Choose the word or phrase that best matches the word in italics

Donnie was commended for all the work he did when he volunteered at the new community center


Answer 1

Answer: B, Praised


I assume you meant to italizice commended.

We need to look at the context of the sentence to get the answer- scolded is an ayntonym to commended, it means you got in trouble.

And if Donnie was volunteering, meaning working for a non-profit organization, then he couldn't have gotten paid or promoted.

Related Questions

Heloooooooo helpppp meeeee



will be driving

the second answer

[tex]▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪  {\huge\mathfrak{Answer}}▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪[/tex]

The Correct choice is ~

will be driving

Statement : -

I will be driving during rush hour tomorrow ~

How is a relevant fact different from one that is not relevant?
1. A relevant fact won’t be biased in any way.
2. A relevant fact has numbers or data included.
3. A relevant fact is closely tied to a report’s main idea.
4. A relevant fact won’t be of interest to the reader.



A relevant fact is closely tied to a report's main idea


No pressure or anything but umm in return for this answer can you label me as brainliest, please?

write a letter about society bad activities ​


wisihsvshejsjjsjsehhehwhw ehwiwhnwbwb

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there is a essay dow tomorrow

Hey can anyone pls help me pls i rlly need it!



So a participle phrase is one that begins with a participle, which is just a verb (action) that is turned into an adjective (describing word).

So like, to "burn" is a verb. If we say "burned toast" it's an adjective.

to "work" is a verb, and it's an adjective when we say "working woman."

Grab a book of yours. I'm gonna grab "Epic Fantasy Short Stories" by Philippa Semper.

Page  126: "She remembered Mother Dar pressing a carved stone into her hand..."

Page 289: "The cottages with their thatched roofs..."

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Ancient books are literally how books came to be today, if you ever read Gilgamesh, it is literally like any fiction book you would read today. Myths and lore are also how fiction stories came to be today.


how often (you clean) the windows this year?



I clean the windows ab like 4 times a month.. so 4 x 12 is .... 48


Identify two components that make up the setting in a story.



Elements of setting may include culture, historical period, geography, and hour. Along with the plot, character, theme, and style, setting is considered one of the fundamental components of fiction.


Two components that make up the setting in a story are Time and Place.

1. Time: The time or era in which the story takes place is an essential component of the setting. It includes the specific year, season, and historical context. The time setting can greatly influence the characters' behaviors, societal norms, and the overall atmosphere of the story.

2. Place: The physical location where the story unfolds is another crucial component of the setting. It includes the specific geographic location, such as a city, country, or fictional world, as well as the specific settings within that location, such as a house, school, or forest.

The place setting helps create a sense of atmosphere, as different locations may have distinct characteristics, cultural influences, and impacts on the story's events and characters.

Know more about storytelling:


Which word best describes the relationship between Bilbo and the dwarves?


Answer: Bilbo looks to the West and thinks fondly of his home. The dwarves suggest that he try to enter the Kingdom under the Mountain through the Main Gate; Bilbo turns down this suggestion immediately, since he’d likely to run into Smaug, and the dwarves reluctantly accept his decision.


Write a word that would belong in this group: speak, utter, verbalize, inform



Another word that could most likely go with this is shout.



announce, say, and express


Jane was sent by her Chicago-based company to a business convention in Tokyo, Japan. While at lunch, she and several other Americans in attendance sat together at lunch. As they laughed and enjoyed themselves, Jane noticed that many people glanced at them uncomfortably and whispered to each other. When Jane asked the young waitress what was wrong, the girl avoided eye contact with her, shook her head without saying a word, and quickly walked back to the kitchen. Based on what you know about nonverbal communication, give at least three explanations for the misunderstandings between the people in this scenario.





Just took the test

The misunderstanding regarding the communication is that the people had different cultures.

What is communication?

It should be noted that communication simply means passing of information from a individual to another party.

In this case, the misunderstanding regarding the communication is that the people had different cultures.

Learn more about communication on:


1.The mall is near my house, so it is ............for me to go shopping there.



2.The Ao Dai is slit on the sides and...........................over loose pants.

​​​​​​​ worn



is worn
3.The natural beauty of that region is a source of ………. for many musicians.




4. The ao dai.............................. in songs , novels and poems for centuries.

has mentioned

has been mentioned ​​​​​​​

was mentioned

5. What have fashion designers done to ………………….the ao dai ?

modernize ​​​​​​​



6.What type of clothing do you like wearing................ special occasions?







Q 1. answer B. Q 2. answer D. Q 3. answer D. Q 4. answer B. Q 5. answer A.  Q 6. answer C


they all sound grammatically correct.

• Read the fable closely and observe how the story reveals the theme. Think of an example from a TV show, book, or movie in which a character learns the same lesson communicated through this fable.
• Write a complete paragraph of at least five original sentences that explains how the fable and your story reveal the same theme.
• Use specific details from each story in your paragraph. Explain how your story choice makes the theme in the fable more modern or new.

The fable is below:

The Fox and the Crane

A Fox invited a Crane to supper and provided only soup poured into a wide flat bowl. The soup fell out of the long bill of the Crane at every mouthful, and the Fox found this very funny. The Crane, in his turn, asked the Fox to dine with him, and set before her a bowl with a long narrow mouth. The Crane could easily insert his neck and enjoy its contents, but the Fox was unable to eat, because she did not have a long beak to reach the soup. The Crane thought this a fitting punishment for the way the Fox had treated him.

Theme: Treat others as you would like to be treated.



a story that has the same theme as the fox and the crane is beauty and the beast


In the beauty and the beast, the handsome man makes fun of an old woman and gets pay back by getting turned into a beast. and also Gaston stabs the beast and gets pay back by eventually falling to his death. While in the the fox and the crane fable the fox made fun of the crane because the crane wasn't able to get the soup properly because of the wide flat bowl and gets paid back by the crane doing the same thing to the fox except with a bowl. therefore both story's have the same theme

Which sentence in the passage is an example of metaphor?
He stared out the window, with thoughts of the days to come drifting through his head. There was excitement but also nervous anticipation—a visit from his sister was sure to upend the normal family routine. Full of new ideas and eager to share, she would be a whirlwind in the otherwise quiet household. He knew that they would have a great time together, but he also was going to miss having more space and attention for himself. Still, he wouldn't have it an other way.



She would be a whirlwind in the otherwise quiet household.


this is making her seem like something that isn't alive.

Familiar words of corpus










Activity 3. Say it Properly Let us try to use appropriate language and manner in raising our country views about the issue on "Teenage Pregnancy".

Target Audience: Students aged 13-19

Purpose: State your views about the issue

Language: Formal and simple so that the target audience can easily understand it.

Write your stand about the issue and consider the given information. Use terms that are familiar to students like you. Remember also to apply what you have learned in Lesson 1.​


The question above is intended to assess your ability to write an essay and your perception of teenage pregnancy. For that reason, I can't write the essay for you, but I'll show you how to write it.

First, you should reflect on your opinion about teenage pregnancy and the factors that contribute to this happening. You can search for this topic in articles that provide information that will help you form an opinion.

After that, you can write the essay as follows:

Introduction: Introduce the subject of your essay. Then show your opinion on the subject. That opinion is your thesis statement.

Body: Write two paragraphs. In them you will develop your thesis statement, showing the reasons that lead you to have this opinion and showing evidence, that is, data that prove that your opinion is correct. If you need to, you can write more paragraphs.

Conclusion: Show your final thoughts and strengthen your thesis statement.

More information:

can you help me to do one sentence with (cut out for) one with (find out )and one with (take up) please


1. A lot of people aren’t ‘cut out for’ firefighting. Sometimes it’s too stressful.
2. Cats can ‘find out’ when their human is feeling sick or stressed out
3. Pianos ‘take up’ a lot of space, are you sure you want to get one?

One for all 3: I don’t think you’re ‘cut out for’ playing piano, You could ‘find out’ how to play though. But, pianos ‘take up’ a lot of room space.

Which word is in the incorrect tense?



what word? where is it

Fix the two plural or possessive errors.

Many student's ability to pay for college is limited. However, universities
financial aid packages can help offset some of the necessary expenses.



However, Universities, offer financial aid packages that can help offset some of the necessary expenses.

Help me out here pleaseeeeeee


16. personification
17. idiom

how do you celebrate birthday party in your community?



SO basicly the way to this is to fard and subscribe to Chronic_Haroon

Explanation:thsii is beacuse i upload good content

10. When she saw me waiting, she ran________me. a. Around b. Towards c. Through d. Forward​






Hope this helps

Brainliest pls ❤️

Which highlighted word is an adjective?

A pink convertible lead the parade down main street.



Here the word pink is adjective because it is describing the convertible.


A) pink because pink is a describing word in the sentence.

The man was relieved to see a rescue team arrive.



ive been stuck on this god foresaken boat for almost a week. the guy in the rescue boat lend out a hand to get me on board. later they told me that they thought they would never find me, i was confused of why he looked so shocked so i asked him why. he told me ive been missing for 4 years.


Identity the prepostional phrase in each sentence. Type de phrase exact how it shows up in the sentence wth the correct speline, but only be
one word per box, Words must be in the same order as they appear in the sentence
Eac or the GHScouts has a community service project

1 each of the girl scouts has a community service project?



Okay so just a word of advice if you want your questions answered they need to make a tad bit more sense. If you could give me the sentences your supposed to find prepositional phrases in I can help


I would also take a look at Shurley English grammar rules

(they have a song for this)

Research Plan

Complete each section of the research plan. Complete items 1–4 before starting your research. Then complete item 5 after you have completed some research.

1. Write an initial research question.

2. Describe where you will look for sources.

3. Create a timeline for collecting sources.

4. Describe what you will do when facing roadblocks.

5. Write revised research questions or secondary questions in the space below.

Reflection Questions

After you have completed your multimedia presentation, write a short answer to each question.

1. During the process, did you revise your initial research question? Explain why or why not.

2. As you researched, what were some of the challenges you encountered?

3. How did you work through those challenges?

4. Describe how you synthesized information from multiple sources.

5. Which multimedia elements did you use in your presentation?



Is the process that logically follows the decision.


It was a night demolished by blustery circumstances, and the sky was very melancholy. Phillip had a difficult day at work, and now that he was at long last once again at his home, he was preparing to slow down for the evening. He was anticipating getting some truly necessary rest. He had been buckling down the entire day that he was totally exhausted, and presently the sum total of his thoughts was setting down and getting some rest. Then again, he couldn't peaceful the surging contemplations that were going through his head. He was restless pretty much all that he required to do tomorrow as well as the excess errands until the end of the week. He was distracted with his viewpoints and unfit to shake them. Despite the fact that he was very much aware that he expected to get some rest, he just couldn't track down the ability to loosen up in any capacity whatsoever. Despite the fact that he realized he expected to get some rest, he just couldn't track down the capacity to unwind.

When Phillip comprehended what had happened, he bounced up from the couch and started madly strolling around the room. He was very disturbed. He was working on the assumption that in the event that he didn't act rapidly, he would totally lose his mental stability because of the circumstance. It was his plan to go for a run, and he was the person who started the movement. That's what it's likely that assuming he did, it could assist him with clearing his considerations and be more useful. He bound up his shoes and ventured into the night to get himself arranged for the race. The morning generally began with him going for a run.

Disregarding the way that it was pouring intensely outside, Phillip gave no sign that he was worried about the climate by any stretch of the imagination. He had the particular impression that it furnished him with more energy. As he sped through the area, he was so engrossed with his own considerations that he was totally ignorant about what was happening around him. He examined his work, individuals he thought often about, and the little gathering of companions and partners he kept close. He gave a thought to anything in his life right now that stood apart to him as being especially outstanding.

Eventually, Phillip had the option to find the home in which he had spent his early stages and recover numerous affectionate recollections. Despite the fact that he was exhausted, he was by all accounts feeling obviously superior to he had been previously. Following a troublesome day, he was at long last ready to kick back and unwind since he had been effective in organizing all that was going through his head. When he got into bed, he nodded off very quickly, and he stayed resting for the entire of the evening.

High School

Using the questions below, write a paragraph (7-8 sentences in length) that answers the following questions:



Please elaborate more your question so I can give you an accurate.


Think of at least 10 words or short phrases to describe what it means to be self-reliant.


1.Self taught 2.self supporting 3. Self contained 4. Independent 5. Self sufficient 6. Self made 7.self standing 8.self care 9.self respecting 10. Self responsible

diary entry about the last day of school​



Say what you can remember. If you can't remember anything, just make it up. For example, you could say that you are sad  about not seeing your friends,  Bam. There you go.


format of diary entry:

Monday,22 August, 2017

Dear diary

Content: for example : Today was my last day in my school. I was very happy to see and enjoy my last day. I was upset to leave my school but I was also happy to start my new journey of life which was life after graduation. I was hoping well wishes for everyone. I really enjoyed my day in my school.

ash lemon.

Note: diary is always written in past.

In Section 51 of "Song of Myself," what attitude toward time does the speaker express?



The speaker uses “past and present wilt.” He also says, “Before I am gone,” “too late,” and “I stay only a minute longer.” Saying that time is fading away.


Hope this helps...

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