Book A with a mass of 1.00 kg is placed on a horizontal table. Book B with a mass of 0.500 kg is placed on top of book A. What is the magnitude of the normal force exerted on book A by the table?


Answer 1



N = mg = (1.00 + 0.500)(9.81) = 14.7 N

Answer 2

The magnitude of the normal force exerted on book A by the table is 14.7 N


From the question, we are to determine the magnitude of the normal force.

The normal force ca be calculated by using the formula

[tex]F_{n} = mg[/tex]

Where [tex]F_{n}[/tex] is the normal force

m is the mass

and g is the gravitational field strength ( g = 9.8 m/s²)

The mass will be addition of the masses since Book B is placed on top of the book.


m = 1.00 kg + 0.500 kg = 1.50 kg


[tex]F_{n} = 1.5 \times 9.8[/tex]

[tex]F_{n} = 14.7 \ N[/tex]

Hence, the magnitude of the normal force exerted on book A by the table is 14.7 N

Learn more on Forces here:

Related Questions

A ball is thrown at a speed of 40m/s. If the ball has a mass of 0.33kg, what is the ball’s momentum?




A rock is held steady over a cliff and dropped. 1 seconds later, another rock is thrown straight down at a speed of 11.3 m/s, and hits the first rock. How far have the rocks dropped before they collide? How long is the first rock in the air before it gets hit by the second rock?

What is the displacement of the rocks when they collide? __________ (Hint: be careful of sign -- the rocks drop.)
The first rock is in the air for __________ before it is hit.





If "t" represents the time traveled from the time rock 2 is dropped until the collision, then the time traveled for rock 1 = t + 1. And, since rock #1 is dropped making its initial velocity = 0, then:

The distance rock 1 travels is  

x = (0)(t + 1) + 1/2(-9.8)(t + 1)2 = -4.9(t2 + 2t + 1) = -4.9t2 - 9.8t - 4.9

The distance rock 2 travels  

x = -11.3t + 1/2(-9.8)t2 = -11.3t - 4.9t2

For the distances must be equal when the rocks collide:  

-4.9t2 - 9.8t - 4.9 = -11.3t - 4.9t2  

-9.8t - 4.9 = -11.3t  

-4.9 = -1.5t  

t = 3.267 s

Now, the distance they traveled can be found by plugging the 3.267 s back into either equation:

x = -11.3(3.267) - 4.9(3.267)2 = -89.2 m or 89.2 m below where they began

The time the first rock was in the air is t + 1 = 3.267 + 1 = 4.267 s = 4.27 s


First rocks time be x

Second rocks time be x+1

initial velocity=u=11.3m/s

Distance of both rocks be s1 and s2

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto s=ut+\dfrac{1}{2}at^2[/tex]


[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto s1=11.3x+5x^2[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto s2=11.3(x+1)+5(x+1)^2[/tex]

As both collide then

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto s1=s2[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 11.3x+5x^2=11.3x+11.3+5(x+1)^2[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 5x^2=11.3+5x^2+10x+1[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 10x+12.3=0[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto x=1.23s[/tex]


[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 11.3(1.23)=13.8m[/tex]


A man walks westward on a ship with a speed of 4 km/hr. The ship's propeller drives it 15 km/hr south. What is the actual speed of the man relative to the earth? What is the direction of his velocity?


The actual speed or velocity of the man relative to the earth is 15.52km/hr.

The direction of the man's velocity relation to earth is 75° South of West.

Given the data in the question;

Velocity of man relative to ship; [tex]v_{mrs} = 4 km/hr[/tex] westVelocity of ship; [tex]v_s = 15 km/hr[/tex] southVelocity of the man relative to the earth; [tex]v_E =\ ?[/tex]Direction of the man's velocity; [tex]\theta = \ ?[/tex]

To get the velocity of the man relative to the earth. From Pythagorean theorem

We can simply say

[tex]v_E = \sqrt{(v_{mrs})^2 + (v_s)^2}[/tex]

We substitute in our given values

[tex]v_E = \sqrt{(4km/hr)^2 + (15km/hr)^2}\\\\v_E = \sqrt{(16km^2/hr^2) + (225km^2/hr^2})\\\\v_E = \sqrt{241km^2/hr^2}\\\\v_E = 15.52 km/hr[/tex]

Therefore, the actual speed or velocity of the man relative to the earth is 15.52km/hr

To get the direction of the man's speed. From the three main trigonometric ratios: SOH CAH TOA

[tex]tan\theta = \frac{opposite}{adjacent}[/tex]

[tex]tan\theta = \frac{v_s}{v_{mrs}}[/tex]

We substitute in our values;

[tex]tan\theta = \frac{15km/hr}{4km/hr}\\\\tan\theta = 3.75\\\\\theta = tan^{-1}( 3.75)\\\\\theta = 75^o[/tex]

Therefore, the direction of the man's velocity relation to earth is 75° South of West

Learn more;

If an object has a mass of 100 kg and is accelerating at a rate of 3.3 m/s², how much force is the object receiving?​



133 kg


the statement was the last time I get home and get some sleep and then we can


need my points back


What are the similarities between coral reefs and costal ecosystems



A coral reef is an underwater ecosystem characterized by reef-building corals. Reefs are formed of colonies of coral polyps held together by calcium carbonate. ... Unlike sea anemones, corals secrete hard carbonate exoskeletons that support and protect the coral.

Coastal oceans are commonly defined as the areas from the shoreline to the outer edge of the continental margin. They connect the continents to the open ocean and serve as a link for transporting organic and inorganic, natural and anthropogenic material from land to sea.

Coastal oceans in tropical areas have similar characteristics to their temperate counterparts. ... Coral reefs are biologically diverse and rich habitats that occur in relatively nutrient-poor environments along coastlines. Areas that have too many nutrients often harbor too much algal growth to sustain coral growth.,


Determine the MASS of the object in kg. (use g=10 m/s/s



Sorry but the question is incomplete

Two skaters face one another and stand motionless, then push against each other on the ice. If one's mass is 55 kg and he moves to the left after the push at a velocity of 4.3 m/s, how fast was the other skater traveling after the push if her mass was 48 kg.​


4.9 m/s to the right


We are going to use the conservation law of linear momentum to find her velocity. Initially, they are motionless so their initial total momentum is zero. Let's assume that anything moving to the left has a negative velocity and anything moving to the right has a positive velocity. We can write the conservation law of momentum as

[tex]0 = M_mv_m + M_wv_w[/tex]


[tex]M_m[/tex] = mass of the man = 55 kg

[tex]v_m[/tex] = velocity of the man = -4.3 m/s

[tex]M_m[/tex] = mass of the woman = 48 kg

[tex]v_w[/tex] = velocity of the woman

[tex]\Rightarrow 0 = (55\:\text{kg})(-4.3\:\text{m/s}) + (48\:\text{kg})v_w[/tex]

Solving for [tex]v_w,[/tex]

[tex]v_w = \left(\dfrac{55\:\text{kg}}{48\:\text{kg}}\right)(4.3\:\text{m/s}) = 4.9\:\text{m/s}[/tex]

going to the right.


A book sits motionless on a table. Which statement is true?

The downward force is greater than the upward force on the book.
There are no forces acting on the book.
The upward force is greater than the downward force on the book.
The forces acting on the book are balanced by each other.



I think the second one! So sorry if it's wrong!


Because if it's sitting motionless, then nothing is happening to it.

A book sits motionless on a table so the forces acting on the book are balanced by each other.

What is force?

A force is an effect that can alter an object's motion according to physics. An object with mass can change its velocity, or accelerate, as a result of a force. An obvious way to describe force is as a push or a pull. A force is a vector quantity since it has both magnitude and direction.

A book sits motionless on a table that means forces acting on the book are balanced by each other. As book have mass so gravitational force acting in downward but opposite to that normal force because of friction is acting that stops book to be in motion.

A book sits motionless on a table so the forces acting on the book are balanced by each other.

To learn more about force refer to the link:


A ball rolls with a constant acceleration of 2.5 m/s^2 for 5.0 s with an initial velocity of 5.0 m/s. Calculate the
ball's distance from the starting point at 1.0 s intervals. Make a position-time graph for the object's motion. In
your response, show what you are given, the equation that you used, any algebra/work required, a table of
data, and your graph.


The kinematics allows finding the answers for the positions of the body as a function of time and making its graph are:


The positions according to time are in the table In the attachment we can see a graphic representation

Given parameters

The acceleration a = 2.5 m / s² Time t = 5.0 s The initial velocity vo = 5.0 m / s

To find

The distance each Dt = 1.0 s

Kinematics studies the motion of bodies, gives relationships between the position, velocity and acceleration of bodies, let's use the relationship

          x = v₀ t + ½ a t²

Where x is the position, v or the initial velocity, at the acceleration and t is the time.

Let's substitute

           x = 5 t + ½ 2.5 t²

           x = 5 t + 1.25 t²

Let's calculate the position and write it in the table

t = 0 s       x = 0 m

t = 1 s        x = 5 1 + 1.25 1² = 6.25 m

t = 2 s       x = 5 2 + 1.25 2² = 15 m

t = 3s        x = 5 3 + 1.25 3² = 26.25 m

t = 4 s       x = 5 4 + 1.25 4² = 40 m

t = 5 s       x = 5 5 + 1.25 5² = 56.25 m

In the following table the time and positions of the body are given, these given are used for the attached graph

time (s)      position (m)

   0                  0

    1                  6.25

   2                 15

   3                 26.25

   4                 40

   5                 56.25

In conclusion, using kinematics we can find the answers for the positions of the body as a function of time and make its graph are:


The positions according to time are in the tableIn the attachment we can see a graphic representation

Learn more here:

help me with b and d please

A 65 kg diver stands still on a tower, 100 m above the water
(a) Calculate the gravitational potential energy of the diver, relative to the height of the water. Assume the gravitational field constant is 9.8 N/kg
(b) The diver reaches the surface of the water at a speed of 14 m/s. Calculate the diver's kinetic energy
(c) Compare your answers to (a) and (b). Explain your comparison using concepts learned in this course.
Assume there is no air resistance during the dive (d) Calculate the speed of the diver 5.0 m above the water.​


Following are the solution to the given points:


[tex]\to mass(m)= 65\ kg\\\\\to h=10.0 \ m\\\\\to g=9.8 \ \frac{m}{s^2}[/tex]

To find:

gravitational potential energy(GPE)=?

kinetic energy(KE)=?




For point a:

[tex]\to GPE= mgh[/tex]

             [tex]= 65 \times 10 \times 9.8\\\\ = 6370 \ J\\\\[/tex]

For point b:  

[tex]\to KE=\frac{1}{2} m v^2\\\\[/tex]

           [tex]=\frac{1}{2} \times 65 \times 14^2 \\\\=\frac{1}{2} \times 65 \times 14 \times 14 \\\\= 65 \times 14 \times 7 \\\\=6370\ J\\[/tex]

For point c:

As we've seen, there really is no force acting, and the mechanic KE: GPE is used. Because legitimate is conserved. Home energy loss means GPE must be equal to KE gain.

For point d:

A diver has risen 5 feet above the surface. As a result, according to the energy conservation law:

[tex]\to U_i + K_i= U_f + K_f\\\\ \to mg \times h + 0 = mg \times \frac{h}{2} + \frac{1}{2} m v^2\\\\ \to 9.8 \times 10 = 9.8 \times 5 + \frac{v^2}{2}\\\\\to 9.8 \times 10 - 9.8 \times 5 = \frac{v^2}{2}\\\\\to \frac{v^2}{2} =9.8( 10 - 5) \\\\\to v^2 =9.8( 10 - 5) \times 2 \\\\\to v^2 =9.8\times 5 \times 2 \\\\\to v^2 =98 \\\\\to v =98\ \frac{m}{s^2} \\\\[/tex]

Learn more:

The driver of a 1,500 kg car is traveling at 25 m/s. A deer runs into the road and the driver slams on the brakes. If it takes the car 5 seconds to stop, the acceleration of the car is ____ m/s2.

0.25 m/s2

-0.25 m/s2

5 m/s2

-5 m/s2




5 m/s2


Δv = at

a = Δv/t

a = (0 - 25)/5

a = 5 m/s²

An isotope of Cesium-137 has a half-life of 30 years. If 6 grams of Cesium-137 decays over a period of 90 years, how many grams of Cesium would remain? ​



0.75 grams


Today we have 6 grams

In 30 years, 3 grams remain

In 60 years 1.5 grams remain

in 90 years 0.75 grams remain

mathematically It would look like this

m = 6(0.5⁽ⁿ/³⁰⁾) where n is number of years






Im asuming basketball because a basketball has the least movement out of the rest of the answers.

Elvis and Noah want to move the piano in their living room. Elvis pushes from behind with a force of
400 N, and Noah pulls from the front using a rope with a force of 150 N. The piano has a mass of 225 kg,
and the friction force of the floor and the piano is 100 N.
Calculate the acceleration of the piano.
Round your answer to the nearest tenth.



2.0 m/s


Remember that F = maF=maF, equals, m, a, where FFF is the net force, mmm is the mass of the object, and aaa is its acceleration. To solve this problem, we will need to first find the net force acting on the piano and then use F = maF=maF, equals, m, a to find the piano’s acceleration.

Hint #22 / 4

The net force is the sum of all of the forces on the piano. In this circumstance, Elvis's and Noah's forces are in the same direction, and the friction force is in the opposite direction. So, our net force equation would be:

=400 N+150 N−100 N

=450 N

Now, we can use F = maF=maF, equals, m, a and solve for the acceleration:

225 kg

450 N


The acceleration of the piano is 2.0 m/s

The acceleration of the piano is 2m/s².

We know the formula for force is

F =ma

where f is force, m is mass and a is acceleration.

We need to calculate the total force used in moving the piano

F= Total force- Frictional force

F= 400N+150N-100N= 450N.

We have F=450N and m= 225kg


450N= 225ˣ a

a= 450/225

a= 2m/s²


In the Freebody diagram the magnitude of the normal force is 40 N, the friction force is 25N, the net force is 80N. what is the magnitude of the applied force?




Without the FBD or a good description of the set up, I'd have to say we cannot tell.

If the set up is of the simplest form with a mass on a horizontal surface being acted on by a horizontal force, then that force must be 80 + 25 = 105 N.

As force is a vector, there are an infinite number of other possibilities for force magnitude depending on which direction the force is acting. The mass is also an unknown variable that would affect the applied force magnitude if the direction is not horizontal.

A spring scale is used to measure the weight of various objects. When a 100 g empty glass bottle is placed on the scale, the spring stretches down 1.8 cm. How much water should be poured into the glass bottle to stretch the spring down by 2.7 cm?

A: 44 mL
B: 50 mL
C: 33 mL
D: 150 mL


The answer is B. 50ml

50 mL of water have to poured to the glass bottle of 100 g to increase the stretching of the spring from 1.8 cm to 2.7 cm.

What is spring stretching?

A spring can hang when it loads a weight. The stretching of spring is the change in length of the spring end from its initial length.  Spring balance works with the principle of Hooks law.

The stretching is made by the elasticity of the spring which make it in a wave like motion.

Given that the glass bottle with 100 g weight when loaded on the spring scale, it will stretch down to 1.8 cm. Then the weight required to make a stretch of 2.7 cm is calculated as follows:

weight required  = (100 g × 1.8 cm) /2.7 cm

                            = 150 g.

A total of 150 g is needed to stretch into 2.7 cm. Thus we have to add 50 g of water to the glass weighing 100 g . 50 g is equivalent to 50 ml, since density of water is 1 g/L.

Hence, 50 ml of water should be poured to the glass.

To find more about spring scale, refer the link below:


Which statement describes Kepler’s third law of orbital motion?



The square of orbital period is proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis.


I just took the quick check

A motor with an operating resistance of 30.0 ohms is connected to a voltage source 4.0 amps of current flow in the circuit. What is the voltage of the source



120 V.


voltage V=IxR

= 4x30

= 120 V.

Which of these describes Kepler’s third law of orbital motion?(1 point)

T3 ∝a2


T2 ∝ a3




1) which planet's orbit was Kepler first studying when he began to developed his laws of orbital motion? Answer: Mars

2) which is the best description of Earth's orbit? Answer: almost circular

3) which orbital shape did most scientists in the early 1600s think the planets of our solar system have? Answer: circular

4) which of these describes Kepler's third law of orbital motion? Answer T^2 OX a^3

5) which statement describes Kepler's third law of orbital motion? Answer The square of orbital period is proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis.


I just took the connexus quick check and got a 100%

T2 ∝ a3 is the relation that describes Kepler’s third law of orbital motion, therefore the correct answer is option C.

What are Kepler's laws of planetary motion?

There are three laws of Kepler as follows,

The orbit of the planet is elliptical and the sun is present at one of the two foci of the elliptical route followed by the rotating planet.

A line segment linking a planet and the Sun covers equal regions throughout equal intervals of the time period.

The semi-major axis length of an elliptical planet's orbit is equal to the square of the planet's orbital period.

T2 ∝ a3 is the relation that describes Kepler’s third law of orbital motion,

Thus, the correct answer is option C.

To learn more about Kepler's laws of planetary motion, refer to the link;


Over the 10 second period, how far does Juan run?



C. 10


On the graph you can see that at the 10 second mark it is at the 10 meters mark as well.

31) what is the energy required to change 20g of copper, whose specific heat is 0.39j/gc,
change from 20 to 40 degrees?



given :

m = 20 g

sh = 0.39 J/g°C

∆T = 40-20 = 20°C

Find the Energy!

solution :

E =m. sh. ∆T

= 20 × 0.39 × 20

= 156 J

♪Answer : mass = 20g sh = 0.39j/g°c∆T = 40° - 20° = 20°

So, energy required is

Energy = mass*sh*∆T

Energy = 20g*0.39j/g°c*20°

Energy = 156joule


7. A 77 kg girl and a 62 kg boy face each other on friction free roller skates. The girl pushes the boy, who moves away at a speed of 2.5 m/s. What is the girl's speed? ​



[tex]\sf\longmapsto \: 2.0m/s[/tex]


Initial momentum = 0

[tex]\sf\longmapsto \: 77 \: velocity + 62 \times 2.5 = 0[/tex]

[tex]\sf\longmapsto \: 77 \: velocity = - 155[/tex]

[tex]\sf\longmapsto \: velocity = \frac{ - 155}{77} [/tex]

[tex]\sf\longmapsto \: \: velocity = - 2.012[/tex]

[tex]\sf\longmapsto \: 2.0 \: m/ s[/tex]

draw the diagram of third class lever showing fulcrum, effort and load​



In a third class lever, the effort is located between the load and the fulcrum. If the fulcrum is closer to the load, then less effort is needed to move the load. If the fulcrum is closer to the effort, then the load will move a greater distance. ... These levers are useful for making precise movements.

How does the suns energy contibute to the movement of water in the water cycle



The sun is what makes the water cycle work. The sun provides what almost everything on Earth needs to go—energy, or heat. Heat causes liquid and frozen water to evaporate into water vapor gas, which rises high in the sky to form clouds... clouds that move over the globe and drop rain and snow.


"The sun is what makes the water cycle work. ... Heat causes liquid and frozen water to evaporate into water vapor gas, which rises high in the sky to form clouds... clouds that move over the globe and drop rain and snow. This process is a large part of the water cycle."


Which finding would have disproved Virchow's hypothesis?
O Animalcules are not organisms.
O Animals are made of non-cell-based matter.
Plants are made of non-cell-based matter.
O Cells can generate from nonliving matter.



the correct answer is cells can generate from nonliving matter

An advertisement shows a 1239 kg car slowly pulling at constant speed a large passenger airplane to demonstrate the power of
its newly designed 85.7 hp (horsepower) engine. During the pull, the car passes two landmarks spaced 26.0 m apart in 14.3 s.
The passenger plane being towed is a Boeing 707 with a total weight of 62.5 tons.
Calculate the force that opposes the motion. Assume that the efficiency of the car is such that 15.4% of the engine power is
available to propel the car forward.
How much work is performed by the car on the airplane during this time? How much work is performed by the airplane on the car during this time?



Power = Work / Time

available power = .154 * 85.7 = 13.2 hp

1 hp = 746 watts (joule/sec)

13.2 hp = 13.2 * 746 = 9850 J/sec

Work = P * t = 9850 J/sec * 14.3 s = 141,000 joules

This is the work performed on the airplane and the car

Work = F * s   (force * distance)

F = 141000 J / 26 m = 5420 Newtons    opposes the motion

A dog runs 60 meters in 6 seconds. What is the average speed?

0.1 m/s

10 m/s

360 m/s

not enough information to tell



Distance =60m, Time = 6s, Speed = ?

Speed = distance/time

= 60/6



Hope that this is helpful.

Have a nice day.

con lắc lò xo có m=0,6KG K=30N/m cho nó giao động điều hòa với biên độ 6cm tính thế năng động năng của con lắc khi x=4CM





ndnskskdjdkskdkxjdis bdjdkdnd

the game in the suburbs and rural areas of the Philippines is/are called_____?? ​



Games such as Patintero, Tumbang Preso, Piko, Sipa, Turumpo, and many others, are still played daily in neighborhoods.


Hope this helps... Maybe

Un hamster fait tourner sa cage de 27cm de diamètre a raison de 14tours par minute .quel est le module de l accélération centripète d un morceau de nourriture collé sur la paroi extérieure de la cage ?




a_c = ω²R

14 rev/min (2π rad/rev)(1 min/60 s) = 1.466 rad/s

a_c = 1.466²(0.27/2)

a_c = 0.29 m/s²

Le hamster est lent

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