The Senate has 100 members, ______ from every state

What goes in the empty slot?


Answer 1




Because there are 50 states and unlike the House of Representatives there is an equal amount of senators per state. So it’s 2 per state because 100/2=50

Related Questions

How were Thomas Jefferson’s and Alexander Hamilton’s views similar and different on these issues

economic policy


Answer:Jefferson believed that America's success lay in its agrarian tradition. ... While Hamilton distrusted popular will and believed that the federal government should wield considerable power in order steer a successful course, Jefferson placed his trust in the people as governors.


How are the ideas of John Locke & the Carta evidenced in the concept and practice of town hall meetings?


Answer: Modern republics and democratic processes can trace their lineage in many ways to the philosophies and ideas of John Locke, and to the core tenets of the Magna Carta.

John Locke popularized the "social contract" theory, which posits that all human beings possess "natural rights" (basic safety, freedom of choice, etc.), and that government is more or less a "necessary evil" that governs human behavior through one simple mechanism:

According to Locke, governments (ideally) exist in order to protect the natural rights of their citizens. In exchange, their citizens willfully give up some liberties and freedoms, since the government is not functional unless citizens consent.

This leads to the second major concept, which is that the above-mentioned mechanism is a type of "contract" between governments and the governed. The government agrees to guarantee basic natural rights, and the citizens agree to adhere to basic laws and rules. If either party reneges on their half of the contract, the opposing side may take certain punitive actions.

When a person breaks the law and is caught, the government can enact the part of this "social contract" where they are allowed to imprison and surveil this person - a huge violation of "natural rights" under other circumstances. This is because that person has not held up their end of the bargain. Thus, they are not entitled to the natural right of freedom.

On the other hand, if the government has begun to abuse its power by not protecting the natural rights of its citizens (due to corruption, neglect, etc.), then the citizens may revoke their consent to be governed. This is when you see revolutions or coups.

It's important to note that the social contract theory is a type of unwritten law - it refers to the basic, implicit agreement between people who live in a society and the people who create and enforce the rules for that society.

The Magna Carta, on the other hand, is one of the first major documents in modern European/"Western" history to so explicitly put the concepts of "natural rights" and the "social contract" into writing, thus setting a recorded standard for behavior on the part of citizens and on the part of the governing class.

Thus, town hall meetings in the context you have provided are the predictable outcome of new ideas of government which emerged in the Magna Carta, Lockean philosophy, Enlightenment political theory, and modern ideas of the purpose and function of government: Most Western societies have spent the vast majority of their histories under monarchical and/or hierarchical and/or hereditary rule where the consent of the governed was more or less a non-issue. The governed (particularly in lower classes, which is unfortunately stlll the case) had no real say. In the wake of the European Enlightenment, this changed.

Boom - town hall meetings. The reason these meetings existed was because fundamental Western concepts of government had shifted to be vastly more populace-friendly. It was by this point a widely-accepted idea that the governed should have some sort of say in the machinations of the government, PARTICULARLY if they were paying taxes.

Hope that helps you get started!

Which of the following had a king who converted to Christianity?



Constantine was also the first emperor to adhere to Christianity. He issued an edict that protected Christians in the empire and converted to Christianity on his deathbed in 337.


hope it helps

mark me brainliest pls

19. Analyze Images What do you think is the political
message of the Document B image?



The image appears to be pushing more power to farmers because they feed all of the us and provide resources for everyone.


it could also be a message to the politicians to help out farmers because they are the life force of our country

The image appears to be pushing more power to farmers because they feed all of us and provide resources for everyone. The image was created by none other than William Jennings Bryan.

Who was William Jennings Bryan?

William Jennings Bryan had been a politician, speaker, and attorney from the United States. He began to take center stage inside the Democratic Party in 1896 and ran three times as the party's choice for the United States presidency in the elections of 1896, 1900, and 1908.

His campaign was centered on silver, a topic that did not resonate with urban voters, and he lost in what was largely regarded as just a realigning election. Bryan was beaten by a coalition of wealthy, middle-class, and urban voters, which mostly held the Republicans in power until 1932.

William Jennings Bryan, the secretary of state of the United States, resigned on June 9, 1915, citing his dissatisfaction with how President Woodrow Wilson handled the crisis brought on by the sinking of something like the British passenger liner Lusitania by a German submarine the previous month, which resulted in the deaths of 1,201 people, including 128 Americans.

Learn more about William Jennings Bryan here:


Can you name three things sir Isaac Newton made when he was a boy


He made a windmill which could grind wheat and corn, and he made a water clock and a sundial.

Who lived in machi picchu?



Hope it helped you brainiest plz and thank you have a great day!!


Who lived in machi picchu?

Inca Pachacuti who was a emperor.

He lived in Machi picchu.

Do you think America is an experiment? If so why?


To be honest, I think it is. Due to the fact that we've had all of these wars and governments and rebellions, what if it was all just a test to see if America could withstand the pressure of other countries attacking it.

Which situation was more likely to occur during French colonial rule in
Indochina than before the French arrived?
A. A Laotian political leader passes a law to ban the use and sale of
B. A Vietnamese farmer is forced to export his crops even if his
family is starving
C. A Cambodian religious leader is encouraged to play a more active
role in politics.
D. A Vietnamese student learns to write in her local language to help
her serve as a translator



B. A Vietnamese farmer is forced to export his crops even if his family is starving


just did the quiz

A circumstance bound to happen during French colonial rule in Indochina than before the French showed up was the implementation of laws and policies by Laotian political leaders.

The option (A) is correct.

Under French colonial rule, the French authorities introduced a system of governance that sought to impose their own legal and administrative framework on the region. This meant that Laotian political leaders, who were appointed or influenced by the French, were more likely to pass laws and regulations by French interests and policies.

In the specific example given, the ban on the use and sale of opium could be seen as a response to French influence and pressure, as opium consumption was a significant concern for the French colonial administration.

Learn more about French colonial rule:


Air is exhaled from a person's lungs into
a balloon and then the balloon is popped.
What best explains what happens to the
air after the balloon pops?
A. It returns to the shape of the person's lungs.
B. It stays in the shape of the balloon.
C. It becomes a liquid, then a solid.
D. It spreads out randomly into the atmosphere.


D. It spreads out randomly into the atmosphere

Religious toleration was guaranteed in which of the following English colonies?


Answer:Religious freedom was encouraged in the Puritan colony of Massachusetts. The Toleration Act of 1649 was passed in Maryland because the Protestants outnumbered the Catholics.


Why did Senators oppose joining the League of Nations in 1919?


The major reason for this was the fact that many Senators were afraid that membership in the League of Nations would reduce the sovereignty of the United States and its ability to have complete control over its own foreign policy and military actions.

The main reason for this was that many Senators were concerned that joining the League of Nations would reduce the United States' sovereignty and ability to control its own foreign policy and military actions.

What are the Senators?

The Senate is composed of two senators from each state (therefore, the Senate currently has 100 Members), and a senator must be at least thirty years old, a citizen of the United States for nine years, and a resident of the state from which he or she is elected.

The Senate's first order of business was to convene with the House to count the electoral votes that formally awarded George Washington the presidency.

Therefore, senators oppose joining the League of Nations in 1919 because many Senators were concerned that joining the League of Nations would reduce US sovereignty.

Learn more about the Senators, refer to:


Small, solid pieces of materials from rocks or living things is ______________


Sediment is the correct answer

major reason for global terrorism?​



Causes of terrorism in the world:

Causes motivating terrorism:

Independence or separatist movements.

Irredentist movements.

Adoption of a particular political philosophy, such as socialism (left-wing terrorism), anarchism, or fascism (possibly through a coup or as an ideology of an independence or separatist movement



Causes motivating terrorism

Independence or separatist movements.

Irredentist movements.

Adoption of a particular political philosophy, such as socialism (left-wing terrorism), anarchism, or fascism (possibly through a coup or as an ideology of an independence or separatist movement)

hope this helps? <3 (:

how did the forth crusade contribute to the byzantine empires downfall? A-E



It caused the death of the most able and respected Byzantine emperor, Leo III. It left Constantinople permanently damaged after the crusaders looted its valuables.


I hope you have a nice day please mark me


The Federalist Papers were essays written in support of the Constitution,


groups of people with common political purposes are called:


the three-fifths compromise required the states to free ⅗ of their slaves.

freedom of religion means that the government cannot force people to follow any one religion.









1.The Federalist Papers was a collection of essays written by John Jay, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton in 1788. The essays urged the ratification of the United States Constitution, which had been debated and drafted at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787.

2.A political faction is a group of people who have a similar political goal but vary from the rest of the entity in certain ways. A faction within a group or political party may contain fractured sub-factions, or "parties inside a party," which are known as power blocs or voting blocs. Members of factions join together to achieve these objectives while also promoting their agenda and status within an organization.

3.The Three Fifths Compromise was an agreement reached by the participants of the Constitutional Convention in 1787 that three fifths of a state's slave population would be counted against its total population, which was used to determine congressional representation and tax responsibilities.

4.The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment forbids the government from enacting any legislation "respecting an establishment of religion." This provision bans the government not only from creating an official religion, but also from taking measures that unfairly favor one religion over another.

How old would Kurt Cobain be today if he didn't pass?



54 years old




he would be 54 jsjjabsban

which statement summarized the enslaved persons clause

a. enslaved persons who escape must be given constitutional rights.
b. enslaved persons who escape must be given equal protection.
c. enslaved persons who escape will be seized and returned to their enslaver.
d. enslaved persons who escape to a a free state will be granted their freedom .


Answer: D

Explanation:I just know but yeah its D


its c


answer on edge

How did the French and Indian War lead to tensions between England and its
A. The colonists began charging England higher prices for war
B. England refused to protect the colonists in future wars.
C. England began taxing the colonists to pay for the cost of the war.
D. The colonists refused to buy manufactured goods from England,





The answer to this question is C

The manor system provided peasants not only protection from invaders but also



The Manor System or Feudalism provided little to no protection to peasants from invaders, but they were obligated to work and fight for his Liege Lord, regardless of his choices. There was no liberty for the peasants.


The Feudal System is very unequal, unfair and exploratory of its subjects. Most of them worked hard on the fields, with no pay and only the guarantee of a roof and food on his table.

The endless taxes and obligations that feudal subjects need to oblige, to make the life of the nobility so high standard and so lush, with endless food and resources for construction of castles, to waging wars and conquests.

In war times, the peasants are not taken into protection, as vividly as the ones in the upper class. Priority goes all to the nobility and the clergy. Those who are at the top, survive the raids, sacks and horrors of battle, while the peasants suffer and die at the hands of the attackers. Armies are, most of the time, arranged in a way that the first ones to battle and die are the peasants. They are called “cannon fodder” now a days. “Cannon Fodder” meaning expendable soldiers.

The Feudal system served to maintain the culture of Kings, Queens and Empires, exploring the minorities and destroying/conquering its neighbors and “inferiors”, to soul serve its particular economic and status interests.

Your answer should be ???→  not only protection from invaders, but also. ease and relaxation.

Is that right

what are the features of industrial society​



As the basic form of modern society, the term 'industrial society' covers both CAPITALIST SOCIETIES, since both exhibit the following common features: factory-based production, a declining proportion of the population employed in agriculture, the separation of the household from production, increases in the level of production and improvements in productivity..

Features or characteristics of industry can be discussed as follows:

•Economic activity. Industry is an economic activity. ...

•Production. Production is the main characteristic of industry. ...

•Utility. Industry creates form utility. ...

•Wide scope. Industry has wide scope. ...

•Component of business. Industry is a component of business.


Hope it helps you..

Y-your welcome in advance..


The feature of industrial society are :

There is a total of three divisions such as the capitalist, the workers, and the petty shopkeepers.

In this society, communication and transportation are two important things that are highly developed.

Supporting a large population with a capacity for division of labour.

Help me thank u !!!!!!!



The answer is C


Hope this helps <3

have a nice day and can you mark me brainliest plz? :)

Another name for the Loyalists would be the Whigs. The Whigs wanted to stay with Britain. So, in turn, your answer here would be C. Have an amazing day!!

Think about the necessary and proper clause (aka the elastic clause). Give an example of it being used by congress and why it is important.



is this the full question is there no paragraph


Considering the questions above, why might Butcher’s photographs be useful evidence about life for homesteaders on the Great Plains?


Butcher's photographs could be useful evidence of the life of the settlers in the Great Plains because he portrayed in detail.

Solomon D. Butcher was a prominent American photographer known for:

Share traveling photographyHis work focused on central NebraskaHis photographs primarily portrayed the Great Plains of the United States.His photographic work begins in 1886Record the history of the white settlement on the Great Plains through photography.

Based on the above, Butcher's photographs could be useful evidence of the life of the settlers in the Great Plains because he portrayed in detail the evolution of the settlers' population in this area while he lived there.

In addition, he published a couple of books in which he included his photographs, these books are:

Pioneer History of Custer County and Short Sketches of Early Days in Nebraska (1901)Sod Houses, or the Development of the Great American Plains (1904).

Learn more in:

Why is the creation of the league of nation an important step is achieving lasting peace between different countries



The creation of the league of the nation is an important step in achieving lasting peace between different countries because it would guarantee the territorial integrity and political independence of member states, authorize the League to take “any action…to safeguard the peace,” establish procedures for arbitration and create the mechanisms for economic and military sanctions.


I hope this helps you in any shape or form.

What are 7 interesting facts or stories about Martin Luther king JR
Answer ASAP



King's birth name was Michael, not Martin. ...

King entered college at the age of 15. ...

King received his doctorate in systematic theology. ...

King's 'I Have a Dream' speech was not his first at the Lincoln Memorial. ...

King was imprisoned nearly 30 times.

Explanation: hope this helps :)

Does this match for a renaissance queen?



Yeah I think so...that's going to be a really good costume :)


i can make you freeze or cool you down you can feel me but you cant see me


the answer could be wind???

What is the pelopnnesian War!
What was the significance of the Peloponnesian War. 4 sentences



It was an ancient Greek War fought by the Delian League (led by the Athens) against the Peloponnesian league (led by Sparta). the major cause of it was the Battle of Sybota. this war marked the end of the Golden Age of Greece and the fall of Athens which was once the strongest city-state in Greece. Athens was then absorbed into the Spartan Empire causing the power in Greece to shift dramatically. hope this helped!

The United States had poor foreign relations with Great Britain after the Revolutionary War because Great Britain

- closed the Caribbean for trade with the U.S.
- controlled Native American trading posts in the Southwest
- plotted with Native Americans to keep people from moving out West
- refused to send foreign ministers to the U.S.



Its is Number 1 closed the Caribbeab for trade with the US

The government announces a new state religion. All citizens will have to attend the state church. What amendment has been


shot up bro like shot bro

icbguydcgucv uy dgiysau vchkwuegv bghybv bghjuihbv bhjuhb

Other Questions
What is one practice of Shintoism? Energy is released into the cell by Jackson usually makes $250 per week working at a grocery store. Last week, he made 60% more than usual. This week, Jackson hopes to make 7/8 of what he made last week. How much money does Jackson hope to make this week Solve for the given variable.3s - 17 = 19 30/40 in simple form You will construct a three-paragraph historical narrative essay where you will choose to write from either (1) Harriet Tubman (2) Frederick Douglass or (3) one of escaped fugitives. Use at least three facts you know about your character and the fascinating event they found themselves in. As you are having fun with this, you can make up conversations they had, food they ate, ideas or feelings they experience, plans or dreams, and so on. Be sure to address all of the story elements within your narrative such as the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution. Additionally, your narrative must reflect a theme that you will clearly state on your Story Map Graphic Organizer. Remember the theme for Unit 1 is perseverance so your narrative must reflect a similar theme. Follow the following steps to complete this project: Step 1: Decide from whose point of view(perspective) you will write your narrative from (Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass or one of the eleven escaped fugitives. Step 2: Begin prewriting by completing the Story Map and Setting the Conflict Worksheet (This helps you organize your thoughts. Step 3: Compose the historical narrative and include the following: 1. Dialogue (conversation between two or more people) a. Example: Dad, why do we have to move to the back of the bus? Hush now boy and do what I asked, Dad answered me in a startling voice. 2. Sensory details a. Example: Smells like clean, sweet air. b. You could smell the tension in the air. **Include strong feelings and emotions of the character** (x^2 + 2x + 2)(x + 5) = 0 To rent a taxi in Los Angeles, the taxi service charges a flat rate of $11.20 and an additional $3.10 per mile driven. Write an equation in slope- intercept form where x represents the distance of the trip, and y represents the amount the taxi service would charge to drive that distance . lactase is an enzyme that breaks down a sugar found in dairy products known as lactose. Some people are lactose intolerant, and this can be due to not having enough lactase production. People who are lactose intolerant may not feel well after eating foods containing lactose. Illustrate the scenario and describe the relationship between the substrate and enzyme. please help me plsssssssss! What component of the fitnesgram masures upper body strength? A.Curl upsB.sit n reachC.pacerD.push ups What did Jews in Germany experience during and immediately after Kristallnacht? What do you imagine other Germans would have seen and experienced that night? solve this equation -10+2x=-40 Do ya'll ever feel the need to jump off a microwave? Your headmaster must be sack from the school, write your speech for the motion only 23 please. And you can get 50 points Please help me this is due please help The mass of the sun is about 1.98x10^30 kg. The mass of the Earth is about 5.97x10^24 kg. Estimate how many times bigger the mass of the sun than the mass of earth. Round to the NEAREST TENTH! react/elaborate the quotes in below Austin's town voted on a new speed limit. 90% of the 20 votes were in favor of the new speed limit. How many votes were in favor?