Hi! im looking for some help here thanks!

Ill give brainliest if able to.

Hi! Im Looking For Some Help Here Thanks!Ill Give Brainliest If Able To.


Answer 1
This relation ship would be part-whole.

it involves a “relationship between meanings”between two parts and the whole

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What is the significance of the omniscient narration in "The Open Boat" by Stephen Crane?




What is the significance of the omniscient in The Open Boat by Stephen Crane?

This narrator witnesses the story and reports on it as it unfolds. A limited omniscient third-person point of view means that the narrator has access--if desired--to focusing the thoughts, motives, and feelings of any one of the characters.

The juice was like pop without the fizz."

what figurative language is this?


Answer: simile





Simile uses "like", "as", "so", or "than". A simile is a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more emphatic or vivid.

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Rhetoric attempts to appeal to either emotion or logic in persuading a person to purchase a product.


Rhetoric is very important in advertisements. Since advertisements aim to capture consumer, the use of rhetoric will help them in reaching out to them emotionally or logically.  

Who ______ responsible for this mess in the bathroom?
A. are
B. does
C. is
D. were





because there's only one person responsible so the answer is a b

Who is responsible for this mess in the bathroom?

What are linking verbs?

The linking verb implies verbs that are used for connecting the subject of the sentence from other parts of the sentence.  It is used for generating extra information in the sentence related to activity and tense.

Therefore, the sentence is written in the present tense and refers to the singular person that requires it to connect the sentences properly.

Learn more about verbs here:


describe the setting for house taken over


Answer: he story takes place in Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina, sometime after 1939.

Which of the following best describes the relationship between the u.s government and the hawaiian islands



How did the US react to the annexation of Hawaii?

He also called American interference in the Hawaiian revolution "disgraceful". He recommend that the monarchy be restored was rejected by Congress. The House of Representatives voted to oppose the annexation, but Congress did not act to restore the monarchy.


i hope this helps!! (you didn't list the answer choices so idontknow.)

The BEST description of the relationship between the U.S. government and the Hawaiian Islands is 3. Hawaii was a wartime asset, ...

The United States government annexed the Hawaiian Islands in 1898 when Congress passed a simple majority for their annexation. But the natives, at various times, successfully opposed the annexation.

The Hawaiian Islands were never a peace offering to or from Spain. The Hawaiian Queen never declared war on the U.S. or imprisoned U.S. businessmen.

Answer Options:

1. The U.S. offered the Hawaiian Islands as a peace offering in a treaty with Spain.

2. The Queen of Hawaii declared war on the U.S. and was dethroned by America.

3. Hawaii was a wartime asset, so the U.S. acquired it despite disapproval from natives.

4. U.S. businessmen were imprisoned by the Queen of Hawaii for exploiting Hawaii's land.

Thus, the Hawaiian Islands were a wartime asset for the U.S. during the Spanish American War.

Learn more about the relationship between the U.S. government and the Hawaiian Islands here: https://brainly.com/question/13597188

What is the connotation?



A connotation is a commonly understood cultural or emotional association that any given word or phrase carries, in addition to its explicit or literal meaning, which is its denotation. A connotation is frequently described as either positive or negative, with regard to its pleasing or displeasing emotional connection.

why is it important to let dough cool before using it



Refrigerating the dough allows the flour to fully hydrate, which (in addition to chilling the butter) helps to make the dough firmer.

Write a thesis statement in response to the following prompt.

Prompt: Read the letter to the editor "I, Too, Have a Dream." How does the writer use structure and language to persuade her readers and support her feelings about immigration?

Dear Editor,

I have never taken the time to write a letter to the editor, but something happened that lit a fire in me. Last week, as my best friend Areliss and I headed to class, a group of college protesters blocked our path. Their signs read "GO HOME" and "ILLEGALS LEAVE." They shouted, "Send them home!" These protesters couldn't have known what Areliss felt as they shouted and waved pamphlets in our faces like tattered flags. But, I know their words were bullets to Areliss's heart. I wanted to fire back to the protestors: Where are your ancestors from?

Areliss came to the United States illegally, but she didn't do it intentionally. She was a baby. Her parents, seeking a better life, failed to follow the established immigration procedure, and they slipped into our country undetected. Once here, they raised Areliss, who would grow up never knowing any other home but America.

Under DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), Areliss has been granted the temporary opportunity to remain here while she completes her college education. DACA ensures, at least for a while, that she will not be deported to a country she has never visited in her entire life.

The term "DREAMers" refers to an act that would have protected these immigrant children if they attended college or served in the military. The DREAM Act did not pass, but its name has remained. DACA recipients have a dream: they dream that their lifelong contribution to the United States will one day be recognized, and they will be permitted to stay in the country they have always called home.

Now, DACA is ending. Those who oppose DACA say it encourages illegal activity, weakens our borders, and goes against the Constitution. I understand their concerns. In an era of heightened security, we must do our utmost to keep this great nation safe. That includes establishing a healthy monitoring system for immigration.

But, those who oppose DACA, who wield protest signs and who want to build walls, have never felt the dreaded doom of deportation. They forget that our long and colorful history has been built by many immigrants—including the immigrants who fought for and founded our country. They forget that Lady Liberty stands as a beacon, asking for the tired, the poor, and the huddled masses yearning to breathe free. We have a responsibility to them.

To send DREAMers away is to deny that responsibility. Programs like DACA exist to keep the American dream alive.

Yes, Areliss is a DREAMer. But I, too, have a dream. My dream is that DACA will be reinstated. My dream is that Areliss will be invited to stay in the country she has known as home since she was a baby and live out her dreams in the country she loves.


Brittany Taylor



In "I, Too, Have a dream" used appeals to emotions and imagery to make people want to help her reinstate the DADA.



hope i helped.

I …………Louisiana state University.

A.am attending


C.was attending



A or C I guess hehe^^

Is this person vs society?

Elena is talking about how her mother is unhappy in Paterson, and how she listens to her parents' dreams, which are spoken in Spanish, about their hope of being able to move out of Paterson. Her family dreams of one day being able to move out of Paterson, to be able to live a typical suburban life and due to the hope that JFK has created for the minorities, her family hopes to achieve the American dream.





Answer: Its Person vs Person

Explanation: Because Elena is talking to her mother about stuff.

Throughout her speech, Kelley repeatedly references specific US state’s primarily to



how children nationwide under sixteen years of age work long hours during the night and how these work conditions are not appropriate for children



Emphasize that child labor is persuasive problem in the US


Got it right on Edge

(1) Prissy Baker was in Oscar Miller's store New Year's morning, buying matches — for New Year’s was not kept as a business holiday in Quincy — when her uncle, Richard Baker, came in. He did not look at Prissy, nor did she wish him a happy New Year’s — she would not have dared. Uncle Richard had not been on speaking terms with her or her father, his only brother, for eight years.

(2) [While in the store, Prissy overhears her uncle Richard explain that he is on his way to a neighboring town, Navarre, and that he has no one to make his New Year's dinner. Prissy decides to go to his house, make a surprise dinner for him, and leave before he returns. She acts on her plan, cooking a dinner at his house. As she prepares to dish it out, she suddenly hears a voice behind her.]

(3) Well, well, what does this mean?

(4) Prissy whirled around as if she had been shot, and there stood Uncle Richard in the woodshed door!

(5) Poor Prissy! She could not have looked or felt more guilty if Uncle Richard had caught her robbing his desk. She did not drop the turnips for a wonder; but she was too confused to set them down, so she stood there holding them, her face crimson, her heart thumping, and a horrible choking in her throat.

(6) "I — I — came up to cook your dinner for you, Uncle Richard," she stammered. "I heard you say — in the store — that Mrs. Janeway had gone home and that you had nobody to cook your New Year's dinner for you. So I thought I'd come and do it, but I meant to slip away before you came home."

(7) Poor Prissy felt that she would never get to the end of her explanation. Would Uncle Richard be angry? Would he order her from the house?

(8) "It was very kind of you," said Uncle Richard dryly. "It's a wonder your father let you come."

(9) "Father was not home, but I am sure he would not have prevented me if he had been. Father has no hard feelings against you, Uncle Richard."

(10) "Humph!" said Uncle Richard. "Well, since you've cooked the dinner you must stop and help me eat it. It smells good, I must say. Mrs. Janeway always burns pork when she roasts it. Sit down, Prissy. I'm hungry."

(11) They sat down. Prissy felt quite giddy and breathless, and could hardly eat for excitement; but Uncle Richard had evidently brought home a good appetite from Navarre, and he did full justice to his New Year's dinner. He talked to Prissy too, quite kindly and politely, and when the meal was over he said slowly:

(12) "I'm much obliged to you, Prissy, and I don't mind owning to you that I'm sorry for my share in the quarrel, and have wanted for a long time to be friends with your father again, but I was too ashamed and proud to make the first advance. You can tell him so for me, if you like. And if he's willing to let bygones be bygones, tell him I'd like him to come up here with you tonight when he gets home and spend the evening with me."

(13) "Oh, he will come, I know!" cried Prissy joyfully. "He has felt so badly about not being friendly with you, Uncle Richard. I'm as glad as can be."

(14) Prissy ran impulsively around the table and kissed Uncle Richard. He looked up at his tall, girlish niece with a smile of pleasure.

(15) "You're a good girl, Prissy, and a kind-hearted one too, or you'd never have come up here to cook a dinner for a crabbed old uncle who deserved to eat cold dinners for his stubbornness. It made me cross today when folks wished me a happy New Year. It seemed like mockery when I hadn't a soul belonging to me to make it happy. But it has brought me happiness already, and I believe it will be a happy year all the way through."

(16) "Indeed it will!" laughed Prissy. "I'm so happy now I could sing. I believe it was an inspiration — my idea of coming up here to cook your dinner for you."

(17) "You must promise to come and cook my New Year's dinner for me every New Year we live near enough together," said Uncle Richard.

(18) And Prissy promised.

Describe the story’s resolution. Add a comment to explain how the resolution of the plot affects the characters.


The story’s resolution is "You must promise to come and cook my New Year's dinner for me every New Year we live near enough together," .

What is a resolution?

Resolution can be defined as a part where an individual decides to act or to do something in a particular way or manner. For this he or she needs to take the decision on how they are going to act and are going to work accordingly.

In this uncle, Richard makes a Prissy promise that as she has cooked dinner for him on New Year's Eve she is going to cook for them for every new year if that is going to come.

This was the resolution that have affected the plot. as it is was made sure that the anger that was between her the father and uncle Richard was to come to an end. Prissy wanted to make sure that uncle was not starving as well as she could make his new year more astounding.

Learn more about resolution, here:



Can someone help me create a thesis statement for a speech about the effect school has on students' mental health?


Answer: “School has a negative affect on the mental health of those who attend it. It causes our health to slowly deteriorate until theirs nothing left. We are constantly becoming overwhelmed and stressed from the amount of work given to each and everyone of us. We are also loosing out on enjoying our childhood because of the amount of time school takes up. This way of life is not fair and needs to be modified immediately.

Explanation: you can write something like this. Just remember a thesis is a statement and not an opinion. Be strong with your answer and show why you believe whatever your writing about is an issue or isn’t an issue. Good luck!

1) complete with question tag: she went to school she went to school __________________________? They are here _______________________________?

2) which one is correct?
a ) I like fruit and so does she
b) I like fruit and her too



1 ....A no . didn't she ?

B no . aren't they?

2 no

A no . is correct

if u want to write your own answer then u can write

Either I or she like fruit ?

When I got the photos developed I couldn't help but wonder where my daughter"s eyes werewhat is the correct end punctuation for the following sentence ​


Could either be an exclamation mark or just a period. It depends on the context and only so little was given


A period and a question mark because this is an indirect question

How has your life changed since beginning college?


Im not in college yet but I’m taking college classes but so far it has been very stressful hbu

This sentence is True? I brought an expensive watch from Central yesterday. *
O yes
O No



I think No should it be bought instead of brought. I think.


Hope this helps :)

How do i diagram
The dog in the neighbors yard barked and barked and barked


Write a Letter to Your Neighbor About their Dog's Incessant Barking

Date the letter and save a copy. Never use all caps when writing as this can be viewed as shouting at the reader. Be specific about when their dog barks, note the days and times. Don't make assumptions. ... Avoid accusations or calling your neighbor names.


why brahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

In what way is the text above an example of post-modern children’s literature?​


A the text can be an example of post-modern children’s literature based on the following ways:

In post-modern literature, the author is decentered.Post-modernism literature is non-hierarchical.Post-modern children’s literature consist of several pictures in order to attract the attention of the children.Also, children were made to fill ambiguity as they filled in gaps themselves.

Post-modern children’s literature is a form of literature that seeks to catch the attention of the children and engage them more. This is done through the use of more pictures in order to get the children's attention

Read related link on:


I have so many… that I would like to
ask my teacher.



are questions





I have so many questions that i would like to ask my teacher

Which option is a prepositional phrase?

A. Are told the truth
B. Small and puny
C. To the big library
D. Secret, cozy cabin

No links plsss


I would say “to the big library” is the answer.
To remember prepositions you can think “anywhere a mouse could go.” :)

what is a sentence fragments


Answer: It is essentially a fragment of a sentence its known also known as a "phrase".

Explanation: What Is a Sentence Fragment?

No one escapes high school English without being penalized for writing the odd sentence fragment, but not everyone remembers what they are and how to fix them. Put simply, a sentence fragment is a clause that falls short of true sentencehood because it is missing one of three critical components: a subject, a verb, and a complete thought.

We often fail to recognize our sentence fragments because our incomplete thoughts can easily masquerade as sentences. All a series of words needs is a capital at the beginning and ending punctuation and voilà! It looks like a sentence. Yet, for a sentence to be truly complete, it must contain an independent clause, which tells the whole story even when isolated from its context.

Never miss a sentence fragment.

Sentence Fragment Examples

Here is a glaring example of a sentence fragment:

E.g. "Because of the rain."

On its own, because of the rain doesn’t form a complete thought. It leaves us wondering what happened because of the rain. To complete it, we need further explanation:

e.g. "Because of the rain, the party was canceled."

Now the fragment has become a dependent clause attached to a sentence that has a subject (the party) and a verb (was canceled). Our thought is complete.

In that example, making the sentence longer was the solution. But that doesn’t mean that short sentences can’t be complete. This teensy sentence is complete:

e.g. "I ran."

I ran may be a short thought, but it has a subject (I) and a verb (ran). Nothing in the sentence demands further explanation. Another famous example of a short-but-complete sentence is “Jesus wept.”

Hope this helps. If it did, dont forget to give me a brainliest, it means a lot.

A car ..... me while I was crossing the road.
1 hit
2 hitted
3 was hitting
4 hitting​




is the correct one

have a beautiful day

1. Hit

this is because it is the only one that makes sense.

What are you likes and dislikes about the following?. Make use of appropriate linguistic expression.

Social Media


Appropriate linguistic expression is the right use of grammar. Below are my likes and dislike about the following:

Weather: I dislike rainy weather because it causes the restriction of movements. The cold that comes with it puts me under the weather. I love the dry weather because it allows for free movement. Season: I prefer the summer season to the spring reason. The summer season is bright and ushers in healthy-looking plants that beautify the weather. I do not like the spring season because the environment is usually soggy and cold due to the rains. Architecture: I prefer bungalows and low-rise buildings to high-rise buildings scare me because I am afraid of heights. Social Media: I like social media but dislike the tendency to get addicted to it.Fiction: I like fiction because it helps me to imagine things, however, I do not like fictional stories that contain scary details.

Above are my likes and dislikes about the subjects mentioned. Appropriate linguistic expressions were also used to aptly describe them.

Subject + Verb + Object is the normal sequence.

Your preferences might differ but ensure that the rules of grammar are followed when writing your likes and dislikes.

Learn more here:


8) The author mentions caring for other kinds of pets
to show how much care turtles need as well.
to persuade against purchasing a pet turtle.
C) to explain that certain pets do not get along,
D) to illustrate how rewarding it is to own turtles,





because it mentions caring for an animals in question A

How does the act of Alexander disguising her gender advance the plot? Cite evidence from the text to support your answer.

Story question from: A Soldier for the Crown

by Charles Johnson

Story link hopefully it works:


The story is about some slaves who had to disguise and flee from their masters. The act of Alexander disguising her gender advances the plot by serving as the Rising Action.

Alexander disguising herself was a scene in the story that gave rise to the main conflict of surviving their escape and fleeing to a new nation. It built up suspense in the story.

In the end, when the conflict was resolved, Alexander benefited from concealing her identity because she was among those who themselves on the way to Nova Scotia.

Learn more here:


What are ''focus structures''?


Definition of focus structures:• They are the type of sentences that place certain elements of the basic version of the sentence (S+V+O) in different positions in order to make them more prominent. Cleft-sentences are a variation of basicdeclarative sentences.


Please brainlylist me


What purpose led Whitman to write “O Captain! My Captain!”?



Walt Whitman wrote “Oh Captain! My Captain!” to honor Abraham Lincoln after the President was assassinated in 1865


Hi! im looking for some help here thanks!

Ill give brainliest if able to. pls do this to your best ability



D. Extremely eager


1. First, let's try crossing out answers we know that are OBVIOUSLY not true.

B. is incorrect because she read at least 3 books last week, which is actually a lot. If she was a barely interested reader, she would've read 0 or 1 book(s).A. is incorrect because no where in the text does it say she relates to books, and we can't assume right off-the-bat. (Pertain means to be related or applicable)

2. Now that we're left with C. and D., let's evaluate which one is the better choice.

C. is incorrect because the text doesn't give information that she's a highly intelligent person. Although she read at least 3 books last week, it doesn't automatically mean she's smart. (Take me for example.)D. is the correct answer because eager means to "want to do something very much." Kim is very eager to read, so she's a voracious reader.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. Extremely eager.


D) Extremely eager


Kim is an extremely eager reader. I mean, the girl read 3 books in one week, while it would take at least everyone in the world to get me to read 1. Yeah I'm not an avid reader, anyways hope this helped :)

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Section 3:He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union and recommend to their considerationsuch Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either ofthem, and in case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Timeas he shall think proper; he shall receive Ambassadors and other public Ministers; he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfullyexecuted, and shall Commission all the Officers of the United States.from 'Article 11," The United States ConstitutionThis excerpt is an example of a Constitutionally-guaranteed example of which of these Presidential tools?A)"bully pulpitB)"executive order"checks and balancesD)"power of appointingThe Executive Branch 5. Mohammed is shopping for gifts. He compared prices at two stores so he could getthe best deals. Which store is cheapest per unit for greeting cards ?Gift PricesGifthandkerchiefsgreeting cardsballpoint pensaudiocassette tapesDarren's Warehousepackage of 10 for $11.00package of 8 for $9.99one dozen for $9.60one dozen for $13.20U-Rule Department Storepackage of 3 for $3.75package of 3 for $5.492 for $1.595-pack for $5.95A Darrens WarehouseB U-Rule Department Store How many inches are in 4 meters? meters > feet inches 4 m/1 a/b c/d = 157.48 in. 1. b d ba =b = c =d = English 6 hhhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllpppppppppppp me Which simplified equation below represents the equation of the line, y - y1 = m(x - x1), through the point (4,4) that is perpendicular to x - 3y = -18?A: y = 2/3x + 8/3B: y = -3x + 4C: y = 1/3x + 4D: y = -3x + 16(I asked this already but some genius messed it up) Questions about KeralaWhat is the capital of Kerala?State flower of Kerala?state bird of Kerala?Districts in keralafood culture of Keralano. of rivers in Keraladistrict with the longest coastline in Kerala An auditorium has 300 seats.at the beginning of a concert,100 people were in the auditorium.every 10 minutes,15 people leave and 40 people sit down.if this continues,how long will it take for the auditorium to be full? 7. LL (0)What percentage ofoffspring will have longbeaks? Solve for x.-12-3x " 15 < 36Enter your answer, as one inequality, in the box. is it A)85B)35C)25D)50 which transition will lead to the emission of light with longer wavelength? what does a exponent do in excel ? . A car starts to move from rest. If its velocity becomes 90km/hr after 3s, calculate its acceleration Sarah and Emily ran a 324m race. If Sarah ran it in 61.3 seconds and Emily ran it in 60.4 seconds, how much faster was Emily than Sarah? Round to the nearest hundredth and give your answer in meters per second. Simplify the expression shown.3x + 2-3x + 7 +5xWhat is the coefficient in the simplified expression?O 5O 9O 5x que etapa de la evolucin estelar es mas largahoyo negro supergiganteestrella neutral secuencia principal How did Ann Judson help her husband on the mission field? (choose all that apply)1. Visited him while he was in prison2. Translated the Bible into the language of the natives3. Saved orphan children4. Shared the Burma mission to the people of London5. Read and explained Scripture to the woman of Burma6. Traveled to China to bring back medicine for the natives Do you think its bad the tainos killed themseleves? Why? 100 POINTS PLEASE HELP PLEASE!!!!!!! What is the difference between directly and indirectly