From the big bang theory, after cooling the debris, allowed the formation of the following


Answer 1

Debris (Hydrogen and helium) from the big bang gravitationally clumped together, and frequently these clumps got big enough to start fusion in their centers and form stars.

What is big bang theory?

The Big Bang theory explains how the cosmos expanded from a highly dense and hot starting condition. The evolution of the observable cosmos from the earliest known times up to its later large-scale shape is explained by this prevalent cosmological model. A wide range of observable phenomena, such as the quantity of light elements, the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation, and large-scale structure, are all thoroughly explained by the model.

Eventually, the large gaseous balls fuse hydrogen into heavier elements, which causes them to become stars. The periodic table's iron is created when stars combine light elements to create heavier ones.

The remaining elements of the periodic table are created as a result of the stars exploding, producing white dwarfs that explode, or forming neutron stars that collide and explode. The remaining hydrogen gas is now "contaminated" by this other material, and some of it forms an accretion disk in which planets form when it compresses under gravity.

To know more about stars, go to URL

Related Questions

A friend tells you that the theory of evolution is just an educated guess by biologists about how things work. evaluate this statement.


A friend tells you that the theory of evolution is just an educated guess by biologists about how things work- In science the theory are not just an educated guess but are backed experimental data and evidence.

Theory of evolution is based on the idea on slow and gradual changes on the species that occur over time.

It is based on three main components- First the variation occurs randomly among the species, the trait of an individual can be inherited by its progeny, and in the struggle for existence there is survival of the fittest i.e. the one with the favorable traits will survive.

The different types of remains supporting the theory are fossil remain of ancient organisms, fossil layer, similarities among the organisms including the genetic material  and embryos.

To learn more about theory of evolution here


The major commercial species of nicotiana is _________blank, which is a large-leaf species grown in more than a hundred counties.


The major commercial species of nicotiana is Nicotiana tobacum, which is a large-leaf species grown in more than a hundred counties.

What is Nicotania tobacum?

An annual herbaceous plant of the Nicotiana genus, Nicotiana tabacum, sometimes known as cultivated tobacco, is grown. The plant, which has a tropical origin and is widely cultivated around the world, is quite common. It can reach heights of 1 to 2 meters (3 to 6 feet). The leaves of this plant are commercially produced and used to make tobacco, making it the most widely cultivated of all the species in the genus Nicotiana. It has been established that cellulose and other naturally occurring tobacco polysaccharides are the main sources of acetaldehyde in tobacco smoke. Rutin and chlorogenic acid make up the majority of the polyphenols found in tobacco leaves. There are glutamic acids, asparagine, glutamine, and -aminobutyric acid among the amino acids present.

Learn more about the Tobacco with the help of the given link:


Which type of protein attaches membranes of adjacent cells to make intercellular junctions?


Transmembrane adhesion protein attaches membranes of adjacent cells to make intercellular junctions.

What is the function of adhesion proteins in the cell membrane?

Cell adhesion molecules are subset of cell surface proteins that are involved in the binding of cells with other cells or with the extracellular matrix in a process called cell adhesion. CAM help cells stick to each other and to their surroundings. Adherence junction and Desmosomes hold cells together and are formed by transmembrane adhesion protein .

Therefore, the cell membrane serves two purposes: first, as a barrier keeping the components of the cell in and undesired substances out, and second, as a gate permitting the passage of vital nutrients into the cell and the movement of waste products out of the cell. Identification, communication, control of solute exchange across the membrane, and isolation of the cytoplasm from the surrounding environment are the four primary roles of the plasma membrane.

To learn  more about Proteins Refer


Dna testing is expensive and takes a lot of time. because of this fact, it is important that _____.


DNA testing is expensive and takes a lot of time. because of this fact, it is important that  there is sufficient material from both the suspect. The two DNA strands are referred to as polynucleotides because they are composed of simpler monomeric units called nucleotides.

Each nucleotide is made up of one of four nitrogen-containing nucleobases (cytosine [C], guanine [G], adenine [A], or thymine [T]), deoxyribose, and a phosphttps hate group. Covalent bonds (known as the polynucleotides linkage) are formed between the sugar of one nucleotide and the phosphate of the next, resulting in an alternating sugar-phosphate backbone. To form double-stranded DNA.

To learn more about DNA, click here.


Fatty acid anions (e.g. soap) most commonly assemble into _____ in aqueous solution.


Fatty acid anions (e.g. soap) most commonly assemble into micelles in aqueous solution.

Fatty acids are the lipid structures that are the greatest source of energy for the body. The structure comprises of long chains of hydrocarbon with carboxylic acid at one end.  The fatty acid can be saturated or unsaturated. The most common fatty acids are: palmitic acid and stearic acid.

Micelles are the aggregates of lipids. It is a circular structure formed when lipids are mixed in water as the hydrophobic tails of the lipid come in close contact to avoid the  water molecules. The hydrophilic head region of the micelle remains on the outer side in contact with the water.

To know more about micelles, here


You are told to cut a dissection animal along two planes so that both kidneys are observable in each section. the two sections that can meet this requirement are the _____ and _____ sections.


Transverse, frontal

You are told to cut a dissection animal along two planes so that both kidneys are observable in each section. The two sections that can meet this requirement are the transverse and frontal sections.

What is transverse section?A transverse section is a cross-sectional portion that is created by physically or artificially slicing the body or any part of the body structure in a horizontal plane. That plane forms a 90-degree angle with the longitudinal axis.

What is frontal section?a segment through the body that cuts at a right angle to the median plane and separates the body into the dorsal and ventral portions is called a frontal section.

What are the body's three planes?The body is divided into three planes: the anterior (frontal) coronal plane, which separates the body's front and rear halves. The sagittal (longitudinal) plane divides the body's left and right sides. The lower (inferior) and upper (superior) parts of the body are divided by the transverse (axial) plane.

To learn more about sections of body visit:


Which type of skin glands are most affected by the hormonal changes that occur during puberty?


Apocrine sweat glands  are most affected by the hormonal changes that occur during puberty.

What is puberty ?

Between childhood and adulthood, puberty is a time of rapid growth, the emergence of secondary sexual traits, the attainment of fertility, and significant psychological changes. Although the order in which pubertal changes occur is fairly predictable, their exact time varies greatly.

At puberty, sex hormones stimulate the apocrine sweat glands, which then begin to work. In the groin and axilla, they are linked to hair follicles. The thick, protein-rich substance has no smell at first but may acquire one after coming into contact with germs.

To learn more about  pubertal changes click on the link below:


The outer layer of cells that will eventually provide nutrition and support for the embryo is called the:____.


Is called the Trophoblast

The outer layer of cells that will eventually provide nutrition and support for the embryo is called the trophoblast.

During embryonic development, the outer layer of cells that forms early on is called the trophoblast.

The trophoblast plays a crucial role in establishing the connection between the developing embryo and the mother's uterus.

One of the primary functions of the trophoblast is to facilitate implantation.

After fertilization, the fertilized egg, or zygote, undergoes multiple cell divisions, forming a hollow ball of cells known as the blastocyst. The trophoblast is the outer layer of this blastocyst.

Upon reaching the uterus, the trophoblast cells attach to the uterine lining, a process called implantation.

The trophoblast then begins to differentiate into two distinct layers: the syncytiotrophoblast and the.

Thus, the complete sentence is "The outer layer of cells that will eventually provide nutrition and support for the embryo is called the trophoblast."

To know more about Trophoblast, click here:


Prokaryotes first appeared:_____. group of answer choices
a. 100,000 years ago.
b. 1 mya.
c. 3.5 bya.
d. 65 mya.


Correct option c) 3.5 BYA

Prokaryotes first appeared at least 3.5 billion years ago. Prokaryotes have been the earliest lifestyles forms, easy creatures ate up carbon compounds that have been collecting in Earth's early oceans.

Prokaryotes have been the earliest existence forms, easy creatures that ate up carbon compounds that have been gathering in Earth's early oceans. Slowly, different organisms developed that used the Sun's energy, along side compounds along with sulfides, to generate their personal energy .

Prokaryotes have been categorized with inside the empire Prokaryota. But with inside the three-area gadget, primarily based totally upon molecular analysis, prokaryotes are divided into  domain names along with Bacteria  and Archaea . Organisms with nuclei are positioned in a 3rd area, Eukaryota.[5] In the observe of the origins of existence, prokaryotes are idea to have arisen earlier than eukaryotes.

To learn more about Prokaryote here


The replication of dna is made possible by the presence of _____ strands in the double helix of dna.


The  replication of DNA is made possible by the presence  of Complementary strands in the double helix of DNA.

Why is replication is important ?

Replication is an essential process because, whenever a cell divides ,the two new daughter cells must contain the same genetic information or DNA as the parent cell. The replication process relies on the fact that each strand of DNA can serve as a template for duplication.

Complementary DNA is a copy of a region of a strand of DNA.

to learn more about Replication click here


The monosaccharides and the disaccharides are designated as _____ because they provide calories.


The monosaccharides as well as the disaccharides are designated as nutritive sweeteners since they provide calories.

Nutritive sweeteners, which are also sometimes termed as caloric sweeteners supply energy in the form of carbohydrates. A few nutritive sweeteners are naturally present in foods such as fructose, which is found in fresh fruits.

Monosaccharides are the simplest sugars or carbohydrates having the general formula (CH₂O)ₙ and are generally colorless, water soluble, crystalline solids. Glucose, fructose as well as galactose are all examples of monosaccharides.

Disaccharides are made up of two monosaccharides which are linked together by means of a glycosidic bond. They are also soluble in water. The examples of disaccharides are sucrose, lactose as well as maltose.

To learn more about glycosidic bond here


Phosphofructokinase is a glycolytic enzyme that is inhibited by amp .
a. true
b. false


Phosphofructokinase is a glycolytic enzyme that is inhibited by amp - False.

Phosphofructokinase is an enzyme that is involved in the process of glycolysis. It is used in phosphorylation of fructose-6-phosphate to fructose-1,6-bisphosphate. It utilizes ATP for this step.

It is one of the key regulator of the overall reaction. Its activity is regulated by ATP. Whenever more substrate is formed and more amount of ATP is present it combines with the phosphofructokinase to inhibit its enzyme activity.

AMP has a reversing effect to this. When AMP binds with the phosphofructoskinase it boost the reaction in the forward direction.

Thus the activity of the enzymes depends on the ATP/AMP ratio in the cell.

To learn more Phosphofructokinase about here


A strain of neisseria gonorrhoeae has undergone a mutation and is no longer able to make pili. predict the most likely outcome.


A strain of Neisseria gonorrhoeae has undergone a mutation and is no longer able to make pili because The bacteria will become less virulent and will not be able to readily establish infection.

What is mutation ?

A deviation from the typical DNA sequence at a certain gene locus. Although the phrase is frequently associated with negativity, mutations (including polymorphisms) can affect cell activity in ways that are negative, positive, or neutral.

Because they increase genetic variation and the potential for individual differences, mutations are crucial for evolution to take place. For the most part, mutations have no discernible impact on the organisms in which they arise. Natural selection may increase the frequency of advantageous mutations.

Base substitutions, deletions, and insertions are the three different forms of DNA mutations.

Learn more about Mutation here:


How many different amino acids could be encoded if the genetic code were a doublet code (two bases) instead of a triplet code?


The correct answer for this question is 16

It was also recognized that mRNA contains only four nucleotides: adenine (A), uracil (U), guanine (G), and cytosine (C) (C). Thus, only four distinct bases in mRNA code for 20 amino acids,

A doublet code could code for 16 amino acids (4 x 4). A triplet code could make a genetic code for 64 different combinations (4 X 4 X 4) genetic code and provide plenty of information in the DNA molecule to specify the placement of all 20 amino acids. When experiments were performed to crack the genetic code, it was found to be a code that was triplet. These three letter codes of nucleotides (AUG, AAA, etc.) are called codons.

To know more about Triplet code, click here:


The cells that line the respiratory tract are ____________ , allowing them to sweep debris back up the throat, keeping the lungs clean.


The cells that line the respiratory tract are ciliated, allowing them to sweep debris back up the throat, keeping the lungs clean.

The respiratory tract is the set of organs and ducts that form the structure in which the process related to human respiration takes place.

The respiratory tract is divided into lower and upper, the lower respiratory tract is formed by the trachea, the bronchi and their branches inside the lungs, the bronchioles, and the upper respiratory tract is formed from the nose, the mouth to the vocal cords, and includes the pharynx and the larynx.

What is a cell?

A cell is the most basic and smallest form of life that exists in a living being, its parts are the membrane, the cytoplasm and the organelles including the nucleus.

Learn more about the cell at:


How can biomolecules be identified by the presence and/or number of the six basic elements found in all living things?


Biomolecules can be identified by the presence and/or number of the six basic elements found in all living things as these elements form certain functional groups specific to each biomolecules and those can be confirmed by performing certain identification tests.

Biomolecules are the molecules that are present inside the living organisms. These are: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. These are essential for building, repairing and maintenance of the body. These are important to perform all the necessary processes of the body.

Identification tests are those that are performed to confirm the presence of certain compounds. For example, Benedict's test is used to confirm the presence of carbohydrates, similarly biuret's test is used to test the presence of protein.

To know more about biomolecules, here


for early cells the major source of carbon was and the major fuel for energy was .


For early cells the major source of carbon was CO2 and the major fuel for energy was hydrogen. A fuel cell produces electricity cleanly and efficiently by utilizing the chemical energy of hydrogen or other fuels. When hydrogen is used as a fuel, the only outputs are power, water, and heat.

Most fuel cells are powered by hydrogen, which can be delivered directly into the system or created within the system by reforming hydrogen-rich fuels like methanol, ethanol, and hydrocarbon fuels. Other carbs, lipids, and proteins may be used as an ATP source in specific cells or at specific periods.

To learn more about cells, click here.


The nurse is to administer iv fluids to an infant. which safeguard would be most important for the nurse to use?


The most important step to be taken will be the Use of an infusion pump to regulate the flow rate.

What are infusion pumps?

Fluids are delivered into a patient's body using infusion pumps. These gadgets deliver nourishment and medications in precise proportions. These devices can be used in any medical facility for therapeutic purposes, and trained medical personnel use them.

There are three main categories of infusion pumps:

By function, infusion pumps are categorizedInfusion pumps arranged according to fluid delivery volumeMobility of infusion pumps is a classification

The proper precaution is to utilize an infusion pump to control the flow rate because young children and newborns with poor cardiopulmonary state are especially susceptible to I.V. liquid overflow.

To learn more about infusion pumps visit the link:


When using a gemscope to show details of cut, the best type of lighting to use is?


Answer:10x magnification


The property of having antimicrobial effects in exceedingly small amounts is called a(n) _____ action. multiple choice question. degerming antiseptic oligodynamic radiative


The property of having antimicrobial effects in exceedingly small amounts is called a(n) oligodynamic action. multiple choice question. degerming antiseptic oligodynamic radiative.

What does oligodynamic action mean?The capacity of trace levels of heavy metals to kill bacterial cells is known as oligodynamic action. In small amounts of aqueous solutions, certain metals and metal complexes bestow the capacity to modify and lastly, kill microorganism cells in a distinctive manner.

Which are the metals that exhibit oligodynamic effect?Mercury, silver, copper, brass, bronze, tin, iron, lead, and bismuth are among the metals that show the oligodynamic effect. Mercury and silver have the greatest impact of all metals.

The oligodynamic effect: how does it operate?The bacteria become inactive as a result of the metal ions' binding to proteins in bacterial cells. And the method is effective: One investigation looked at E-contaminated water.

To learn more about antimicrobial effect visit:


Generally, animals cannot digest (hydrolyze) the glycosidic linkages between the glucose molecules in cellulose. how then do cows get enough nutrients from eating grass?


Microorganisms in their digestive tracts hydrolyze the cellulose to individual glucose units.

Cellulose- The stable formation of plant cell walls is greatly aided by cellulose, a hard, fibrous, and water-insoluble polysaccharide. The fibrils (bundles of microfibrils) and microfibrils (bundles of polysaccharide) made up of cellulose chains make up the plant cell wall.

Glucose- The primary form of sugar in the blood, glucose serves as the body's cells' principal source of energy. Glucose may be produced by the body from other chemicals or it can be obtained from the meals we eat. The circulation carries glucose to the cells. Insulin is one of many hormones that regulate blood glucose levels.

To know more about the digestion, click on the below link,


Define domestic and compare the domestic water usage among the world average, the low income and high income countries


China's population uses, 1370 trillion liters of water annually, according to data. It now ranks among the nations with the highest global water use.

What is domestic water usage?

Domestic water use in homes encompasses both indoor and outdoor activities such as drinking, cooking, cleaning, bathing, washing clothes and dishes, flushing toilets, watering gardens and lawns, and maintaining swimming pools.

9,087 billion cubic meters of water are used globally each year. The biggest annual totals were consumed by China, India, and the U.S., totaling 1,207 billion, 1,182 billion, and 1,053 billion cubic meters, respectively. Brazil came in second with 482 billion.

Therefore, large amount of domestic water usage among the world.

Learn more about domestic water here:


In people with schizophrenia, the amount of gray matter in the temporal and frontal cortexes is?


In people with schizophrenia, the amount of gray matter in the temporal and frontal cortexes is progressively reduced.

schizophrenia is a brain disorder when the ability of a person is reduced to think, feel, and behave clearly even in normal situations. it can be caused due to a variety of reasons including genetic, environmental factors.

It can cause social isolation, disorganized thoughts, aggression, and difficulty in concentration.

schizophrenia said to be associated with a reduced in the gray matter of the brain including the temporal and frontal cortex.

Grey matter is present is the outermost layer of the brain.

To learn more about schizophrenia here


Some scientists believe that viruses can be considered living, as they have some characteristics of life, while others believe viruses
cannot be considered living because they do not have all characteristics of life. According to your Biology Now textbook, in which case
do viruses display a characteristic of life?
Choose one:
O A. Viruses do not metabolize themselves, but they can change the metabolism of a host cell.
O B. Viruses do not maintain homeostasis themselves, but instead rely on host cells to maintain conditions.
O C. Viruses do not have cells of their own, but can use the cell machinery of a host cell to reproduce.
O D. Viruses do not evolve individually, but populations of them can evolve within a host, as viruses reproduce
after infecting the host.




Virus is a living thing

No, viruses are not alive.

Hope this helps :)

Solvency, cohesion, adhesion, hydrogen bonding, chemical reactivity, and thermal stability are all important properties of?


Solvency, cohesion, adhesion, hydrogen bonding, chemical reactivity, and thermal stability are all important properties of water.Water has the specific cappotential to dissolve many polar and ionic materials. This is vital to all residing matters because, as water travels thru the water cycle, it takes many precious vitamins along side it! Water has excessive warmness capacity.

Water's enormous functionality to dissolve a lot of molecules has earned it the designation of “regular solvent,” and it's far this cap-potential that makes water such a useful life-maintaining force. On a organic level, water's position as a solvent allows cells shipping and use materials like oxygen or vitamins.

A water molecule has 3 atoms:  hydrogen (H) atoms and one oxygen (O) atom. That's why water is every so often known as H2O. A unmarried drop of water incorporates billions of water molecules.

To learn more about properties of water here


Prolonged and excessive drinking can shrink the brain most intensely in ________ who have ________ of a stomach enzyme that digests alcohol.


Prolonged and excessive drinking can shrink the brain most intensely in women who have less of a stomach enzyme that digests alcohol.

What are enzyme that digests alcohol?

Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) is an enzyme that aids in the metabolism (processing) of ethanol. The ethanol is transformed by your liver into acetaldehyde, which can harm cells. A different enzyme termed aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2) aids in the conversion of hazardous acetaldehyde to harmless acetic acid (vinegar).

Women have less alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), a stomach and liver enzyme that breaks down alcohol, than males do. A woman's body doesn't break down alcohol as effectively as a man's does, so more alcohol enters the bloodstream and her BAC rises.

To learn more Alcohol dehydrogenase click on the link below:


Pores on the skin surface open into the:________
a. sebaceous glands
b. hair follicles
c. mammary glands
d. capillaries
e. sweat glands


Pores on the skin surface open into the sebaceous glands.

The mid-dermis is home to sebaceous glands, which almost always develop alongside hair follicles and have an outlet that empties into the follicular canal. The pilosebaceous unit is the name given to this grouping.

The follicle also houses an oil gland and a hair (sebaceous gland). The oil gland keeps the skin lubricated, helps remove dead skin cells, and keeps tissues from drying out. Meibomian glands, a small group of sebaceous glands that open directly onto the skin in the epithelium of the eyelid, help to improve the lubricating abilities of tears.

Function :

The sebaceous gland contributes the vast majority of skin surface lipids via its main product, sebum, which helps to seal in moisture and prevent desiccation of the skin. Because sebaceous glands empty into the hair canal, sebum mostly escapes onto the skin surface via a wicking action involving the hair shaft.

Find more on skin at :


Diatoms, such as members of the genus navicula, belong to which major lineage of eukaryotes?.


Diatoms, such as members of the genus navicula, belong to the stramenopile lineage of eukaryotes.

Stramenopiles are a type of organism that have stiff tripartite outer hairs and flagella. Stramenopile is sometimes referred to as heterokonts. It has cells that are both nonphotosynthetic and photosynthetic. The stramenopile kingdom includes diatoms, brown algae, chrysophytes, and certain protozoa. Stramenopiles are eukaryotic since they are neither animals, fungi, nor plants.

Navicula is a species of diatom algae with boat-shaped cells. As a result, we may establish that diatoms, like those in the genus Navicula, are part of the stramenopile main lineage of eukaryotes.

To learn more on stramenopile:


When viewed under a transmission electron microscope, the golgi apparatus looks like ______.



a stack containing multiple flattened, disk-shaped membranes called cisterns


Newborns' immunity due to the transfer of antibodies across the placenta is an example of?


Newborns' immunity due to the transfer of antibodies across the placenta is an example of naturally acquired passive immunity.

In the field of biology, passive immunity can be described as a type of immunity in which antibodies from another source are given in order to produce an immune response in an individual. A natural acquired passive immunity is a kind of passive immunity in which the antibodies are produces inside another person rather than synthesized in a lab.

As a baby in the womb cannot initially make its own antibodies, the igG antibodies are transported from the mother through the placenta to the child in order to generate an immune response.

As the newborn receives antibodies of the mother which are naturally produced by the mothers body, hence such a kind of immunity in the newborn is an example of naturally acquired passive immunity.

To learn more about naturally acquired passive immunity, click here:


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