heart receives oxygen-poor blood from your veins and pumps it to your lungs, where the blood picks up oxygen and gets rid of carbon dioxide. The left side of your heart receives oxygen-rich blood from your lungs and pumps it through your arteries to the rest of your body.


Hope this helps! :)

what is the difference between substance use and substance abuse



Substance use may not be a problem or lead to abuse or dependency in some people.

Abuse: Substance abuse is when someone continues to use drugs or alcohol even when it causes problems, such as trouble with work, family, or their health.

Use: Substance use is any consumption of alcohol or drugs. Something as commonplace as having a beer with friends during dinner is considered substance use. Substance use may not be a problem or lead to abuse or dependency in some people.

Abuse: Substance abuse is when someone continues to use drugs or alcohol even when it causes problems, such as trouble with work, family, or their health. For instance, continuing to use drugs knowing you’ll be fired if you fail a drug test is a sign of abuse.

When using the Palmer method to estimate the extent of the burn injury the nurse determines the palm is equal to which percentage of total body surface area?


The palm of the hand is equal to approximately 1% of the burned person's body is the palm, not the fingers or wrist region.

This is so because the hand's palm has a modest surface area compared to the rest of the body. The "DuBois and DuBois Formula," which calculates the body surface area to be around 1.7 m^2, is the most popular formula for calculating the total body surface area. As a result, the hand's palm only makes up a small portion of the body's overall surface area.

The Palmer method calculates the extent of a burn injury by dividing the body into regions and estimating the percentage of total body surface area (TBSA) affected by the burn. One of the regions used to estimate the extent of the burn injury is the patient's palm, which accounts for about 1% of the TBSA.

It should be noted that calculating the TBSA affected by a burn injury is only one aspect of determining the severity of the burn. Other factors, such as the depth of the burn, its location, and the patient's age and overall health, must also be considered when determining the best treatment plan for the patient.

For more question on Palmer method click on



what are nervous system and its main part?​



The nervous system is a complex network of tissues that transmit and process information in the body. It is responsible for regulating and coordinating the body's functions and behaviors. The main parts of the nervous system are:

The central nervous system (CNS): This consists of the brain and the spinal cord, which control and integrate all the information received from the peripheral nervous system.

The peripheral nervous system (PNS): This consists of all the nerves that connect the CNS to the rest of the body. The PNS is divided into the somatic and autonomic nervous systems, which control different functions.

The somatic nervous system: This controls voluntary muscle movements and sensations.

The autonomic nervous system: This regulates the body's internal functions, such as heart rate, digestion, and respiration, and it operates automatically and unconsciously. The autonomic nervous system is divided into the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, which have opposing functions.


tell me if you kinda confuse


The nervous system has two main parts: The central nervous system is made up of the brain and spinal cord. The peripheral nervous system is made up of nerves that branch off from the spinal cord and extend to all parts of the body.

1. How did health care change as a result of the Civil War?
O A large number of injuries and the need for quick treatment led to improvements in sanitation, medical transport, and treatment of severe physical injuries.
The smallpox vaccine was discovered.
Government agencies formed.
Hospitals were invented.


Health care changed as a result of the Civil War by a large number of injuries and the need for quick treatment which led to improvements in sanitation, medical transport, and treatment of severe physical injuries which is therefore denoted as option A.

What is Injury?

This is referred to as any physiological damage to living tissue caused by immediate physical stress.

During the civil war, surgical techniques and the management of traumatic wounds improved dramatically which is therefore the reason why option A was chosen as the correct choice.

Read more about Injury here https://brainly.com/question/19573072


Life-long fitness will decrease health issues.

Question 4 options:


the answer is: True

All body movement begins with the _[blank].
O skeletal system
O digestive system
O muscular system
O nervous system


muscular system

yeah bones have joints, but the muscals makes those joints work

Select all of the following that constitute a “serving”


A cup of cooked rice, medium potato or fruit, a cup of juice, and a cup of cooked dry beans all constitute a “serving” and an ounce of cold cereal is too much and not considered as serving.

What is the serving size?

In this case, an ounce of cold cereal is too much to count as a serving, a serving is considered to be 3/4 of a cup for the average adult male, and an ounce of cheese or an egg is also too much.

Therefore, the only options that actually qualify as servings are the cup of cooked rice, the medium potato or fruit, the cup of juice, and the cup of dry beans.  

Learn more about serving, here:



The given question is incomplete, so the most probable complete question is,

Select all of the following that constitutes a "serving." ounce of cold cereal cup of cooked rice medium potato or fruit cup of juice ounce of cheese egg cup of cooked dry beans

Question 4 of 10
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Bridget has been working as a CMA (AAMA) for more than five years. During those five years, she has
attended seminars and conferences; taken online classes related to venipuncture, billing and coding, and
accounting; and received training in new procedures from her physician-employer. Bridget kept meticulous
records of each of these learning opportunities. Why would she need to do this?
OA. She must have 100 hours of continuing education units every ten years to avoid paying the
recertification fee.
OB. She must have 60 hours of continuing education units every five years to maintain her CMA (AAMA)
OC. She must have 30 hours of continuing education units every five years to maintain her CMA (AAMA)
OD. She must have 14 hours of continuing education units every year to avoid paying the recertification


She must have 60 hours of continuing education units every five years to maintain her CMA (AAMA) certification.

What is CMA certification?

CMA stands for Certified Medical Assistant, which is a professional certification offered by the American Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA). This certification is a widely recognized and respected credential in the healthcare field, and it demonstrates that the holder has the knowledge and skills required to work as a medical assistant.

To obtain and maintain the CMA certification, candidates must meet certain education and examination requirements, as well as complete continuing education units to stay up-to-date on the latest advancements in the field.

Learn more about CMA certification, here:



Read the article "Rewiring the Brain" by Kathiann M. Kowalski. The article describes the biological mechanisms that control how our brains adapt and respond to experiences throughout life.

Write a response identifying what you found most interesting about the article. Address how you think plasticity has influenced your experience with something in your own life. You can use these questions to guide your thoughts as you write your response:

Is there a fact about plasticity that stood out to you as particularly interesting? Why?
How would you describe the importance of plasticity to the nervous system?
Think of an experience or expectation in your own life that changed the way you thought about something. What was the change?


When you learn anything new, your brain goes through a lot of changes, including the formation of new connections between your neurons. These events are referred to as neuroplasticity. The more you practice, the more solid these connections become.

What biological mechanisms that control our brains?

The process of neuroplasticity, sometimes referred to as neural plasticity or brain plasticity, involves the brain changing in a way that is both adaptive and functional.

The ability of the brain to keep developing and changing as a result of experiences in life is known as neuroplasticity.

Neuroplasticity, then, is the capability for the brain to adapt or change over time by developing new neurons and networks. The ability to shape, mold, or modify anything is known as plasticity.

Therefore, The ability of the brain to modify, alter, and adapt its structure and function over the course of a person's life and in response to experience is referred to as neuroplasticity.

Learn more about brains here:



Other Questions
Required Information New Trade Theory and Aircraft Production You are about to read a short case detalling the aircraft manufacturing Industry. New Trade Theory helps to explain the pattern of trade in the Industry and how government can play an important role in supporting certain industries. You will be asked to answer questions linking your knowledge from the chapter to the situation detalled in the case. Review the text material on New Trade Theory, and then read the following short case. When you have finished reading the case, answer the questions below. Airbus, the European Union based producer of jet aircraft, manufacturers the largest commercial passenger aircraft available in the global marketplace. The alrcraft known as the Airbus 380 carries up to 835 passengers thanks to its unique double-decker seating design. The Airbus 380 is truly a global product. It is produced and assembled primarily in France, Germany, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom, with parts coming from around the world. In a blow to its revenue projections, Airbus recently announced that two commercial airline companies had cancelled orders for the Airbus 380. The news was significant, because the cancellations would have a serious Impact on Airbus's ability to recapture its Investment in developing the alrcraft and reaching its projected break even point. To break even in Its production, Airbus needed to fill orders of 250 aircraft worldwide. Airbus quickly rebounded, though, thanks to an order by Saudi Arabia's national airline, Emirates, which added two additional Airbus 380s to its Initial order. A spokesperson for the airline sald that Emirates likes the aircraft because of its size, which helps minimize congestion at peak times and locations. So far, Airbus's chief competitor. Boeing, has avoided head-to-head competition with Airbus in the high-capacity alrcraft sector. The Washington state-based company's largest aircraft is its distinctively designed 747. The very successful 747 was first flown in 1970 and while it offers double-level seating like the Airbus 380, its upper level space is considerably smaller than that of the Airbus 380. In fact, the Boeing 747 has about 40 percent less floor space than the Airbus 380. Production costs for the Boeing 747 are high and consequently, like the Airbus 380, there is a limited market for the 747. Until the introduction of the Airbus 380, Boeing's jumbo jet was virtually unchallenged in the global market place. The economies of scale and strategic advantage Boeing had accrued made it nearly Impossible for competitors to gain entry into the market. New Trade Theory would suggest that Boeing has stayed out of head-to-head competition with Airbus in the super large capacity alrcraft sector because Multiple Choice the Boeing 747 is more fuel efficient Airbus was first to market with the Airbus 380 aircraft. Airbus has better designers. Boeing already produces the 747. most buyers for the aircraft are located in markets closer to Airbus. 2/3 of the students in Mrs. Gracies class are boys . If there are 27 students in the class, how many of them are girls? The regular price for a certain bicycle is$125.00. If that price is reduced by 20%, what is the new price? Why are Archaea considered a monophyletic group according to the three-domain hypothesis ? Because this group includes all organisms except eukaryotes. Because this group evolved after the origin of bacteria. Because this group includes an ancestral population and all of its descendants. Because all members of this group lack membrane-bound organelles. Bronze is a mixture of copper and tin. The copper and tin are mixed in the ratio 9:1 by weight.a. How much copper is there in a bronze brooch weighing 360 g?b. Another bronze brooch contains 670.5g of copper. How much does it weigh altogether? Hasten plans to choose a book from the section of the store where everything is 25% off he likes expression D -0.25 days to find the sale price of the book it if there is a YZ dollars below correctly write another expression 0.7 5D that will also find the surprise of the book if the original price is de dollars After the tsar stepped down, why did the Provisional Committee eventually lose power to the Bolsheviks? Tyler built a toy box in the shape of a rectangular prism with an open top. The diagram below shows the toy box and a net of the toy box. What is the surface area, in square inches, of the toy box? the coinage of what was believed to make farmers lives better by allowing them to pay off their debts and earn more money? The citizenship clause of the fourteenth amendment says a naturalized person must have the same rights to become a citizen as someone born in another country. Must have the same rights to become a citizen as someone born in the us. Must have been born in the united states, not in another country. Must have been born in a country other than the united states the jet stream is a global pattern of atmospheric movement that influences patterns in local weather. based on the information provided in the weather map, which city shown most recently experienced a drop in temperature? mohenjodaro was divided into a lower city and a fortress known as the-citadel.-palace-pyramid.-temple. 2. 3. 4 CodeHS HTML Word DefinitionsCODE: Vocabulary List malleable: easily influenced "Memory is so malleable or volatile that each time we see something, the memory is actually influenced and re-created. " (Washington Times (Oct 18, 2014)) concoction: any foodstuff made by combining different ingredients There are some food combos that blend beautifully with each other to create truly tasty concoctions. (US News (Sep 4, 2014)) stamina: enduring strength and energy A 6-year-old might not walk the mile into Petra, but teenagers have enough physical and intellectual stamina to appreciate going to these places (New York Times (Dec 5, 2014)) terse: brief and to the point Its a request to which Dipper responds, with terse eloquence, "Weird. " (New York Times (Nov 21, 2014))GETTING STARTEDLets practice using the HTML formatting tags. STARTER CODEThe given web page has several vocabulary words defined, followed by a sentence that uses the word. YOUR JOBUse HTML formatting tags to:Bold each vocabulary word in the definitionItalicize each vocabulary word in the sentence. HINT:If you need a review of the different types of tags you can use to format a web page, and what each tag does, check the previous example and video. You can see full documentation about how to use each tag in the DOCS tab HELP Durring WWII, the British asked a statistician where they should add extra armor to their bombers to prevent them from being shot down.Because fighting between planes is so chaotic, he reasonably assumed the bullets hit a random location on the bombers. But where are thevunerable places Allies can armor to minimize the danger of an enemy's lucky shot? The statistician poured over their damage reports, whichindicated where each bomber was hit by gun fire after it returned from a bomber run According to his data, some areas of the plane were hitregularly, some areas of the plane were hit occassionally, and some areas of the plane were never hit. Where you do put armor on the plane?(HINT think about the accuracy of this sample) Read the following essay, which lacks a conclusion:Sunscreen is a hot topic every summer. Dermatologists recommend wearing it every day to protect your skin from solar radiation. Butskeptics say it can cause more harm than good by exposing you to dangerous chemicals and causing Vitamin D deficiency.There arc two good reasons to wear sunscreen: to protect your health, and to protect your looks. Excessive exposure to sunlight cancause skin cancer. Over time, it also makes skin saggy and wrinkled. Numerous studies have shown that regular use of sunscreen reducesthe occurrence of skin cancer, and also keeps skin smoother and more elastic.In contrast, there is little evidence that sunscreens currently on the market contain ingredients that are harmful when absorbed. Itdoesn't take much sunlight to produce all the Vitamin D needed for good health, cither.Which of the options below is the most effective conclusion to the essay?Walt Whitman said, 'Keep your face always toward the sunshine - and shadows will fall behind you." Easy to for him say when he always wore a thick beard and big hat, but everyone else should either seek out those shadows or put on some sunscreen. Poetrysoothe your soul, but only sunscreen will protect your skin.Dermatologists recommend wearing unscreen every day to protect your skin from the sun radiation, although some skeptics worry about exposure to dangerous chemicals and Vitamin D deficiency. Many studies have shown that regular use of sunscreen is good foryou. There is little evidence it is harmful.Sunscreens work in two ways. Some use minerals O form a physical barrier that reflects radiation away from your skin. Others include chemical compounds that absorb the sunlight before your skin does. When used properly, both types of sunscreen can protectyour skin from damage.In closing, the evidence for wearing sunscreen is clear and bright, while the arguments against it are partly cloudy at best. Use it everyday, and your skin will look and be healthy. The process where a pair of chromosomes pair up and exchange genetic material is called:__________ which groups of individuals must show the same phenotype in order to produces a 9:3:4 phenotypic ratio from a dihybrid cross (ccdd x ccdd) if the trait is affected by recessive epistasis of c over d? state courts cannot have concurrent jurisdiction with federal courts. true/false In stabilizing selection, what occurs in a population?a. The population shifts toward one of two extreme phenotypes.b. Both extreme phenotypes shift toward the middle.c. The intermediate phenotype becomes more common.d. The intermediate phenotype becomes rare. Reactive Power VARS Apparent Power VA CD True Power W