Cosmic abundance is made up primarily of what gases?


Answer 1


Hydrogen and Helium


The abundance of chemical elements in the universe was made up of large amounts of these 2 gases, the rest made up only about 2% of the universe. Which were produced mostly by supernovae and certain red giant stars

Related Questions

6.) A racing car of mass 620. kg starts from rest and travels 90.0 meters in 5.00 seconds. What unbalanced force was applied to it?​





Another unfortunate bug splatters on the windshield of a moving car. Which has the greater change in momentum---the bug or the car?



The change in momentum for the bug and the car will be equal, impulses will be equal in opposite directions and the bug will have a greater acceleration compared to the car, because it has a smaller mass.


Hope this helps..

What can we say when one force
is greater than another force?
A. There is no net force.
B. There is no change in motion.
C. There is a change in motion.
D. The forces are in equilibrium.


When one force is greater than another force, we can say that there is a change in motion. The correct answer is option C: "There is a change in motion."

According to Newton's second law of motion, the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass. When one force is greater than another force, the net force acting on the object is not zero. If the net force acting on an object is not zero, it will cause the object to accelerate in the direction of the larger force. This acceleration leads to a change in motion. The object may speed up, slow down, change direction, or a combination of these.

Option A, "There is no net force," is incorrect because if one force is greater than another, there is a net force acting on the object.

Option B, "There is no change in motion," is incorrect because, as explained above, a greater force leads to a change in motion.

Option D, "The forces are in equilibrium," is incorrect because if one force is greater than another, the forces are not balanced, and the object is not in equilibrium.

Therefore, the correct statement is that there is a change in motion when one force is greater than another force.

for more questions on motion

What is the acceleration of a 300. kg sled being pulled with a force of 828 N, if the coefficient of kinetic friction between the sled and the ground is 0.120?



The acceleration of the sled is 1.584 m/s².


What is kinect friction force?

Friction always occur when two surfaces slide across one another. For example, if we push an object and it starts moving, we can say there's a kinect (dynamic) friction force between that object and the surface under.

Now, let's solve the problem.

First, we've got to write the data down.

[tex]\bullet \quad m=300\,kg\\\\\bullet \quad F=828\,N\\\\\bullet \quad \mu_k=0.120[/tex]

Sketch a picture of the problem and point all forces acting on the sled (see attached).

Apply Newton's Second Law Of Motion:

[tex]F_{net}=m\cdot a[/tex]

Let's set our reference system positive to the right. Above equation becomes:

[tex]F-f_k=m\cdot a[/tex]

where [tex]f_k[/tex] is the kinect friction force.

Looking up free body diagram, we can see support force equals the weight of the sled, so that we can write:

[tex]F-\mu_k\cdot m \cdot g=m \cdot a[/tex]

Solving for a:

[tex]a=\dfrac{F-\mu_k \cdot m \cdot g}{m}[/tex]

Let's take 9.8 m/s² for the acceleration of gravity and plug the data on the equation.

[tex]a=\dfrac{828-(0.120)\cdot 300\cdot(9.8)}{300}[/tex]

[tex]\therefore \boxed{a=1.584\,m/s^2}[/tex]

Conclusion: the acceleration of the sled is 1.584 m/s².

Keep learning with this link:

Friction force

Happy studying!

Brainly Team

A hammer falls from a construction worker's hand 30m above the ground at the same time that a filled soft drink can is projected vertically upward from the ground at a velocity of 24 m/s. Where and when will the two objects meet?


For harmer:-

initial velocity=u=0m/sAcceleration due to gravity=10m/s^2


[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto s=ut+\dfrac{1}{2}gt^2[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto s=0t+\dfrac{1}{2}(10)t^2[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto s=5t^2\dots(1)[/tex]

For soft drink:-


[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 30-s=(24)t+\dfrac{1}{2}(10)t^2[/tex]

Using eq(1)

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 30-5t^2=24t-5t^2[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 24t=30[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto t=\dfrac{30}{24}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto t=1.2s[/tex]

After 1.2s they will meet.


putting t in eq(1)

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto s=5t^2=5(1.2)^2=5(1.44)=7.2m[/tex]

At the height of 7.2m they will meet

hi guys can yall answer this this one is very easy​



1:physical fitness

2:cardiovascular endurance

3:self testing exercise

4:zipper test

5:fitness level


hope this helps

Una bola de 60 Kg se hace descender por medio de un cable, con una aceleración hacia abajo de 4 m/s2 . ¿Cuál es la tensión en el cable?



240 N


La fuerza de la tensión del cable es la masa por la aceleración (F=ma).

F = (60)(4) = 240 N


1. What is the acceleration of a spaceship that can accelerate from 10,000 m/s to 17,500 m/s in 20 seconds?

2. How long does it take the principal to run to our classroom, if the distance is 125 meters, and he accelerates, from rest, at a rate of 4 m/s^2?

3. A pen falls off my desk. It took 1.5 seconds to fall. What was the velocity of the pen just before it hit the ground?

4. You are standing at the edge of a cliff that is 40m tall. You throw an apple down with a speed of 15 m/s. How long does it take to fall to the bottom of the cliff?

5. A stone is dropped from the roof of a building. It took 5 s for the stone to reach the ground. What is the height of the building?

6. A man is on a 30m cliff and throws a ball down with a speed of 7 m/s.
A) With what velocity does the ball hit the ground? B) How high above the ground is the ball after the ball has fallen for 1 second?

7. A watermelon is dropped from rest from the top of a 20m cliff. A) How long does the watermelon be in the air?
B) What was the watermelon’s final velocity?


The kinematic relations allow finding the results for the different questions are:

     1.  The acceleraations is a = 375 m/s²

     2. The time is t = 62.5 s

     3. The velocity at the ground is  v = -14.7 m / s

     4.  The time to the bottoncliff is    1.7 s

     5.  The height isy₀ = 122.5 m


         A) The velocity is v = 25.2 m / s

         B)  The height  for t=1 s is  y = 18.1 m


         A)  Time in the air is t = 2 s

         B)  The final veloicty is   v = - 19.6 m / s

Kinematics analyzes the movement of bodies, finding relationships between the position, velocity and acceleration of bodies.

Let's look for the answers to a series of questions:

1. They indicate the initial and final velocities of the body and the time to reach it is 20 s, ask how much the acceleration is worth

Let's use the relationship

             v = v₀ + a t

             a = [tex]\frac{v-v_o}{t}[/tex]

             a = [tex]\frac{17500-10000}{20}[/tex]

             a = 375 m/s²

2. What is the time it takes to travel a distance of 125 m with an acceleration of 4 m / s²

             x = v₀ t + ½ a t²

As it leaves the direction its initial velocity is zero

             x = ½ to t²

             t = [tex]\sqrt{\frac{2x}{a} }[/tex]

             t = [tex]\sqrt{\frac{2 \ 125}{4} }[/tex]

             t = 62.5 s

3. A pencil falls from a height and reaches the floor in a time of 1.5 s what is the speed when reaching the floor

            v = v₀ - g t

As it is released its initial velocity is zero

            v = -g t

            v = - 9.8 1.5

            v = -14.7 m / s

The negative sign indicates that the velocity is directed downwards.

4. From the edge of a cliff 40 m high, an apple is thrown downward with an initial velocity of 15 m / s. How long does it take to get to the bottom?

             y = y₀ + v₀ t - ½ g t²

In this case the initial velocity is negative because it is directed downwards and when it reaches the floor its height is zero, let us substitute

Suppose the acceleration is g = 10 m / s²

             0 = 40 - 15 t - ½ 10 t²

             0 = 40 - 15 t - 5 t²


let's solve the quadratic equation

             t² + 3 t - 8 = 0

             t = -3 + Ts 9 + 4 8/2

            t = -3 + 6. 4/2

             t₁ = - 4.9 s

            t₂ = 1.7 s

The time must be a positive quantity, so the correct answer is 1.7 s

5. A stone is dropped from the ceiling and it takes a time 5 s to reach the floor, which is the height of the ceiling

           y = y₀ +v₀ t - ½ g t²

as it is released from the ceiling its initial velocity is zero and the height upon reaching the floor is zero

          0 = y₀ + 0 - ½ g t²

          y₀ = ½ g t²

          y₀ = ½ 9.8 5²

          y₀ = 122.5 m

6. A man at a height of 30 m throws a ball downward at 7 m / s

    A) The speed when reaching the ground

    B) The height of the ball when a time of 1 s has fallen.

  A) Let's use the kinematics relation

              v² = v₀² - 2 g (y -y₀)

              v = 7² - 2 9.8 (0 -30)

              v = 25.2 m / s

 B)   y = y₀ + v₀ t - ½ g t²

        y = 30  7 1 - ½ 9.8 1²

        y = 18.1 m

7.  A watermelon is dropped from rest from the top of a 20m cliff.  

 A) time in the air

 B) ground speed


  A) Let's use the relation

       y = y₀ + v₀ t - ½ g t²

It is released its initial velocity is zero and when it reaches the ground its height is zero (y = 0)

       0 = y₀ + 0 - ½ g t²

       t = [tex]\sqrt{\frac{2y_o}{g} }[/tex]

       t = [tex]\sqrt{\frac{2 \ 20}{9.8} }[/tex]

       t = 2 s

B) the speed when reaching the ground

       v = v₀ - g t

       v = 0 - 9.8 2

       v = - 19.6 m / s

The negative sign indicates that the speed is down

In conclusion using the kinematic relations we can find the results for the different questions are:

   1.  The acceleraations is a = 375 m/s²

   2. The time is t = 62.5 s

   3. The velocity at the ground is  v = -14.7 m / s

   4.  The time to the bottoncliff is    1.7 s

   5.  The height isy₀ = 122.5 m


      A) The velocity is v = 25.2 m / s

      B)  The height  for t=1 s is  y = 18.1 m


      A)  Time in the air is t = 2 s

      B)  Te final veloicty is   v = - 19.6 m / s

Learn more here:

Two balls are dropped from rest and allowed to fall. If one ball is allowed to fall for 1 s and the other for 3 s compare the distances they have fallen.


The second ball traveled a greater distance when compared to the first ball because the second ball spent more time in motion.

The given parameters;

time of fall of the first ball, t = 1 stime of fall of the second ball, t = 3 s

The distance traveled by each ball is calculated using the second equation of motion as shown below.

The distance traveled by the first ball is calculated as follows;

[tex]h = u_0t + \frac{1}{2} gt^2\\\\h = 0 + \frac{1}{2} gt^2\\\\h = \frac{1}{2} gt^2\\\\h = (0.5\times 9.8\times 1^2)\\\\h = 4.9 \ m[/tex]

The distance traveled by the second ball is calculated as follows;

[tex]h = \frac{1}{2} gt^2\\\\h = (0.5\times 9.8\times 3^2)\\\\h = 44.1\ m[/tex]

Thus, the second ball traveled a greater distance because it spent more time in motion.

Learn more here:

significant nomadic peoples who spoke a language derived from a single parent tongue were the


The Answer would be Indo - Europeans

A top-fuel dragster accelerates from rest to a velocity of 100 m/s in 8 s. What is the acceleration?



100 m/s ÷ 8 = 12.5 m/s


You must put multiply (÷)

A car moving on a straight level road changes its speed from Find its acceleration . (3 pts ) 3.5 m/s to 4.5 m/s in 5.00 seconds .



The answer is in my picture.


I hope you have a nice day and please mark me bye(:

in the gravitational field strength formula, g=Gm/r^2, whats the formula for finding m?




just isolate the m

m= g.r²/G

A girl standing 600m away from a cliff bangs two pieces of wood together and hears an echo 3.5 seconds later. Determine the speed of sound in that place


Speed = 342.86 m/s


s = v × t/2

600 m = v × 3.5 s/2

600 m × 2 = v × 3.5 s

1200 m = v × 3.5 s

v = 1200 m/3.5 s

v = 342.86 m/s


The speed of sound in that place  342.86 m/s

What is speed of sound?

The speed of sound is defined as the distance through which a sound wave’s point, such as a compression or a rarefaction, travels per unit of time.


distance of cliff= 600 m

time = 3.5 seconds

speed of sound  = ?

distance = speed * time

distance travelled by the sound to come back to the place where the girl was standing will be = 600 * 2 m

speed = distance / time

speed =  600 * 2 m / 3.5 seconds

speed = 1200 / 3.5 = 342.86 m/s

The speed of sound in that place  342.86 m/s

learn more about speed of sound


Which of the following are molecules? (Select all that apply.)



K and H2


H2 is correct...

Thank you have a magnificent day ahead.

A car drives 215 km west and then 85 km south. Find the distance and displacement of the car.​



Distance= 300 km

Displacement= 130


When you find distance you have to add

When you find displacemnet you subtract

If a car drives 215 kilometers west and then 85 kilometers south, then the distance and displacement of the car would be 300 kilometers and kilometers respectively.

What is displacement?

Displacement is a vector quantity. This indicates that it has both a direction and a magnitude and that it is visually represented as an arrow that points from the starting position to the ending position.

As given in the problem, if a car drives 215 kilometers west and then 85 kilometers south, then we have to find the distance and displacement of the car,

The distance traveled by car = 215 kilometers + 85 kilometers

                                                = 300 kilometers

The displacement covered by the car = √(215² + 85²)

                                                               = 231.2 Kilometers

Thus, the distance traveled by car would be 300 Kilometers and the displacement would be 231.2 Kilometers in the southwest direction.

To learn more about displacement here, refer to the link;


Please represent 80 N, East in a diagram
This means a lot to me if u answer
Thank you​


Answer: Sorry girl, ik the answer but id.k how to upload the diagram


will the star of bethlehem be visible on december 21st



The best time to view the spectacle on Dec. 21 will be around an hour after sunset.

A car originally at rest reaches 40m/s after accelerating for 50s. Calculate its acceleration



initial velocity=0

final velocity=40m/s









3.1 Two waves A and B have frequencies 256 Hz and 1024 Hz respectively have amplitude in ratio 3:1 1.What is their ratio of frequencies? Which wave represents a higher pitch
2.which sound is louder



1. the one with the raito

2. the one that stubbed their toe


I need help
what force is needed to make a ball fall on earth if it had a mass of 13kg

I'd appreciate if someone could help me thank you ​


Newton's second law allows finding the answer for the force that attracts the body is 127.4N

Newton's second law indicates that the force that is the interaction between two bodies is directly proportional to the product of the mass and the acceleration.

            F = m a

Where the bold letters indicate vectors, F is the force, m the mass, and the acceleration of the body.

When a body is close to the Earth there is an interaction between the body and the planet, we call this interaction weight, it is given by the relationship

           W = m g

Where W is the force called weight, m ​​the mass of the body and g the acceleration of the body, which in this case is called the gravity acceleration   (g = 9.8 m / s²)

They indicate that the mass of the body is m = 13 kg, let's calculate the weight

           W = 13  9.8

           W = 127.4 N

In conclusion using Newton's second law we can find the answer for the force that attracts the body is 127.4N

Learn more here:

The table contains the planets in our solar system in order of their average distance from the Sun and their corresponding diameters. The first step in creating a model of the solar system is to scale these large diameters into smaller, more manageable numbers. Eventually, we’ll represent these numbers using circles drawn on paper. MercuryVenusEarthMarsJupiterSaturnUranusNeptune Diameter (km)487912,10412,7566792142,984120,53651,11849,528 Scaled Diameter (cm) 3.51.9 The ratio between Earth’s actual diameter and its scaled diameter can be used to find the scaled diameter of the other planets. Earth’s diameter of 12,756 kilometers is scaled to 3.5 centimeters as shown in the table. Now let’s find the scaled diameter of Mars as an example. Using the calculations shown, Mars’s diameter of 6,792 would be scaled to 1.9 centimeters. d × 12,756 = 6,792 × 3.5 d = 1.9 cm Use this same process to complete the table with the scaled diameters of the other planets. Round each answer to the tenths place. If you need additional math help, visit the Proportions section of the Math Review.


The scaled diameters of the missing planets are listed below:

Mercury                      1.4 cm

Venus                        3.3 cm

Mars                           1.9 cm

Jupiter                     39.2 cm

Saturn                      33.1 cm

Uranus                     14.0 cm

Neptune                  13.6 cm

How to determine the scaled diameters of a planet

In this question we must use conversion factor to calculate the scaled diameters by means of the following direct relationship:

d = k · D     (1)


D - Real diameter, in kilometers.d - Scaled diameter, in centimeters.k - Conversion factor, in centimeters per kilometer.

The conversion factor is found by using the real and scaled diameter of the Earth:

k = 3.5 cm/12,756 km

k = 7/25512 cm/km

Then, we determine the scaled diameters of the rest of planets:

Mercury                      1.4 cm

Venus                        3.3 cm

Mars                           1.9 cm

Jupiter                     39.2 cm

Saturn                      33.1 cm

Uranus                     14.0 cm

Neptune                  13.6 cm


The statement reports a table with numerous mistakes, the correct table is shown below:

Planet               Diameter (km)             Scaled Diameter (cm)

Mercury                  4,879

Venus                    12,104

Earth                      12,756                                    3.5

Mars                        6,792                                    

Jupiter                 142,984

Saturn                120,536

Uranus                    51,118

Neptune               49,528

To learn more on scale factors:


3. Pandemic took its toll on our health. We cannot go outside to do our physical activities and socialize with other people like we used to. To maintain our active lifestyle even in the comforts of our home, we must do balanced activities. This will help us take good care of ourselves and help us cope with what is happening around us. We can identify the tasks we do at home as work, or no work done.
● On the table below, list down the personal care and school work-related activities you do at home. Classify if it has work or no work done. Furthermore, identify the form of energy while you are doing the task.





work done x time the person can determine

not sure really what to answer but here are 4 parts.

personal care

1.) working out

2.) brain games

3.) Manual labor

4.) Sleep to make you relaxed and have energy for the next day

5.) working a job (if you have one)

school relate

1.) studies for at least 15 minutes since a humans intention spam is around 15 minutes

2.) Homework

3.) taking notes

4.) Analysis your progress

5.) Test yourself if you remember the information

if a student is sitting down for 5 hours doing nothing, he would soon be getting drowsy because lack of activity along with potentially getting depression or some other kinds of related features.

that last question I don't know how to answer that. that's all you bud.

Describe how kinetic energy is needed to increase the system's potential energy.



kinetic energy is needed for potential energy since without kinetic energy potential energy would not have the potential energy to do anything

sorry if it doesn't make sense


youre holding a ball in the sky that is potential energy since it has the potential to fall. the kinetic energy is when it falls and lastly the potential is when it hits the floor..

why the things could change the shape of by applying Force for grade 2​


When a force acts on an object, the object may change shape by bending, stretching or compressing - or a combination of all three shape changes. ... Pull an object's ends apart, eg when a rubber band is stretched. Push an object's ends together, eg when an empty drinks can is squashed.

Answer: Its like clay.


When you push down on clay it changes. Boom answered

A student pushes a chair into a desk. If the student's push is the action force, then what is the reaction force in this example of Newton's third law?

A. the force that the chair exerts on the desk after it is pushed in
B. the force of friction acting on the chair
C. the force of gravity acting on the chair
D. the force from the chair on the student



Ans : C


C. The force of gravity acting on the chair


D. the force from the chair on the student


Newton's third law: If an object A exerts a force on object B, then object B must exert a force of equal magnitude and opposite direction back on object A.

This law represents a certain symmetry in nature: forces always occur in pairs, and one body cannot exert a force on another without experiencing a force itself. 

Hope this helps :)

If y = ab, then find the maximum percentage error in the measurement of y. ​



(Δa/a +Δb/b) × 100


Y= a/b

So, maximum percentage error

Δy/y = ( Δa/a + Δ b/b) × 100

Plz, Mark me as the brainlest

a) The mass of a box is 250 kg. The lower surface area is 150 cm². What is the pressure exerted by the box on the surface? ​



[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Force=ma=250(10)=2500N[/tex]


[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Pressure=\dfrac{Force}{Area}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Pressure=\dfrac{2500}{0.015}=1.6666.6Pa[/tex]

a marble rolls horizontally off a table that is 0.8m tall. if the marble lands 0.6m from the base of the table, what is the initial velocity of the marble?


The initial velocity of the marble from the given position is  1.49 m/s.

The given parameters;

height of the table, h = 0.8 mhorizontal distance traveled by the train, X = 0.6 m

The time of motion of the marble from the given height is calculated as;

[tex]h = v_yt + \frac{1}{2} gt^2\\\\h = 0 + \frac{1}{2} gt^2\\\\h = \frac{1}{2} gt^2\\\\t = \sqrt{\frac{2h}{g} } \\\\t = \sqrt{\frac{2\times 0.8}{9.8} }\\\\t = 0.404 \ s[/tex]

The initial horizontal velocity of the marble is calculated as follows;

[tex]X = v_0_xt\\\\v_0_x = \frac{X}{t} \\\\v_0_x = \frac{0.6}{0.404} \\\\v_0_x = 1.49 \ m/s[/tex]

Thus, the initial velocity of the marble from the given position is  1.49 m/s.

Learn more here:

1. Width of A postage stamp is one m, 15 cm, or 20 mm
2. A thickness of ACD 0.1 m 0.01 m or 0.001 m
3. Height of a bus 152.4 mm, 20M, or 250 cm
4 Length of an inch worm 25.4 mm, 25.4 cm or 0.254 m
5. Length of a football field 91.44 m 200 m or one km

Will give brainless


1 - 15 cm
2 - 0.001 m
3 - 20 m
4 - 25.4 mm
5- 91.44
Hope this helps :)
I agree with the other comment I couldn’t comment underneath
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