gina and margaret are pregnant at the same time. gina's fetus is quite active throughout the day, whereas margaret's fetus is rather inactive. which explanation would be the best guess as to how active their infants will be? a. gina's infant and margaret's infant will probably be similar in activity level, as all infants have similar levels of activity. b. margaret's infant is likely to be more active than is gina's infant. c. there is no way to predict postnatal activity level from prenatal activity level, so no guess can be made about the infants' activity levels. d. gina's infant is likely to be more active than is margaret's infant.


Answer 1

Margaret and Gina both have pregnancies at the same time. As Gina's fetus is more lively than Margaret's fetus is throughout the day, Gina's baby is probably going to be more lively than Margaret's baby.

Fetal growth relate to the baby's developing muscles as they move within the mother's womb. They may initially be reflex actions or ones produced in response to touch or sound. Fetal motions differ from one another. The mother may initially feel fluttering sensations that subsequently develop into stronger kicks before she detects the baby writhing, rolling, or wiggling. There are hiccup motions as well. Fetal motions are thus categorized as: Weak, Strong and Rolling. There is frequently a quick rush of fetal activity, primarily weak movements, if there is severe fetal distress. Yet, it has been demonstrated that fetal movements significantly decrease or halt in cases of prolonged fetal distress for at at least 12 hours prior to the fetal heart stopping. The movement alarm signal, which denotes approaching fetal mortality. Fetus experience moments of intense activity and relaxation while they are awake, as well as periods of both active and peaceful slumber.

Learn more about Fetal growth here


Related Questions

who is the designated survivor state of the union 2023


Labor Secretary Marty Walsh is the designated survivor state of the union 2023.

A designated survivor is an identified person in the presidential line of succession in the United States who has been selected to remain in an unknown secure location, away from occasions like State of the Union addresses and presidential inaugurations. The act of choosing a successor is meant to ensure continuity in the presidency in the event that the president, the vice president, and several other officials in the presidential line of succession perish in a mass casualty incident. It also serves to prevent a hypothetical decapitation of the government. The practice began in the 1950s, when there was a threat of nuclear assault because of the Cold War.

To know more about presidential line of succession


How does the earth’s interior effect Hawaii’s surface



Tectonic processes and flow in Earth's interior drive deformation of Earth's surface that can lead to destructive earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions. Climatic processes affect the dynamics of Earth's ice sheets and glaciers, and along with local tectonic processes, modulate changes in average sea level.

Which outcome was a direct result of the crusades?


European colonies and influence in the Middle East were established as a direct result of the Crusades.

The Crusades were a series of military expeditions led by Christians from Western Europe in the late 11th century with the aim of regaining sovereignty over the Holy Land, especially Jerusalem, which was then ruled by Muslims.

European Crusaders made multiple trips to the Middle East over the course of several centuries, and as a result, they created colonies and controlled areas there. Its influence may still be felt in the region's architecture, fine art, and literature today. These territories and colonies developed into significant hubs of trade and cultural contact between Europe and the Middle East.

To learn more about Crusades here:


what does it mean to be an ethical citizen


Being an ethical citizen means that you consistently behave in a way that is morally correct and responsible.

An ethical citizen is one who is responsible and applies correct moral elements. This involves respecting the rights and dignity of others, being fair and honest in your interactions, and contributing positively to the community.

As an ethical citizen, you should also be aware of and adhere to the laws and regulations in your area, and be mindful of how your actions can impact those around you. Overall, being an ethical citizen is about striving to make choices that are in line with your personal values and that promote the greater good for all.

Read more about the ethical citizen at


prapti, a student from india, is well aware of her distinctive status as an international student at her university in the united states. this best illustrates a sense of


Prapti, a student from India, is well aware of her distinctive status as an international student at her university in the united states. this best illustrates a sense of social identity

Social identity refers to the part of a person's self-concept that is derived from perceived membership in an important social group

In its original form, social identity theory, which was developed by social psychologists Henri Tajfel and John Turner in the 1970s and 1980s[3], introduced the idea of a social identity as a means of explaining intergroup behavior.

The idea that identities are formed through a process of difference defined in a relative or flexible way depending on the activities one engages in is the foundation of social identity theory, which examines the phenomenon of the "ingroup" and "outgroup." [7] According to the description, this theory predicts specific intergroup behaviors based on how group status differences are perceived, how stable and legitimate those status differences are perceived to be, and how these perceptions are influenced by a variety of factors.

To know more about social identity here


According to Benjamin Whorf’s linguistic relativity hypothesis, which of the following is true?
answer choices
children learn quantifying words such as "more" and "further" sooner than they do absolutes such as "every" and "all"
different languages predispose those individuals who speak them to think about the world in different ways
children learn their first language from their relatives and their peer group
individuals learn positive instances of concepts faster than they learn negative instances
individuals have a natural predisposition to learn language



According to Benjamin Whorf's linguistic relativity hypothesis, different languages predispose those individuals who speak them to think about the world in different ways. Whorf believed that the structure of a language shapes the way speakers of that language perceive and think about the world, and that speakers of different languages have different cognitive processes as a result.

According to Benjamin Whorf’s linguistic relativity hypothesis, the correct answer is that "different languages predispose those individuals who speaks them to think about the world in different ways."

Linguistic relativity hypothesis, also known as the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, the Whorf hypothesis, or Whorfianism, refers to a principle which postulates that the language structure influences its speakers' worldview or cognition, and thus people's perceptions are relative to their spoken language.

In other words, the language we speak influences the way we think and perceive the world around us. Hence, our language shapes our reality and our understanding of the world. This is why individuals who speak different languages may have different ways of thinking about and understanding the world.

Learn more about Linguistic relativity hypothesis:


What type of economic system do MOST Southern & Eastern Asian Nations have?


While most of the nations in Southern and Eastern Asia have mixed economies, many of them also have significant levels of government engagement that lean more toward command than toward market.

What kind of economic structure does Southeast Asia possess?

He divides Asian economies into socialist market economies, such as those in the People's Republic of China and Vietnam, as well as developing market economies, like those in India, Singapore, Malaysia, and the Philippines, as well as state-coordinated market economies, like those in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan (Australia and New Zealand).

Which kind of economic system does East Asia have?

Numerous economies coexist in East Asia. South Korea has a mixed economy, compared to China's socialist system, Japan's free market, and Taiwan's free market.

To know more about Asia visit;


explain how sigmund freud's treatment of psychological disorders to his view othe unconscious mind, and describe his view of personality.


Based on his theory of personality and understanding of the unconscious mind, Sigmund Freud treated psychological problems.

In Freud's view, the unconscious mind is a storehouse of ideas, emotions, and memories hidden from our conscious awareness. He thought repressed feelings and unconscious conflicts were the root causes of many psychological diseases. To treat psychological illnesses, he created psychoanalysis, a type of psychotherapy. Here the therapist assists the patient in discovering suppressed emotions and conflicts by guiding them as they explore their unconscious mind. This therapy aims to bring these unconscious sensations and thoughts into consciousness so they can be recognised and handled.

Further, his theory holds that the id, ego, and superego make up the personality. The id is made up of desires and impulses and the reasoning aspect known as the ego works to strike a balance between the needs of id and the reality of the outside world. The moral aspect of the personality known as the superego stands in for the internalised principles and values of society. When the balance among these three aspects of personality is off, psychological illnesses may develop.

Read more about Sigmund Freud on:


all of the following are examples of physiological arousal except: group of answer choices increased heart rate feeling overwhelmed muscle tension indigestion


Indigestion is not an example of physiological arousal. Physiological arousal refers to the automatic responses of the body to stress or emotional stimuli, which result in physical changes such as increased heart rate, muscle tension, and sweating.

These physical responses are triggered by the release of stress hormones, such as adrenaline, from the adrenal glands.

Increased heart rate is a common response to physiological arousal and is a result of the stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system, which prepares the body for a "fight or flight" response. Feeling overwhelmed is also a common experience during physiological arousal, as the increased level of stress hormones can lead to feelings of anxiety or panic.

Muscle tension is another response to physiological arousal, as the muscles tense up in preparation for action. This can result in physical symptoms such as headaches, neck and back pain, and jaw clenching.

In conclusion, while indigestion can be caused by stress, it is not considered to be a direct result of physiological arousal. Instead, indigestion is a digestive issue that can be caused by a variety of factors, including stress, poor diet, and certain medical conditions.

Learn more about physiological arousal here:


elements of wisdom include: a. intuition and experience. b. a broad practical approach to life and deep insight. c. a deep philosophical approach to life and age. d. age and intelligence.


The components of wisdom include Excellent decision-making, problem-solving, and advice-giving skills are the visible signs of wisdom.

It is possible to characterise wisdom as a complex human quality that combines a number of distinct traits, including social decision-making, emotion control, prosocial actions, self-reflection, acceptance of uncertainty, decisiveness, and spirituality.

Prosocial behaviours; emotional control; social decision-making. Both one's internal and external qualities, such as cognition, reflection, and emotion, can contribute to wisdom development. Age, gender, the social environment, one's experiences in life, and culture are examples of outside influences that might have an impact on wisdom.

Read more about elements of wisdom at


What domain do humans belong to the kingdom animalia and domain eukarya. how are kingdoms and domains related to each other?


Humans and other animals belong to the Eukarya domain. Eukaryotic organisms appear to have shared a more recent common ancestor with Archaea than Bacteria.

The domain is the highest taxonomic rank in biological categorization, above the kingdom level.

It was first included in Carl Woese's, Otto Kandler's, and Mark Wheelis' 1990 three-domain taxonomy approach. All living things on Earth are classified into three groups: bacteria, archaea, and eukarya.

Organisms of the Archaea and Bacteria domains are all prokaryotic bacteria, which are typically single-celled creatures with no highly formed nucleus, whereas organisms of the Eukarya domain (eukaryotes) are organisms with well developed nuclei and membrane-bound organelles.

When Carl Linnaeus first developed hierarchical nomenclature in biology in 1735, the highest level was designated "kingdom," followed by four other large or major ranks: class, rank, genus, and species.

To know more about domain:


Correct question:

What domain do humans and other animals belong to? How are kingdoms and domains related to each other?

when a test taker displays a pattern of responses that indicates a particular clinical diagnosis of a psychological disorder or the attributes that make up a behavioral trait, what model of scoring is used?


When a test taker displays a pattern of responses that indicates a particular clinical diagnosis of a psychological disorder or the attributes that make up a behavioral trait, the model of scoring that is used is called the criterion-referenced scoring model.

Criterion-referenced scoring is a method of scoring that compares a test taker's performance against a set of predetermined criteria or standards, rather than comparing the test taker's performance to that of others who have taken the test. In the case of clinical diagnosis or behavioral traits, the criteria may be based on established diagnostic criteria or behavioral indicators.

Criterion-referenced scoring is often used in clinical settings where a diagnosis or behavioral trait is being assessed. This type of scoring can provide specific information about an individual's performance and can be used to guide treatment or interventions. In addition, it can help clinicians to identify areas of strength and weakness, and to track progress over time.

To learn more about the scoring model


this photograph is from the oshiwara river in mumbai, india. what would be the most likely impact from this type of pollution?


Outbreak, cholera and other diseases is the most likely impact from this type of pollution.

According to the definition of pollution, it occurs when elements that are hazardous to people and other living things are released into the environment.

High amounts of air pollution can have a number of negative health effects. Lung cancer, heart disease, and respiratory infections are all at increased risk because ofit.

Air pollution exposure, both short-term and long-term, has been linked to negative health effects. People who are already unwell are subject to more severe effects. The elderly, children, and those in poverty are more vulnerable.

Depending on the amount absorbed, heavy metals like lead can cause acute poisoning or persistent intoxication in humans.

Numerous human activities have an impact on the environment, which has led to substantial study of how people and their physical surrounds interact.

To know more about pollution, click here:


do ethical employees owe thier greatest loyalty to themeselves


No, ethical employees do not owe their greatest loyalty to themselves.

What is the principle of Business Ethics?

According to the principles of business ethics, employees should be loyal to their organization and its mission, as well as to their colleagues, customers, and other stakeholders.

This means that they should act in the best interests of the organization and its stakeholders, even if it means sacrificing their own personal interests.

However, this does not mean that employees should completely disregard their own well-being or violate their own ethical principles. Rather, they should strive to find a balance between their own interests and the interests of the organization and its stakeholders.

Learn More about Business Ethics at


Researchers want to know whether the age at which people begin using a cell phone is associated with their level of extroversion. The researchers will examine the number of people that participants interact with in a day.
Which of the following words describe "extroversion" in the context of this study?
- variable
- measured - conceptual


The word conceptual best describes "extroversion" in context of this study.

What is extroversion?

Extroversion is one of the five main personality traits that describe how individuals interact with the world around them. It refers to a person's tendency to seek social interaction, enjoy being around other people, and gain energy from social situations. Extroverts are generally outgoing, talkative, and assertive, and they tend to thrive in group settings. They are often described as being energized by the presence of others and tend to have a broad range of interests. Extroverts may be more likely to take risks and seek out novel experiences, and they may find it challenging to spend long periods alone. While extroversion is often associated with positive characteristics, it is important to note that there are both advantages and disadvantages to being highly extroverted.

To learn more about extroversion, visit:


What happened to Ruby Bridges when she went to school?


When Ruby first began attending school, she had to deal with overt discrimination on a daily basis. Several parents opted to keep their children at home. Following student item tossing outside the school, the police set up roadblocks.

A woman holding up a black doll inside of a wooden coffin approached her and even "greeted" her. The only educator who consented to collaborate with her was Barbara Henry. Ruby was the only student in Barbara Henry's class because all the other children had departed after being dragged out of the classroom by their parents.

She was not allowed to participate in the other students' outdoor or cafeteria recess activities. When she went to the bathroom, a federal marshal accompanied her.

Learn more about Ruby Bridges Visit:


Ethics becomes more complicated when a situation arises in which one value ______ other values.


Ethics is the branch of philosophy that deals with moral principles and values that govern individual and collective behavior.

The complexity of ethical decision-making increases when a situation arises in which one value conflicts with other values. In such situations, individuals or groups may face ethical dilemmas that require them to choose between competing values.

For instance, a healthcare professional may face a situation where the value of preserving life conflicts with the value of patient autonomy. In such a case, the healthcare professional may be required to make a decision that respects both values while minimizing harm to the patient.

Similarly, in business, organizations may face ethical dilemmas when the value of profit conflicts with the value of social responsibility. In such a case, the organization may need to find a balance between its economic goals and its ethical responsibilities towards stakeholders.

To learn more about ethics


which conflict resolution style is warranted in this case? why? how might some of the other resolution approaches be inadequate in this situation?


In general, the most appropriate conflict resolution style will depend on a variety of factors, including the nature and severity of the conflict, the goals of the parties involved, and the context.

Competing is a conflict resolution style in which one party attempts to win the conflict at the expense of the other party. This style is appropriate when quick, decisive action is needed, or when the goals of the parties are in direct opposition to each other. However, this style can be problematic when the parties are interested in maintaining a relationship or when a win-lose outcome is not desirable. Accommodating is a conflict resolution style in which one party gives in to the other party's demands. This style is appropriate when preserving the relationship is more important than achieving a particular outcome. However, this style can be problematic when the party making the accommodation feels taken advantage of, or when the outcome is not in their best interests. Collaborating is a conflict resolution style in which both parties work together to find a mutually beneficial solution. This style is appropriate when both parties have a shared interest in finding a solution, or when a creative solution is needed. However, this style can be time-consuming and may require a high degree of trust and communication between the parties. Avoiding is a conflict resolution style in which one or both parties choose to ignore the conflict. This style is appropriate when the issue is minor, or when addressing the issue would be more harmful than ignoring it. However, this style can be problematic when the conflict persists and begins to affect the relationship between the parties. Compromising is a conflict resolution style in which both parties give up something in order to reach a mutually acceptable solution. This style is appropriate when both parties are willing to make concessions, or when time is limited. However, this style can be problematic when the parties are unwilling to compromise, or when the outcome is not desirable for either party.

To know more about conflict resolution:


jack thinks people who cry in public are emotionally unstable. when he sees his friend marilisa crying at her father's funeral he attributes her crying to mourning and sadness. this is an example of


Jack thinks people who cry in public are emotionally unstable. when he sees his friend marilisa crying at her father's funeral he attributes her crying to mourning and sadness. this is an example of situated social cognition. option b)

Situated cognition is a theory that contends that knowing is inextricably linked to doing, suggesting that all knowledge is located in activity that is related to social, cultural, and physical settings.

Situativity theorists propose a model of knowledge and learning that needs thinking on the go rather than the storage and retrieval of conceptual information based on this assumption, which necessitates an epistemological movement away from empiricism. In essence, cognition is inextricably linked to context. Instead, knowing lives in the present moment, inextricably linked to context, activity, people, culture, and language.

Learn more about social cognition.


Full Question: Jack thinks people who cry in public are emotionally unstable. When he sees his friend Marilisa crying at her father's funeral he attributes her crying to mourning and sadness. This is an example of field independence.


situated social cognition.

socially influenced behavior change.

Which Greek city-states fought Persia?


Several Greek city-states united to fight against Persia in the Greco-Persian Wars. The most well-known of these city-states were Athens, Sparta, and Corinth, but many others also participated, including Aegina, Megara, and Eretria, among others.

These city-states formed a loose alliance known as the Hellenic League, or the Hellenic Alliance, which was led by Athens and Sparta during different phases of the war.

The Greek victory in the Greco-Persian Wars had a profound impact on Western civilization, as it ensured the survival of Greek culture and allowed it to flourish in subsequent centuries.

For such more question on Greek city-states


counselors have a responsibility to conduct research that contributes to welfare for their clients. this statement corresponds to the ethical principle of .


The statement "counselors have a responsibility to conduct research that contributes to the welfare for their clients" corresponds to the ethical principle of beneficence.

Beneficence is the ethical principle that requires counselors to strive to do good and promote the well-being of their clients. Conducting research that contributes to the welfare of clients is an important aspect of beneficence, as it allows counselors to better understand the needs and experiences of their clients, develop more effective interventions, and ultimately improve the quality of care they provide. However, it is important to note that counselors must also balance this ethical principle with other principles, such as non-maleficence (doing no harm) and respecting clients' autonomy. Counselors must also ensure that any research they conduct is conducted in an ethical manner, with informed consent and appropriate safeguards to protect clients' confidentiality and privacy. By upholding the principle of beneficence in their research, counselors can help to ensure that they are providing the highest quality care to their clients.

Learn more about Counselors here:


jackson has been arrested for possession of drugs. when he was taken into custody, the officer had just witnessed jackson taking money from someone and handing them a small bag that looked as if it contained drugs. after witnessing the event that served as probable cause, the officer searched jackson's backpack where he found approximately 4 ounces of marijuana packaged in smaller bags for resale. after arrest, jackson will be in what stage of the criminal justice process while the officer searches his home for more evidence? question 7 options:


After the arrest of Jackson for possession of drugs, the officer had probable cause to search his backpack and found marijuana packaged for resale.

The next stage in the criminal justice process would be an arraignment, where Jackson will be informed of the charges against him and enter a plea.

While the officer may have probable cause to search Jackson's home for more evidence, a warrant would typically be required before conducting a search. The warrant would need to be obtained from a judge or magistrate and would need to establish probable cause for the search.

Assuming a warrant is obtained, the search of Jackson's home would likely occur during the pretrial phase of the criminal justice process. During this stage, the prosecution and defense gather evidence and prepare their cases for trial. If additional evidence is found during the search of Jackson's home, it may be used to support the prosecution's case against him.

To learn more about drugs


the american conviction that native cubans and filipinos were not ready for self-governance after their liberation from spain reflected the belief that


The American conviction that native Cubans and Filipinos were not ready for self-governance after their liberation from Spain reflected the belief that these populations were seen as culturally and politically inferior, and therefore incapable of managing their own affairs.

This belief was rooted in a form of paternalism, where the United States saw itself as the protector and guide of these newly independent nations, rather than as partners in a mutually beneficial relationship.

This attitude was fueled by a sense of racial and cultural superiority, which was prevalent in the United States at the time. Many Americans believed that non-white people were inherently inferior and lacked the capacity for self-rule. This worldview was used to justify the colonization and subjugation of other nations, as well as the denial of basic rights to minority groups within the United States.

To learn more about American conviction


In the leading theory of solar system formation, the planets:
Formed from the same flattened, swirling gas cloud that formed the Sun.


That's correct. The leading theory of solar system formation is the nebular hypothesis, which proposes that the Sun and the planets formed from a giant cloud of gas and dust called the solar nebula.

According to this theory, the solar nebula began to collapse under its own gravity, which caused it to spin faster and flatten into a disk. As the disk rotated, it began to cool and condense, forming clumps of dust and gas that eventually grew into planetesimals, small bodies that would eventually become the planets.

Over time, the planetesimals continued to collide and merge, growing in size until they became protoplanets, which eventually grew into the planets we see today. The inner planets, including Earth, formed from materials that were rich in refractory elements like silicon and iron, while the outer planets formed from materials that were rich in volatile elements like hydrogen and helium.

This theory is supported by a variety of observations, including the fact that all of the planets orbit the Sun in the same direction and roughly the same plane, and that the inner planets are small and rocky while the outer planets are large and gaseous.

For such more question on solar system


How does Code of bushido & values in ancient japan still influence us today.


Today, Japanese culture retains a strong sense of respect, discipline, loyalty, and commitment. During World War I, these principles helped the country become one of the "Big Five" powers, along with the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and Italy.

What impact did the Bushido code have on modern Japan?

Following the Meiji Restoration, the code helped to smooth out the rise of Japanese nationalism. Between 1937 and 1945, during the Sino-Japanese War and World War II, the Bushido code played a significant role in building army morale. After 1945 after the Japanese loss in WWII, it was mainly abandoned.

Bushido is still prevalent in Japan's social and economic framework. The samurai spirit and qualities may still be present in contemporary Japanese culture. Famous Japanese people regard bushido as a vital component of their culture. Certain people live their lives in accordance with the characteristics of bushido.

To learn more about Meiji Restoration, click


What companies are headquartered in Arizona?




Realty Executives

Banner Health

What cultural concept correctly classifies the idea of equality in the United States?


All points of view are equally legitimate under cultural relativism, and any truth is subjective, with truth belonging to the individual or her or his culture (Reichert, 2011).

All ethical, religious, and political views are facts tied to an individual's or society's cultural identity. The dominant culture in the United States is that of white, middle-class, Protestant individuals of northern European heritage.

There are more white people here than African Americans, Latinos, Asian Americans, or Native Americans, and the middle class outnumbers the affluent and poor. Jazz, for example, began as a fusion of African and Caribbean music. Signs in southern cities in the United States, particularly border communities, are in both English and Spanish.

Learn more about cultural relativism,


can selection simultaneously be directional and stabilizing? directional and disruptive? stabilizing and disruptive? briefly explain your thinking


Yes, selection can be directional and stabilizing.

Yes, selection can also be stabilizing and disruptive.

Yes, selection can also be stabilizing and disruptive.

In this question we have to find can selection simultaneously be directional and stabilizing, directional and disruptive, stabilizing and disruptive.

Yes, selection can be directional and stabilizing. Directional selection occurs when certain traits are favored over others, leading to a shift in the average phenotype of a population over time. Stabilizing selection occurs when extreme phenotype values are favored over intermediate values, leading to a reduction in the range of variation in the population over time.

Yes, selection can also be directional and disruptive. Disruptive selection occurs when extreme phenotype values are favored over intermediate values, leading to an increase in the range of variation in the population over time. Directional selection, as described above, can still be occurring in this case, as some traits are still favored over others.

Yes, selection can also be stabilizing and disruptive. Stabilizing selection, as described above, occurs when extreme phenotype values are favored over intermediate values, leading to a reduction in the range of variation in the population over time. Disruptive selection, as described above, also occurs when extreme phenotype values are favored over intermediate values, leading to an increase in the range of variation in the population over time.

To learn more about Disruptive selection link is here:


How did the state of Florida compensate the victims of the Rosewood attack? Is this fair?


Because of the attention given to the long-ago massacre, the Florida legislature passed a law in 1994 that gave the few survivors of the Rosewood victims $150,000 in compensation for their property losses.

What was the Rosewood compensation?

The Rosewood Massacre, a racially motivated murder of black individuals, and the obliteration of a black community, occurred in rural Levy County, Florida, during the first week of January 1923.

The Rosewood Massacre was a 1923 assault by multiple white perpetrators on Rosewood, Florida, where there was a sizable African American community. By the time the conflict ended, the town had been completely devastated, and its inhabitants had been permanently evicted. With the exception of John Wright's General Store, the whole town of Rosewood was destroyed during the historic Rosewood Massacre in 1923.

To know more about Rosewood Massacre, visit:


According to, about what percentage of applicants are eliminated before the job interview due to posting inappropriate and derogatory comments about previous jobs and prior employers?


A 10% disqualification rate occurs before the interview because of offensive social media comments in which made concerning former employment.

The process of career development, sometimes referred to as career development planning, can be used by an individual to modify their occupational position. It entails the process of deciding on long-term learning goals and juggling personal demands for psychological or physical fulfillment with chances for professional success.

Any of a person's employment-related experiences, up to and including any potential occupation they might hold inside an organization, can also be referred to as career development. 70 percent of companies, up significantly from 60 percent in 2016, utilize social media to assess applicants before hiring, according to a recent CareerBuilder survey.

Learn more about job interview Visit:


Other Questions
Suppose ABC Inc Can Produce 20 Units of Output Using any of the 4 Techniques Below TECHNIQUE TI 12 13 4 LAND LABOR CAPITAL 10 18 12 10 20 8 10 22 6 10 24 3 Further Suppose That The Output sells for $20 Per Unit In The Market. And the prices of land, labor, And capital are $8, $6, & $4, respectively.11. Which technique should this firm use to maximize profit?12. This firm will earn a profit equal to ________ dollars.13. This firm will earn a Revenue equal to _____ dollars.14. The profit associated with T1 is equal to _______ dollars.15. If the price of labor falls to $2, ceteris paribus, this firm will earn a profit of______dollars. Question 2 Generate four sinusoids with the following amplitudes and phases. Xi(t) = 5 cos (211 (15)t + 0. 51) X2 (t) = 5 cos (2n (15) t - 0. 25) x3 (t) = 5 cos (21 (15) t + 0. 411) X4 (t) = 5 cos (21 (15)t - 0. 9n) (a) Make a plot of all four signals over a range of t that will exhibit approximately 3 cycles. Make sure the plot includes negative time so that the phase at t = 0 can be measured. In order to get a smooth plot make sure that your have at least 20 samples per period of the wave. (b) Verify that the phase of all four signals is correct at t = 0 and also verify that each one has the correct maximum amplitude. Use subplot(3,2,i) to make a six-panel subplot that puts all of these plots on the same page. (c) Create the sum sinusoid via x5 (t) = x1(t) + x2(t) + x3 (t) + x4 (t). Make a plot of x5 (t) over the same range of time as used in the last plot. Include this as the lower panel in the plot by using subplot (3,1,3). (d) Measure the magnitude and phase of x5 (t) directly from the plot. In your lab report, include this plot with sufficient annotation to show how the magnitude and phase were measured. (e) Now do some complex arithmetic, create the complex amplitudes corresponding to the sinusoids x (t). Recall that x(t) = Acos(21864 +6)= Re{de'* ,254 Give the numerical values of 2, in polar and Cartesian form, where z = 4,21", i = 1,2,3,4,5 (t) Verify that x5 (t) = x1(t) + x2(t) + x3 (t) + x4(t). Show a plot of these five complex numbers as vectors. Relate the magnitude and phase of 3 to the plot of x (t) and explain Help with this please. What is the ureters function in osmoregulation aswell when theres too little water and too much water What building that is designed and equipped with machinery for manufacturing textile products ? what is wrong with annes eyes? Which is an accurate statement about two objects that have the same average kinetic energy?Each object has the same amount of potential energy.Each object has the same mass.Both objects are made of the same material.Both objects are at the same temperature. esther is pulled over for crossing the yellow line with her automobile. the officer suspects esther is intoxicated, so she administers a field sobriety test. esther blows a .16 on the test, so the officer arrests esther for dwi. esther decides to fight the charge. her defense is that she is an alcoholic, and the laws against driving while intoxicated unconstitutionally discriminate against her and other alcoholics. does esther have a valid defense to her dwi charge? no, she does not because laws that regulate economic or social issues are presumed valid, and the courts will apply intermediate scrutiny in evaluating whether such laws discriminate against people. no, she does not because laws that regulate economic or social issues are presumed valid, and the courts will apply minimum scrutiny in evaluating whether such laws discriminate against people. yes, she does because laws that regulate economic or social issues are presumed invalid, and the courts will apply intermediate scrutiny in evaluating whether such laws discriminate against people. yes, she does because laws that regulate economic or social issues are presumed invalid, and the courts will apply minimum scrutiny in evaluating whether such laws discriminate against people. assessment question given 20 people, what is the probability that, among the 12 months in the year, there are 4 months containing exactly 2 birthdays and 4 containing exactly 3 birthdays? 6 What is the area of the shaded region?3 in.F 15 inG25 inH 40 inJ 55 in5 in.8 in.5 in. there are women and men in a department. part: 0 / 30 of 3 parts complete part 1 of 3 (a) how many ways can a committee of people be selected? number of ways to select a committee of people is . The element lithium has two naturally occurring isotopes. One of these has a mass of 6. 0151 amu and a natural abundance of 7. 49%. A second isotope has a mass of 7. 0160 amu and a natural abundance of 92. 51%. Calculate the atomic mass of lithium. Enter your answer in the provided box a merchant bought a number of barrels of apples for $120 $ 120 . he kept two barrels and sold the remainder at a profit of $2 $ 2 per barrel making a total profit of $34 $ 34 . how many barrels did he originally buy? HelpThe ratio of the perimeters of two similar quadrilaterals is 2:4. What is the ratio of their areas? PLLLLLLLLLLSSSSSSss WILL GIVE 20 POINTS EASYa.1:2b. 4.8c. 2:4d. 4:16e. 5:3 How is being paid a salary different from being paid hourly wags? Identify the figure below. Select 2 names that applyA. quadrilateral B.parallelogramC. Rhombus D. SquareE. Trapezoid P.S hurry I have to summit this soon (1-10 mins) how to get money for free without working? Please help with 3 4 and 5 (3 of 5)Referring to the two questions above, the transit detection method relies on the differencebetween the flux when the planet is transiting versus when it is off to the side. The largerthe difference, the better chance astronomers have of detecting the planet. For which ofthe above is the transit detection method more likely to detect the planet?O The configuration in question 1.O The configuration in question 2O Both are the same, so there is no dependence on planet size. consider a process in which an ideal gas is compressed to one-half of its original volume at constant temperature. calculate the entropy change per mole of gas.