here is an entire quiz
pls help this is overdue
Which are true? (Select 2 answers.)

Question 1 options:

Columbus's voyage was eventually financed by King John of Portugal, in an attempt to compete with Spain's trade routes around Africa to India.

Columbus's plan was originally refused by Spain and Portugal because they correctly believed he had made a mistake in calculating the size of the Earth.

Columbus's plan was originally refused by Spain and Portugal because they thought the Earth was flat.

Columbus's voyage was eventually financed by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain, in an attempt to compete with Portugal's trade routes around Africa to India.

Question 2 (Mandatory) (5 points)
Which important events provide context for Columbus's voyage, and help explain the effects it had on Europe and the world? (Select 3 answers.)

Question 2 options:

Renaissance humanism and the beginnings of the Scientific Revolution meant that Europeans focused more on comfort and power in this world through technological control and exploitation of resources.

The abolition of slavery by the British Empire meant that they needed new resources to keep their economy running.

The fall of Constantinople meant that Greek learning was coming more into the west, at the same time as trade routes to the east were blocked.

The successful unification and re-conquest of Spain left the new Spanish monarchs with a desire to compete with Portugal for trade routes and wealth.

Question 3 (5 points)
In his letter defending himself against the accusations of Spain's investigator and replacement governor, Columbus argues . . . (Select 2 answers.)

Question 3 options:

. . . that he's being judged too harshly, because he was trying to rule very different and difficult people.

. . . that Spain ought to be more grateful for all the wealth his discovery allowed them to gain.

. . . that no atrocities were ever committed, and it was all a lie.

. . . that he had actually been the victim, since bad men had seized power.

Question 4 (5 points)
Bartolome de las Casas was trying to . . .

Question 4 options:

. . . defend Spanish honor by pointing out that they disciplined Columbus and his men.

. . . stop Spanish atrocities against Native people, and give the Natives protection.

. . . give Spain a bad name, so that the English could look better.

. . . defend Columbus against his accusers.

Question 5 (5 points)
Which are effects of the Columbian Exchange? (Select 2 answers.)

Question 5 options:

In many parts of North and South America, as many as 80-90% or more of Native people were killed by diseases over a relatively short period of time after European contact.

The Black Death was spread to Europe from the Americas, causing widespread death and destruction.

Europeans had access to horses for the first time.

It spread key plants and animals that revolutionized cultures on both sides of the exchange, like horses, sheep, cows, pigs, potatoes, tomatoes, chocolate, earthworms, sugar, wheat, coffee . . . .

Question 6 (5 points)
Which are true of the (lost) Roanoke colony? (Select 2 answers.)

Question 6 options:

We know that the colonists were all killed by a Native attack, since the colony was found burned.

The English were interested in founding a colony because they wanted wealth and a base to attack the Spanish.

The colonists all disappeared before more supplies could come from England.

The colonists never made contact with any Natives.

Question 7 (5 points)
Which are true of Jamestown? (Select 3 answers.)

Question 7 options:

Most of the colonists died of starvation or disease early on.

John Smith took over the colony, and required all the colonists to work for their food.

At first, the colonists relied on the Natives to survive.

The colonists were well-prepared, which contributed to their early success.

Question 8 (5 points)
The Jamestown colony was ultimately successful because . . .

Question 8 options:

. . . John Rolfe discovered that tobacco could be grown very successfully in the area.

. . . Pocahontas convinced them to join with the Natives and create a new society.

. . . they moved down the coast a ways to a better location.

. . . John Smith negotiated funding from Spain instead of England.

Question 9 (5 points)
Which is true of tobacco in the New World? (Select 3 answers.)

Question 9 options:

Tobacco requires a lot of work to grow, which led to indentured servants and slaves being brought in to work the fields.

The English were the first to bring the crop over and grow it in the Americas.

Tobacco is hard on the soil, so large amounts of land are needed to grow it.

The Spanish learned about tobacco from the Native Americans, and introduced it to Europe.

Question 10 (Mandatory) (3 points)
Pocahontas married John Smith.

Question 10 options:
Question 11 (Mandatory) (2 points)
The Virginia Company eventually went bankrupt, and the king of England took over the colony of Jamestown directly.

Question 11 options:


Answer 1


A and C


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What does the daily "Retreat" ceremony at 1700 hours signify?


Answer: Retreat signifies the end of the duty day and is a signal to pay respects



It shows the end of the service day and it a ceremony to show respect to the flag.



will mark as brainly



14) By 750, other kingdoms ruled by Arab and non Arab Muslim dynasties would come to control all lands from Spain in the west throughout northern Africa over all of Persia and the entire Middle East spreading as far to the east as the edge of the Tang Empire in the Tarim Basin and crossing the Indus river into Indian

15) Islam spread through military conquest, trade, pilgrimage, and missionaries. Arab Muslim forces conquered vast territories and built imperial structures over time

16) The Silk Roads are amongst some of the most important routes in our collective history. It was through these roads that relations between east and west were established, exposing diverse regions to different ideas and ways of life. Notably, these exchanges also included the diffusion of many of the world’s major religions including Islam

17) They were called Arabic Numerals because they were introduced to the West by people from The Arabic World.

Arabic numerals were invented by Indian mathematicians. But in the 9th century, Arabic mathematics started using the numeric system.

They became known as Arabic numerals because the Arabic merchants were the ones that introduced them into Europe and the Western world. The name stuck since then

18) Islamic doctors developed new techniques in medicine, dissection, surgery and pharmacology. They founded the first hospitals, introduced physician training.


pls mark me as the brainliest

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they absolutely loved it

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In  my opinion? I think it is bullcorn that they have statues. people seems to always have issues with statues so lets take them all down.


was the Boston massacre a massacre?



I believe yes


it was was deadly

Answer:The Sons of Liberty, a Patriot group formed in 1765 to oppose the Stamp Act, advertised the “Boston Massacre” as a battle for American liberty and just cause for the removal of British troops from Boston.


why did the Europeans come to north america



to increase their wealth and broaden their influence over world affairs


hope it helps

mark me brainliest pls


The Europeans came to North America to spread Christianity, gain power for their country, and wealth. They also wanted to find new trade routes to other parts of the world.


Why were shots fired at the colonist? on the night of the Boston massacre



What was the Boston Massacre? The incident was the climax of growing unrest in Boston, fueled by colonists' opposition to a series of acts passed by the British Parliament. ... As the mob insulted and threatened them, the soldiers fired their muskets, killing five colonists.

A group of students challenge a state policy that allows school officials to review and reject articles for school newspapers. The students claim that this policy violates the First Amendment of the Constitution. This amendment protects freedom of the press. A federal district court agrees to hear the case, but then rules against the students. The students decide to appeal.

Where does this case go next?

the federal court of appeals
the US Supreme Court
the state supreme court
the state district court


Answer: The federal court of appeals


A group of students challenge a state policy that allows school officials to review and reject articles for school newspapers. The students claim that this policy violates the First Amendment of the Constitution. This amendment protects freedom of the press. A federal district court agrees to hear the case, but then rules against the students. The students decide to appeal, In the federal court of appeals.

What was the First Amendment of the Constitution?

The First Amendment of the Constitution is associated to protects free speech and press freedom of all Americans, including students in school. it guarantees freedoms concerning, expression, assembly, religion and the right to petition. It was adopted on December 15, 1791, as one of the ten amendments that constitute the Bill of Rights.

What is mean by Freedom of the press?

freedom of press means have opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. Freedom of the press means, right to freedom to have right to express thoughts of press .including printed and electronic media, especially published materials, it is considered as most important right in democracy. In the Declaration of Human right 1948 ,of United Nation stated, everyone has the right to  freedom of opinion and expression.

What if Federal District Court?

The Federal District court is associated to federal court system. It has Three level, district courts (the trial court), circuit courts which are the first level of appeal, and the Supreme Court of the United States. It is district trial court of law and equity that hears cases under federal jurisdiction. It situated in every district to maintained the law and order of district. It is a best example of centralization of power.

What is Federal court of appeal?

Federal Court of Appeal is the part of United States federal system. it presented in every region and  regional it is empowered to review all final decisions in the particular region.

supporting answer;

This case is associate with Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier (1988),  the Supreme Court had ruled that high school officials could censor a school-sponsored student newspaper if they had a legitimate educational purpose for their actions.

hence, option a is correct.

to learn more about First Amendment here;


For this project you are going to explain the importance of social and cultural movements within the Progressive Era, including significant individuals/groups such as Booker T. Washington, Ida B. Wells, W.E.B. DuBois, NAACP, muckrakers and Upton Sinclair and including movements such as the Harlem Renaissance, women’s suffrage, labor movements, and socialist movement.

1. who or what your topic is, 2. what they did during the Progressive Era that was so important, and 3. how or why what they did is still impacting us today. You must cite at least 3 sources (Not Wikipedia, although that is great place to start looking.)



President of the United States during the Civil War, his administration lasting from 1861 to 1865.

Republican. He planned to only prosecute Confederate leadership after the war. He believed in giving rights to African Americans and wanted to protect them by the law, enforcing reconstruction acts. He was assassinated and thus, passed the hat to Andrew Johnson, his Republican VP, in 1865.


c. Elaborate Why do you think the Catholic Church objected
to Galileo's theories so strongly?



The Catholic Church objected Galileo's theories so strongly because it went against some things they were teaching. The Catholic Church taught that the earth was the center of the universe, while Galileo theorized that the world was actually heliocentric, and the sun was the center of the universe, while the planets revolved around it. If Galileo was correct about this, many other people would start questioning the Catholic Church and going against them. The Catholic Church wanted to keep it's power and authority and objected Galileo's theories strongly.

Identify the Act that the United Kingdom passed allowing for the self government of Ireland.
The Act of 1921
Irish Civil War Act
Third Home Rule Act
none of the above

Please select the best answer from the choices provided




A.) The Act of 1921


it's A

what are 3 fun interesting facts about women in world war 1



1. Women took on new roles in the work force, notably in war production and agriculture.

2. In 1914, the German armaments producer Krupp employed almost no women.

3. By 1917, women made up nearly 30 percent of its 175,000 workers and a nationwide total of nearly 1.4 million German women were employed in the war labor force.



they where only useful for cooking, cleaning, and they brung men supplies for war.


Describe Spanish use of missionaries in their colonies



frontier institutions that pioneered European colonial claims and sovereignty in North America

What changes occurred during the Jefferson administration? Explain how the changes affected the United States.



What changes occurred during the Jefferson Administration? Jefferson out taxes and reduced government spending. The Louisiana purchase doubled the size of the US, and the Supreme Court established judicial review.



How many years passed from the time Virginia was settled until the pilgrims reached Plymouth rock



It was 13 years


answer if your real ..................................................................





Answer:    claro  s  oye alr  q


Nêu những thành tựu về khoa học tự nhiên xã hội văn học thế kỉ XIX -XX? Cần trả lời gấp!!! T-T



As we move into the new millennium it is becoming increasingly clear that the biomedical sciences are entering the most exciting phase of their development. Paradoxically, medical practice is also passing through a phase of increasing uncertainty, in both industrial and developing countries. Industrial countries have not been able to solve the problem of the spiraling costs of health care resulting from technological development, public expectations, and—in particular—the rapidly increasing size of their elderly populations. The people of many developing countries are still living in dire poverty with dysfunctional health care systems and extremely limited access to basic medical care.

Against this complex background, this chapter examines the role of science and technology for disease control in the past and present and assesses the potential of the remarkable developments in the basic biomedical sciences for global health care.

Go to:

Medicine Before the 20th Century

From the earliest documentary evidence surviving from the ancient civilizations of Babylonia, China, Egypt, and India, it is clear that longevity, disease, and death are among humanity's oldest preoccupations. From ancient times to the Renaissance, knowledge of the living world changed little, the distinction between animate and inanimate objects was blurred, and speculations about living things were based on prevailing ideas about the nature of matter.

Advances in science and philosophy throughout the 16th and 17th centuries led to equally momentous changes in medical sciences. The elegant anatomical dissections of Andreas Vesalius swept away centuries of misconceptions about the relationship between structure and function of the human body; the work of Isaac Newton, Robert Boyle, and Robert Hooke disposed of the basic Aristotelian elements of earth, air, fire, and water; and Hooke, through his development of the microscope, showed a hitherto invisible world to explore. In 1628, William Harvey described the circulation of the blood, a discovery that, because it was based on careful experiments and measurement, signaled the beginnings of modern scientific medicine.

After steady progress during the 18th century, the biological and medical sciences began to advance at a remarkable rate during the 19th century, which saw the genuine beginnings of modern scientific medicine. Charles Darwin changed the whole course of biological thinking, and Gregor Mendel laid the ground for the new science of genetics, which was used later to describe how Darwinian evolution came about. Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch founded modern microbiology, and Claude Bernard and his followers enunciated the seminal principle of the constancy of the internal environment of the body, a notion that profoundly influenced the development of physiology and biochemistry. With the birth of cell theory, modern pathology was established. These advances in the biological sciences were accompanied by practical developments at the bedside, including the invention of the stethoscope and an instrument for measuring blood pressure, the first use of x-rays, the development of anesthesia, and early attempts at the classification of psychiatric disease as well as a more humane approach to its management. The early development of the use of statistics for analyzing data obtained in medical practice also occurred in the 19th century, and the slow evolution of public health and preventive medicine began.

Significant advances in public health occurred on both sides of the Atlantic. After the cholera epidemics of the mid 19th century, public health boards were established in many European and American cities. The Public Health Act, passed in the United Kingdom in 1848, provided for the improvement of streets, construction of drains and sewers, collection of refuse, and procurement of clean domestic water supplies. Equally important, the first attempts were made to record basic health statistics. For example, the first recorded figures for the United States showed that life expectancy at birth for those who lived in Massachusetts in 1870 was 43 years; the number of deaths per 1,000 live births in the same population was 188. At the same time, because it was becoming increasingly clear that communicable diseases were greatly depleting the workforce required to generate the potential rewards of colonization, considerable efforts were channeled into controlling infectious diseases, particularly hookworm and malaria, in many countries under colonial domination.


Which religion was the foundation of the Mughal Empire?




The Mughal Empire

It consolidated Islam in South Asia, and spread Muslim (and particularly Persian) arts and culture as well as the faith. The Mughals were Muslims who ruled a country with a large Hindu majority.


hope this helped if it did please mark brainiest

The Mughals were muslims who ruled a country with. Large hindu majority

Help!!! Q1. how did anne hutchinson influence the development of the massachusetts bay colony? A. she convinced the colony to separate church and state. B.she convinced leaders to ban enslavement in the colony. C. she encouraged people to find god without the help of ministers. D. she was chosen to be governor of the colony.

Q2 what role did roger williams play in the colony of rhode island? A. he denied people entry into the colony unless they were puritans. B. he founded the colony after being asked to leave massachusetts. C. he granted the charter that allowed the colony to farm. D. He was in charge of the Salem witch trials

Q3 why did the dutch give up new netherland to the english? A.the dutch were having trouble convincing people to settle there. B. the dutch traded the colony for military help in europe. C. the english military forced the dutch to surrender. D. the dutch weren't making a profit from the colony and wanted to sell it.

Q4 why did many quakers settle in pennsylvania? A. they were farmers and were attracted to the large plots of land. B. they were welcomed to the colony by william penn, who was a quaker. C. they were eager to fight native americans, and the native americans populated that area. D. they were forced to settle there by the king.

Q5 why was georgia established as a colony? A. it was a place for debtors to pay off debts instead of going to jail in england. B. it was a safe place for catholics who were being persecuted in england. C. it was a place to get rich from indigo and rice. D. it was a place to get rich from gold, silver, and tobacco.

I will mark you brainlyist



1. D 2. I don't know 3.c 4.A 5.I don't know


those were the questions and answers I got when I got the test I took it

the economic crisis that triggered the french revolution was caused by


The economical crisis before the French Revolution was a result of the Seven years war (French and Indian war depending on where you live) and the American Revolution when France lended money and their military forces but the U.S couldn’t pay off the debts at the time.



Answer: Pick the first one, has a lot of info you can write about. Search up information about it to help you. You can say that credit cards have money in them. And say more stuff about the, like how they work

the significance of baybayin



Baybayin was the form of writing used before the Spanish arrived in 1521 and missionaries had to learn it initially to spread Catholicism before forcing locals to adopt their Roman alphabet, historians say.

Which of the following explains why slavery was used in the colonies?

Group of answer choices

To repopulate cities in Europe

To resolve a shortage of workers

To provide work for immigrant families

To increase the productivity of shipping



To provide work for immigrant families

Who were the 3 axis nations in ww2





Nazi Germany (the Third German Reich), Fascist Italy, and Fascist Japan.


How did the Republic of Texas get its independence?



On March 1, 1836, the Convention of 1836 came to order, and the next day declared independence from Mexico, establishing the Republic of Texas.



Match these items.

1. Birthplace of Christianity



2. Country with the most land


Holy Land

3. Spanish and Portuguese are main languages



4. Includes Japan, China, and Korea

New Zealand

5. Continent with one government

Latin America

6. Includes Canada and Greenland


7. Has played a powerful role in world affairs


8. Most of its countries became independent in the 1960s


Far East

9. Surrounds the South Pole


10. First country to use a Social Security System




1 holy land

2 Russia

6 Antarctica

True or false in the federal system of the middle ages if you were born reason it was easier to move up a higher social class


False. It was not easy to move up to a higher class

Why was Ancient Athens considered a democracy?



It was said that all of the adult citizens had to take an active part in the goverment. Hence, making it a direct democracy.

Answer: Athenian democracy developed around the fifth century B.C.E. The Greek idea of democracy was different from present-day democracy because, in Athens, all adult citizens were required to take an active part in the government. ... This form of government is called direct democracy.


Who were all the soviet union leaders




Joseph Stalin (1878–1953) 21 January 1924 ↓ 5 March 1953†

Georgy Malenkov (1902–1988) 5 March 1953 ↓ 14 September 1953

Nikita Khrushchev (1894–1971) 14 September 1953 ↓ 14 October 1964

Leonid Brezhnev (1906–1982) 14 October 1964 ↓ 10 November 1982†

how many paintings did vincent van gogh sell while alive?



One Painting


Van Gogh was very unknown during his lifetime. The only painting he sold while he was alive was the one titled "The Ree Vineyard", which was sold for 400 francs.

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