explica en parrafo que tenemos que hacer para llevar una vida saludable


Answer 1
Para llevar una vida saludable hay que mantenerse en forma. Hacer ejercicio regularmente y controlar el peso. Consumir una dieta saludable y balanceada. Dejar los malos hábitos, como fumar, bebidas alcohólicas, y comida chatarra. Otro punto muy importante es manejar el nivel de estrés.

Related Questions

At Home Part 2
Now that you have worked through a lot of material that includes these basic patterns, and you have compared grammatically correct and incorrect sentences, write down what you think is a rule that could explain what makes a sentence grammatically correct or not. For example, you might write something like: "verbs always match nouns in number, and they usually come before the noun." In other words, make your best guess for the grammar rule that makes sense out of the pattern(s) you see in the phrases you have been working with. Review if you need to, and you might briefly check your hunches against the sentences you have been working with in this or previous modules. Keep in mind that what you're after is your hunch, not a grammar rule from a text book. Now check your hunch with the explanation of this principle in the following pattern.


the subject and verb must both be singular or plural

poema con cosas que no te gusten



cosas que no me gustan


Siempre eh sido una persona honesta

recuerdo bien aquello que le dije a mi amiga

Aveces la vida es tan fatal!!

Me asusta este tipo de mundo

No me gustan las personas que se expresan mal de otras personas!!

No me gusta la crualdad en este mundo!!.

Porque perder el tiempo pensando en la vida de otras personas,

porque no para esta crualdad en este mundo querida amiga.

Tu eres la unica persona con quien eh podido hablar sobre esto,

Tu eres conquien puedo desahogar como me siento.

No me gusta saber que estoy rodeada con este tipo de personas,

Porque tiene que ser asi!!

crees que algun dia pueda cambiar todo esto querida amiga,

I need some spanish grammar help! The paragraph below needs to be revised. Base the revisions off of what my teacher said, in the attached screenshot. The writing prompt was to talk about what I did last week. Thank you!

La semana pasada, el lunes, paseé a mi perro. El martes monté a caballo. Fui de excursión en las montañas el miércoles. El jueves hice las tareas domésticas. El viernes fui a pescar.



La semana pasada, el lunes, saqué a pasear a mi perro. El martes monté a caballo. Caminé en las montañas el miércoles. El jueves trabajé en la casa. El viernes pesqué.


"Last week, Monday, I walked my dog. On Tuesday I rode a horse. I hiked in the mountains on Wednesday. On Thursday, I worked around the house. On Friday I fished."

Instead of using the verbs "Fui" (I went) and "hice" (I did), word it so it does not require those verbs to get the same meaning across! For example: "Fui compras la ropas en el centro comercial" (I went shopping for clothes at the mall) changes to "Yo compró la ropas en el central comercial" (I shopped for clothes at the mall).

Hopefully this makes sense and can help you learn a bit more about Spanish!

Choose the correct form of Querer to complete the sentence:
Karina y yo
un apartamento pequeño.




Karina y yo QUEREMOS un apartamento pequeño.


Helppp A. Primero, divida las siguientes palabras llanas en sílabas. Segundo,
subraye la sílaba tónica. Por último, escriba el acento ortográfico cuando
sea necesario.

MODELS importante -› im-por-tan-te
sombrio › som-brí-o

1. catorce
2. versos
3. dominicana
4. sincretismo
5. automovil
6. angel
7. bolero
8. ritmos
9. Hector
10. volumen



1 ca-tor-ce

2 ver-sos

3 do-mi-ni-ca-na

4 sin-cre-tis-mo

5 au-to--vil

6 án-gel

7 bo-le-ro

8 rit-mos

9 Héc-tor

10 vo-lu-men


|||As all words are "llanas" the tonic syllable will always be the penultimate syllable.

I hope it helps you.|||

Help with this pls !!!


The phrases to correctly complete this conversation are Hola, yo estoy, adios, buenas, mi número es.

How to complete this conversation?

To complete this conversation follow the next steps:

Understand the context of the sentences. For example, is it the beginning or the end of a conversation?Use basic phrases to complete the conversation such as Hola (hello), and cómo estás (how are you).

Based on this, the sentences of the conversation can be completed as:

Hola, ¿Cómo le va..?Yo estoy bienAdiosMi número de teléfono es..

Learn more about conversations in https://brainly.com/question/27912759


La forma correcta complete the sentences with the correct verb form.
a mí ____ música las 24 horas del día. te gusta cantar me gusta escuchar me gusta escuchar a estefanía ____ en una universidad. trabaja trabajo trabajas vanesa y tú ____ muy bien. dibujas dibujamos dibujan yo ____ a las 8:00 p.m. ¿y tú? cena ceno cenas las profesoras ____ a las 8:00
a.m. llega llegas llegan la clase de economía ____ a las 4:00 p.m.

Terminas termina termino analía y clara ____ la pizarra con atención. miramos mira miran



to music 24 hours a day. you like singing I like to hear I like to hear Stefana ____ in a university. work work you work vanese and you ____ very well. draw I ____ at 8:00 p.m. and you? dinner dinner by teachers ____ at 8:00

a.m. arrives arrive the economy class ____ at 4:00 p.m.

Finished ends I finish analytical and clear ____ the slate carefully. look, look, look


1- Verbos yo tú Complete the chart. infinitivo nosotras ustedes a) (1) lastimarse (1). (2). eras nos lastimábamos (6) (3) (7). (4) (5) b) (6). (8) sufría (9) (10) sufrían c) (8). I really need the help rn ​


The verbs to complete the chart are me lastimaba, te lastimabas, se lastimaban,  ser, eras, eramos eran, dormir, dormías, dormíamos.

How to conjugate the chart and complete the verbs?

in the Spanish language, verbs are conjugated according to the subject or noun. This includes the conjugation of verbs in the preterite, which is used to refer to the past. Here is an example:

Yo comíTu comisteEl comióNosotros comímosEllos comieron

Based on this, the correct verbs are:

me lastimabate lastimabasse lastimabansereraseramos erandormirdormíasdormíamos

Learn more about conjugation in https://brainly.com/question/28175934


At Home Part 2
Grammar Hunches: Comparatives (Practice)
Now that you have worked through a lot of material that includes these basic patterns, and you have compared grammatically correct and incorrect sentences, write down what you think is a rule that could explain what makes a sentence grammatically correct or not. For example, you might write something like: "verbs always match nouns in number, and they usually come before the noun." In other words, make your best guess for the grammar rule that makes sense out of the pattern(s) you see in the phrases you have been working with. Review if you need to, and you might briefly check your hunches against the sentences you have been working with in this or previous modules. Keep in mind that what you're after is your hunch, not a grammar rule from a text book. Now check your hunch with the explanation of this principle in the following pattern.


A grammatical rule is that adjectives must describe the noun taking into account its number and gender, just like verbs with nouns.

What grammatical rule do we evidence?

The grammatical rule that we show about adjectives is that they must coincide in number and gender with the noun, this rule also applies to verbs that must be conjugated correctly following the number and gender of the nouns. Here are some examples:

Ella es bonita - adjetivo: bonitoEllos son altos - adjetivo: altoNosotros somos inteligentes - adjetivo: inteligenteEllas son extrovertidas - adjetivo: extrovertido

Learn more about adjectives in: https://brainly.com/question/11385993


10 preguntas sobre el maltrato animal



10 questions about animal abuse

Escribe oraciones con cada una de las siguientes palabras: • fue (de ir). fue (de ser) • bello vello​



Explanation:Maria fue al parque

Alex fue cantante

El auto es muy bello

No tengo mucho vello



Fue de ir:

Mi amiga fue la semana de paseo a la Ciudad de México para poder subirse a las trajineras en Xochimilco.

Fue de ser:

El presidente de aquel país fue muy aplaudido por las reformas que impulsó en su primer periodo de gobierno.


El paisaje que pudimos contemplar en esa montaña fue muy bello.


Para poder efectuar esa cirugía debieron depilarle todo el vello de esa parte del brazo.


How would Eric greet his teacher in the morning?

Hasta pronto.
Hasta luego.
Buenos días.
Buenas tardes.


The answer
C. Buenos días

c is the right answer Buenos días because it means good morning

A means see you soon

B means see you later

D means good afternoon

Comprensión UNLIMITED ATTEMPTS LEFT DUE February 13th 11:59 PM
Complete the chart below based on what you see in the En pantalla video.
plato principal


there is no chart attached

The instructions and question are in the picture provided.




Based on the information in the image, it can be inferred that the words in the graph have in common an accent with tilde. Additionally, they differ from English because they use double question marks.

What do all of the above question words have in common?

Based on the information in the graph, it can be inferred that all of the above words have in common that they are used to ask questions. All of them have question marks and accentuation in one of their vowels.

What do we notice about the punctuation that is different from English?

The aspect that is different in Spanish and English with respect to punctuation marks is that in Spanish double question marks are used, one before the words and another at the end of the words, while in English only one is used in the end.

Learn more about laguages in: https://brainly.com/question/26059369


Choose the correct form of IR to complete the following sentence:
a estudiar en la oficina.
Mi hermana y yo

O va
O van
O voy
O vamos





spanish speaker

Mi hermana y yo vamos a ir a estudiar en la oficina.

1. volvia
2. leía
3. entraban
4. trabajaban
5. dormía
6. corrías
7. aprendían
8. escribíamos
9. conducían
10. hacíamos



1. volvia means I returned to

2. leía means read

3. entraban means they entered

4. trabajaban means they worked

5. dormía means slept

6. corrías means you ran

7. aprendían means they learned

8. escribíamos means we wrote

9. conducían means they drove

10. hacíamos means we did

My Spanish is a little off but, I hope this is what you were looking for.

Choose the correct form of IR to complete the following sentence:
al comedor para desayunar.

O van
O voy



Yo voy al comedor para desayunar


A cambiarlos. Let's change them. Change the adjectives into their superlative "ísimo/a/os/as" form (use the same gender and number of the adjective in each question).
Do not capitalize or use punctuation, as it will confuse the system.
If you have trouble with special characters, copy and paste i into your response.

1. flaco
2. gorda
3. bajos
4. lento.
5. cómica
6. aburridas


Adjectives can be changed to superlative form in Spanish by using the same adjective gender and number in each question as follows:

FlaquísimoGordísimaBajíssimosLentísimosCómiquísimasAburridísimasWhat are superlatives?

It corresponds to an inflection of the adjective whose purpose is to make the characteristics of the noun more intense. The superlative can be divided into:

Relative superlativeAbsolute superlative

Therefore, each language has its grammatical rule for the use of the superlative, in Spanish the suffix "ísimo" must agree in gender and number with the noun to remain coherent and correct.

Find more about superlatives at:



B. Subraye las palabras agudas de la siguiente
1. laud
2. evolución
3. popularidad
4. vanguardia
5. edad
6. estética
7. folclórica
8. creador
9. trompeta
10. jibara
11. origen
12. principal
113. árabe
14. república
15. campesino
16. movimiento
17. lugar
18. híbrido
19. composición
20. rumba


Las palabras agudas son aquellas que tienen la sílaba tónica en la última sílaba. De la lista proporcionada, las palabras agudas son:


Explicación de esto

Estas palabras se identifican como agudas porque la sílaba tónica, que es donde se enfatiza la pronunciación, recae en la última sílaba de cada palabra.

"pronunciación", se refiere a la forma en que se articulan las palabras al hablar, es decir, la forma en que se emiten los sonidos de las letras y las palabras en un idioma determinado.

Una buena pronunciación es importante para poder comunicarse efectivamente en un idioma y ser entendido claramente.

Read more about pronunciation here:



Read the dialogue and choose the correct option for the blank.

–Señora Martos: Buenas noches. Yo soy la señora Martos.
–Señor Hernando: Hola. Yo soy el señor Hernando. Mucho gusto.
–Señora Martos: ________, señor.

answer asap



Igualmente, señor.

In each of the lists below, select the item that doesn’t belong. Then complete the sentence about what the remaining items have in common, using the correct form of the following adjectives from the list. ¡Atención! Make sure the adjective’s ending matches the noun that it is describing.

Shakira, Mary Smith, Lady Gaga, Eva Longoria

Son mujeres famosas.

La bandera española, la bandera guatemalteca, la bandera hondurera, la bandera nicaragüense

Son banderas ____ y ____

La bandera colombiana, la bandera mexicana, la bandera ecuatoriana, la bandera venezolana

Son banderas _____, ____, y ______.



According to the information, the words that complete the sentences are: 1. azul y blanco y 2. amarillo azul y rojo.

How to complete the sentences correctly?

To complete the sentences correctly we must identify the characteristics that the elements described in the sentences have in common.

In this case, in the first sentence, the element that does not match the description is the Spanish flag that has red and yellow. On the other hand, the Guatemalan, Nicaraguan and Honduran flag have blue and white.

In the second sentence, the one that does not match is the Mexican flag that has green, white and red. While the Venezuelan, Colombian and Ecuadorian flags have yellow, blue and red.

Learn more about colors in: https://brainly.com/question/19580247


Los verbos. The verbs. Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences about people doing each activity as much as other people.
1. Beto trabaja
2. Mateo y Diego juegan al fútbol
3. Victoria y Carolina estudian
4. Kevin toca el piano
su hermano.
sus primos.
sus compañeros de clase.
su novia.


The phrases that correctly complete the sentences are: 1. tanto como, 2. tanto como, 3. tanto como, 4. tanto como.

How to complete the sentences correctly?

To complete the sentences correctly we must take into account that we are expressing a relationship of equality, that is to say that the subjects of the sentences are carrying out an activity in the same amount as the other people. Therefore, we must use the expression "tanto como" (as much as).

According to the above information, the sentences would look like this:

1. Beto trabaja tanto como su hermano.

2. Mateo y Diego juegan al fútbol tanto como sus primos.

3. Victoria y Carolina estudian tanto como sus compañeros de clase.

4. Kevin toca el piano tanto como su novia.

Learn more about comparatives in: https://brainly.com/question/14908224


Choose what definite article belongs to the following noun:
____ ajedrez



The answer is "el"


el ajedrez

Type the reflexive pronoun that goes with the subject





"el chico" relates to the reflexive pronoun for él, which is se.

For example,

él se siente bien

el chico se siente bien — the boy feels fine

él se lava sus manos — he washes his hands

el chico se lava sus manos


О  se está divirtiendo.


О El chico se está divirtiendo.


Fill in the blanks with the present tense forms of the verbs. Question 1 with 1 blank Ella (escribir) 1 of 1 en el cuaderno. Question 2 with 1 blank Yo (asistir) 1 of 1 a clase de español. Question 3 with 1 blank Tú (comprender) 1 of 1 la situación. Question 4 with 1 blank Yo (venir) 1 of 1 mañana. Question 5 with 1 blank Nosotros (abrir) 1 of 1 la puerta. Question 6 with 1erno.




Ella escribe en el cuaderno.Yo asisto a la clase de español.Tú comprendes la situación.Yo vengo mañana.Nosotros abrimos la puerta.

top answer is correct

Pls help will give brainliest


¿Debo traer las bebidas?

Sí, tráelas.

¿Debo preparar la comida?

Sí, prepárala.

¿Debo buscar los globos?

Sí, buscarlos.

¿Debo poner las decoraciones?

Sí, ponlas.

¿Debo limpiar la cocina?

Sí, límpiala.

¿Debo envolver los regalos?

Sí, envuélvelos.

¿Debo abrir la puerta a los invitados?

Sí, ábrela.

¿Debo servir el pastel?

Sí, sírvelo.

¿Debo pasar la aspiradora?

Sí, pásalo.

¿Debo sacar la basura?

Sí, sácala.

What is the Birthday  about?

Se debe comprar el papel de regalo, traer las bebidas, preparar la comida, buscar los globos, poner las decoraciones, limpiar la cocina, envolver los regalos, abrir la puerta a los invitados, servir el pastel, pasar la aspiradora y sacar la basura para la fiesta de cumpleaños.

The above model is suggesting a list of tasks that need to be done for a birthday party. This includes buying gift wrap, bringing drinks, preparing food, finding balloons, putting up decorations, cleaning the kitchen, wrapping gifts, opening the door for guests, serving cake, vacuuming, and taking out the trash

Learn more about Birthday from



Esta es una bebida amarga.Correct or incorrect?





La contestación es: Correcta

what does hace sol mean



              "Hace sol" in Spanish translates to "It is sunny". Typically this would be a person's response to "¿Que tiempo hace?" (What is the weather) if the weather is presently clear and sunny.

Have a great day! Feel free to let me know if you have any more questions :)


it means it is sunny


Could you please help?



1. eres

2. soy

3. son

4. eres

5. son

Hope this helps and have a great day! =D

1. es
2. soy
3. son
4. eres
5. son

Place the steps to story writing in order:








FIRST: Exposition

SECOND: Rising Action

THIRD: Climax

FOURTH: Falling Action

FIFTH: Resolution/Denouement

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