highest elected position in the roman republic


Answer 1




The consul held the highest elected postilion in the Roman Republic from 509 to 27 B.C  

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BRAINLIEST + 100 POINTS Please help me

Thesis: A strong leader and fair laws are what's most important in keeping a society ordered.

Using your notes and the unit materials, conduct research to find evidence in support of your thesis. For this essay, you must also use at least three of the four provided documents. At least one of your three documents must be a primary source.

A primary source is a firsthand account. Therefore, an example of a primary source about Confucianism could be a sacred Confucian text.

A secondary source is written by someone who was not present at the original event. An example of a secondary source about Confucianism could be a current article written about the importance of Confucianism in early China.

5 paragraphs or at least an outline for each paragraph PLEASE I don't understand and my grade will go up a lot when this is done!!!


Laws keep Countries Stable.

Answer: Laws protect our general safety, and ensure our rights as citizens against abuses by other people, by organizations, and by the government itself.

The Purposes of Law. In a society such as the United States, the law informs everyday life in a wide variety of ways and is reflected in numerous branches of law. ... The law serves many purposes. Four principal ones are establishing standards, maintaining order, resolving disputes, and protecting liberties and rights.

No country can maintain a rule of law society if its people do not respect the laws. Everyone must make a commitment to respect laws, legal authorities, legal signage and signals, and courts. ... The rule of law functions because most of us agree that it is important to follow laws every day.

Sorry I couldn't answer this earlier. I was busy answering other questions like these.

Do you think nationalism had anything to do with the decolonization of Africa?​



African nationalism was based on demands for self-determination


this played an important role in forcing the process of decolonization of Africa

What was the articles of confederation


The Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union was an agreement among the 13 original states of the United States of America that served as its first constitution. It was approved after much debate by the Second Continental Congress on November 15, 1777, and sent to the states for ratification.

7. A(n)
is something made by a human being.



An invention is something made by a human being


We human beings have built ,molded, cast, cut, and pieced together 30 trillion tons of homes, planes ,factories ,cars, books, clothes and more.

Working conditions in English factories, the hours you work, opportunities for breaks, the average wages workers are paid, safety on the job, ages of those you work with (including children), health and healthcare, and what you will do when you are too old to work

Your thoughts on the problem:

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Types of laws that might be passed to address your concerns, including measures that factory owners should take to improve conditions, or steps the government could take to protect workers and insure better living conditions

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How the government’s actions can affect England’s future, including the health, education, and welfare of its citizens

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The Industrial Revolution was a time of great progress. Large factories emerged that could mass produce goods at a low price. People flocked from their farms in the country to the cities to work in factories, mills, and mines. Despite such progress, life was not easy as a worker during the Industrial Revolution. Working conditions were poor and sometimes dangerous.

Long Days

Unlike today, workers during the Industrial Revolution were expected to work long hours or they would lose their jobs. Many workers had to work 12 hour days, six days a week. They didn't get time off or vacations. If they got sick or were injured on the job and missed work, they were often fired.

Dangerous Work

A lot of the jobs during the Industrial Revolution were dangerous. There weren't any government regulations to help protect workers. Workers sometimes had to work closely with powerful machines that had no safety features. It was not uncommon to lose a finger or a limb. Workers in mines were subject to tiny tunnels that could easily collapse and trap them underground.

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Unsafe Facilities

A lot of the facilities where people worked were unsafe. Typically the lighting was bad making it difficult to see. Many factories and mines were filled with dust that not only made it difficult to breathe, but could cause diseases including cancer. Other places were unsafe fire hazards where they dealt with flammable chemicals or fireworks. The smallest spark could set off a blaze or explosion.

Child Labor

A lot of factories used child labor in unsafe conditions. Factories hired children because they worked for low wages. In some cases, they hired small children because they could get fit into places adults couldn't. Children were subjected to the same long work weeks and poor conditions as adults. Many children were killed or got sick working in factories.

Living Conditions

The living conditions in crowded cities weren't any better than the working conditions. As more and more people moved into the cities, large slums formed. These places were dirty and unsanitary. Entire families sometimes lived in a single room apartment. With people living so close, diseases spread rapidly and there was little medical care to help them get well.

New Government Regulations

In the late stages of the Industrial Revolution, workers began to organize into unions in order to fight for better and safer working conditions. The government also became involved. New regulations were imposed to shorten the work week and to make factories safer. Today, the government keeps a close eye on businesses to make sure that workers are safe.

Interesting Facts about Working Conditions During the Industrial Revolution

In 1860, the five story Pemberton Mill in Lawrence, Massachusetts collapsed killing an estimated 145 workers. The poorly constructed building had been packed to the upper floors with heavy machinery.

Factories were often very hot during the summer and freezing during the winter.

One of the first labor laws passed was the Factory Act of 1819 passed in Britain. It made it illegal to employ children under 9 years old. It was seldom enforced, however.

As workers organized, they began to go on strike (not work) in order to demand better working conditions and hours.

Some early laws actually made it illegal for workers to unionize.


How did women's roles change as a result of the Industrial Revolution in
A. Women largely controlled agriculture by replacing male farmers
who moved to cities.
B. Women gained increased economic independence by working in
C. Women earned the right to vote in most democracies by
organizing protests.
D. Women earned salaries equal to men's for the first time in history.


The answer is b . Women gained increased economic independence by working in

What impact did the United States entry into World War I have on domestic policy in the United States



Women achieved the right to vote


The experience of World War I had a major impact on US domestic politics, culture, and society. Women achieved the right to vote, while other groups of American citizens were subject to systematic repression.

There is a senate and House of Representatives in our legislative government. This example of what type of the government
A. Tricameral
B. Unicameral
C. Bicameral



it is Bicameral. since there is 2 parts to it. Bi=2




The legislative branch of the U.S is spilt in to two types of representation. The Senate represents the state. The representatives represents the districts within the states. Since there are two part to Congress, this makes it bicameral

Cómo se comparan nuestros Juegos Olímpicos modernos con los Juegos Olímpicos de la Antigua Grecia?



We do not understand whatever language that is


I am good too and I'm afraid of my daughters play games with me lol and you are really good morning hon and you can do it too much yan and

who ruled india in 130 CE?​



Pushyamitra Shunga


Who is known as the “Father of the Military Academy?” Why does he have this nickname?



Sylvanus Thayer (1817–33), who became known as the “father of the military academy” because of his lasting influence upon the West Point physical plant, the library, the curriculum, and the pedagogical method.


The leader of the Athenian Empire worked to

A.give citizens direct input into the government.
B.create a dictatorship within the city-state.
C.withdraw from the surrounding territories.
D.bring together the city’s elected officials.


Respuesta: A

Explicacion paso a paso:

Atenas es una de las ciudades con nombre más antiguas del mundo, habiendo estado continuamente habitada durante al menos 5000 años.1​ Situada en el sur de Europa, Atenas se convirtió en la ciudad principal de la antigua Grecia en el primer milenio aC, y sus logros culturales durante el siglo V aC sentaron las bases de la civilización occidental.

Durante la temprana Edad Media, la ciudad experimentó un declive, luego se recuperó bajo el último Imperio Bizantino y fue relativamente próspera durante el período de las Cruzadas (siglos XII y XIII), beneficiándose del comercio italiano. Tras un período de fuerte declive bajo el gobierno del Imperio Otomano, Atenas reapareció en el siglo XIX como la capital del Estado griego independiente y autónomo.

Did the United States need laws restricting immigration in the nineteenth century? List three kinds of restrictions or beliefs actually imposed and state whether you agree with them or not.


Yes no the home honey honey

What is the relationship of the contexts from the text meaning?​



realyionship is. a. very strong thing of that is strong then.no one can break u

in that your. partner will understand you

they will never stol.u alone



The definition of context is the setting within which a work of writing is situated. Context provides meaning and clarity to the intended message. Context clues in a literary work create a relationship between the writer and reader, giving a deeper understanding of the intent and direction of the writing

the indian empire that dominated modern mexico at the time of the spanish conquest was the



This was the Aztec Empire.


The art of war was one of the main factors in the Aztec empire's rise to power. The Aztecs were intelligent and built alliances with other communities to strengthen their empire. The Aztecs made the people that they conquered pay with valuables such as cotton, gold, or food. By the early 1500s the Aztec Empire was the most powerful state in Mesoamerica. Hope this helps!




because it work for me

If you choose to write a newspaper article, be sure you include the following information:

a headline
the reasons for the event
the incidents leading up to the main event
accurate details on what took place during the event
the results of the event
Your newspaper article should include a paragraph for each main topic in the article.

Your article should be written in no larger than a 12-point font. You may include clip art or images. Be sure to cite your sources.

Will mark brainiest if you want



are we supposed to use the newspaper from u or we pick one random. if it helps do a newspaper on a big event or historical moment. like 9,11 that will be REALLY easy. i wish i knew if i wass supposed to use one of my choice

What philosophy guided China during the Han dynasty?
O A. Buddhism
O B. Taoism
O C. Confucianism
O D. Legalism


Your answer would be C

Select ALL the correct answers. What were two consequences of US involvement in World War I for German Immigrants and their descendants?

Germans were subject to discrimination.

German language was taught to help Identify sples.

Germans were forced to learn to speak English.

Germans were prevented from owning property

German culture was suppressed in the United States.​


The two consequences of US involvement in World War I for German Immigrants and their descendants includes:

been subjected to discriminationthere culture was suppressed in the United States.

During the WWI, the U.S. and Germany were enemy rather than been allies because they contributed to the start of the war

Hence, the consequences of US involvement in World War I for German Immigrants and their descendants includes been subjected to discrimination and the german culture was suppressed in the United States.

Therefore, the Option A and E is correct.

Read more about WWI


Explain how the Enlightenment challenged the idea of Absolute Kings and Queens ruling the



Absolute kings and queens rules because they had a "Divine right" from God. The Enlightment challenged this idea


Why do you think pandemics became a worldwide issue starting in the 1900’s?


different civilizations were less isolated, an increase in globalization

What is a Mercantile System

A. A belief that a country should be the strongest military

B. A system in which trade is fair and equal between all countries

C. A belief that a favorable balance of trade between its colonies and other countries can allow a country to grow wealthier and more powerful

D. A system in which the colonies make all of the finished products for the belief of the mother country​



The answer is C because a mercantile system is a situation where by a country allows export than import trade


c. A belief that a favorable

What role was played by Poland in the fall of Eastern European communism?



as stated in the screenshot below, the poland government was forced into a anti-communist trade industry.

also the revolutions started in poland, according to wikipedia.




(wouldnt advise you to use wikipedia, but only if the information on the page is true.)

What prevents written history, including primary sources, from being completely objective?
And also another question
What aspects of history do people disagree about? What factors cause these disagreement?



Shywy 223 hayaba ❤️❤️

How did the railroad affect the frontier?



The transcontinental railroad also brought settlers to the frontier. they brought lumber, wood, people, and other necessities. the railroads also brought settlers and miners who laid claim to Native American land. thus, weakening the Native American hold on the west.

i hope this will help you


Read this selection from the section "Not To Be
Considered As Subjects For Future Colonization."
It was stated at the beginning of the
last session that a great effort was
then being made in Spain and
Portugal to improve the condition of
the people of those countries. It was
also said that it appeared to be
conducted with extraordinary
moderation. It need scarcely be
remarked that the results have been
so far different from what was then
r Words
What can be inferred from this statement?
2021 Newsela
Spain and Portugal have not taken care of
the citizens on their own soil
Monroe is impressed with the steps Spain


B is your answer
Good luck on the rest homie

What are King’s major criticisms of The Church?



In short, King's disappointment stems from the apathy, cowardice, and even opposition of the white churches in their failure to espouse the causes of social justice and civil rights and in their apparent indifference to the sufferings of their fellow human beings.


john calvin was asked to lead a community in which city





Calvin was invited to lead a church of French refugees in Strasbourg by that city's leading reformers, Martin Bucer and Wolfgang Capito. Initially, Calvin refused because Farel was not included in the invitation, but relented when Bucer appealed to him.

Hope this helps :)

pls make brainliest :p

Martin Bucer and Wolfgang Capito, two of Strasbourg's most prominent reformers, extended an invitation to Calvin to oversee a church of French exiles there. Calvin initially declined the offer because Farel was left out, but he changed his mind after Bucer made a plea to him.

What did John Calvin do in Geneva?

Calvin compiled a comprehensive list of strict moral guidelines while he was living in Geneva. These included harsh no-dancing rules even at weddings, as well as bans on fornication, gambling, and profanity. Penalties applied for unexcused absences from religious services. The death penalty is an option for murder and adultery.

He had to take a detour to the south, which brought him to Geneva, as a result of military maneuvers by the imperial and French soldiers. William Farel, a fellow French reformer who lived in the city, urged Calvin to stay and help him in his efforts to reform the church there. Calvin had only expected to stay for one night.

Thus, Martin Bucer and Wolfgang Capito, two of Strasbourg's most prominent reformers.

For more information about John Calvin do in Geneva, click here:



What caused the Texas Revolution?



The most immediate cause of the Texas Revolution was the refusal of many Texas, both Anglo and Mexican, to accept the governmental changes mandated by "Siete Leyes" which placed almost total power in the hands of the Mexican national government and Santa Anna. Many Mexicans felt exactly the same way.


Which of the following were major issues facing the Constitutional Convention? Choose all that apply. the institution of slavery creating an equal number of cities deciding how much power each state had supporting the Continental Army against the British breaking up large plantations into smaller farms



-The institution of slavery and -Deciding how much power each state had


Just took the warm-up :)

These were the major problems that the constitutional convention had

the institution of slavery deciding how much power each state had

The constitutional convention happened in Philadelphia in the year 1787. It took place in the Pennsylvania state house.

The major issue that rocked this convention was the institution of slavery that was ongoing in America.

Other issues were the powers of the president of the USA and the representation of each of the states.

Read more on https://brainly.com/question/18974239?referrer=searchResults

Which of the following did not result from the creation of the Articles of Confederation?

The states were not obligated to contribute money to the war effort to fight for independence.

States could print their own money.

There were too many representatives per state.

The federal government lacked a judicial system.


There were too many representatives per state.

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