8. “Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they
deserve, either one." - Benjamin Franklin
Consider the above quote in light of the Law and Order episode you have
just seen. Write an essay discussing whether or not Dr. Franklin's statement
is still relevant. Use examples from the episode, as well as any real life
current events to support your answer. (100-200 words)


Answer 1

Answer: Easy


When Benjamin Franklin deferred to Thomas Jefferson in the drafting of the Declaration of Independence, he did so for multiple reasons. He wished to avoid the annoyance of being edited by the committee of the whole Continental Congress, as Jefferson was, to Jefferson’s great distress. Franklin sought to ensure the support of Jefferson’s Virginia for a revolution begun in New England. He wanted to give the younger man a chance to shine.

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What is the smallest possible piece of electromagnetic radiation
A waves
B photons
C rays


The answer is B. photons.

Of the three productive resources, which of these is the best example of capitol?
a. 50 hogs
b. None of the above
c. A factory full of machines
d. A construction worker


C factory full of machines.

What is the difference between the Dutch and Spanish empires?



"The Dutch and French empires existed on a much smaller scale than the Spanish Empire. ... Like the French, the Dutch Empire was mainly focused on commerce, and did not seek territorial conquest on a large scale. Dutch settlements were noted for their religious tolerance, and did not attempt to convert Native peoples."


Which phrase means the freedom to follow one's own mind and heart and choose one's own religion?

city on a hill

Divine Right of Kings

freedom of conscience

separation of church and state



It means that you have the freedom of conscience

The freedom in conscience is the correct answer I think

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How did reforms during the 1860s affect Mexico?

'They failed to make Mexico more stable.' Many people in both Haiti and the US reacted negatively to the US intervention in Haiti. ... The US could've used less force to exert its influence..


Hope it helps you..

Your welcome in advance..


To what extent was England both similar to and different from other places in Europe, such as France, during the 17th century?



“The ways in which nations waged war from 1500 to 1648 and in the period 1750−1871 were

similar in that alliances were a significant factor in wars in both time periods, but they differed

because 16th−17th century wars were primarily religious while 18th-19th century wars were

politically and economically motivated.” (Addresses both a similarity and a difference and takes a

historically defensible position.)

• “Following the Thirty Years’ War, the reasons behind going to war began to shift from

ecclesiastical to secular. However, regardless of the time period war was seen as a sense of pride

for a nation and brought about unity among the people. While the reasons behind starting war may

have shifted, the nationalist sentiment it sparks in the people has not changed.” (Indicates a shift

in reasons for war as a difference and provides a general but acceptable similarity.)

• “In both time periods, European states waged war for the similar purpose: to stop foreign

aggression and to expand the territory and influence of their own. But they differ significantly in

developments in fighting technologies, such as mobilization, transportation, communication,

weapons, and medicine.” (Though general, thesis provides defensible similarity and difference

between the two periods.)

Examples of unacceptable theses:

• “Priorities and technology have altered the reasons and methods of warfare. From 1800−1871, a

constant in the way war occurs is the presence of a strong, driven leader, and one difference

between war from 1500 to 1648 and 1750 to 1871 is the motivation behind warfare, as earlier

leaders used religion as their motive and later leaders used politics and unification as their

motivation for war.” (Addresses difference, but “strong driven leader” is too general and ahistorical

to receive credit for similarity.)

• “The ways in which European states fought wars between periods 1500−1648 and 1750−1871

differed in the ideology and cause but were the same in terms of devastation and casualty.”


hope that helps you

According to the author, which of the following adjectives describe the American colonists living under British rule? (Select all correct answers)

Question 12 options:








abused is the correct answer

The American colonists living under British rule were abused and suffered. Thus, the correct option is abused and suffering.

What are the American colonies?

Virginia, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia were the thirteen American colonies.

Among the first Europeans to explore the New World and establish themselves in what is now the United States were the Spaniards. But by 1650, England had consolidated its power throughout the Atlantic coast.

The first colony was established in 1607 at Jamestown, Virginia.

On July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, which the 13 American colonies used to dissolve their political ties to Great Britain.

Learn more about American colonies, herehttps://brainly.com/question/385363


What was a characteristic of early African religions?
A) the belief that there was only one god
B) the use of written texts to spread religion
C) agreement across villages that all people came from clay
D) a pantheon of many gods and spirits



I think it's D


because they had many gods believed to have different purposes like for rain, sun,war, and other things.

the right to use an invention as guaranteed by the government is called a (an)

A. a trust

B. a patent

C. a monopoly

D. a padrone


It would be letter c. Patent

Do you think that the wording "Stolen Paradise" is an accurate and fair way of thinking about Hawai'i being part of the United States? Explain your thinking



The planters' belief that a coup and annexation by the United States would remove the threat of a devastating tariff on their sugar also spurred them to action. ... Spurred by the nationalism aroused by the Spanish-American War, the United States annexed Hawaii in 1898 at the urging of President William McKinley.


The United States asserted that it had legally annexed Hawaii. Critics argued this was not a legally permissible way to acquire territory under the U.S. Constitution. ... The flag of the United States was raised over Hawaii on August 12, 1898, protected by the United States Navy.

Which of the founding fathers warned
against political parties?
A. Washington
B. Jefferson
C. Hamilton





He called politocal parties "a fatal disease"

BRAINLY PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




George Washington was the founding father who warned against POLITICALA parties

what year did starbucks open its first store in chicago


They opened it in 1987.

What effect did European migration have on the indigenous people of the americas?



It brought them diseases such as small pox, measles chicken pox etc.

which statement best describes knights in the middle ages?



Knights were professional warriors who helped nobles protect their land.

What did the good/righteous and religious leaders who died along those who were evil in the 14th Century
spread of the black death/the plague many people lost faith in?



The perceived failure of God to answer prayers contributed to the decline of the Church's power & the eventual splintering of a unified Christian worldview. No matter how many Jews, or others, were killed, however, the plague raged on and God seemed deaf to the prayers and supplications of believers.


. In Europe, the perceived failure of God to answer these prayers contributed to the decline of the medieval Church's power and the eventual splintering of a unified Christian worldview during the Protestant Reformation (1517-1648 CE). In the East, Islam remained intact, more or less, owing to its insistence on the plague as a gift which bestowed martyrdom on the victims and transported them instantly to paradise as well as the view of the disease as simply another trial to endure such as famine or flood.

explain what women's roles on the farm, in industry, and domestically were in the late 19h century. ​



Women generally worked closer to the house. On most farms, houses were a place of work, not merely comfortably decorated homes. The women cooked three large meals a day in the kitchen for a family that could number more than 10, and with resident laborers could number more than 12 to 14 per meal. All the wood for the cookstove came from the farm and had to be split as it was used.  Farm wives tended large gardens, raising and preserving most of the family's food. They sewed many of the family's clothes.


(ಥ _ ಥ)

who was the first person to get on a boat and sail to sea?



Ferdinand Magellan


The Portuguese sailor Ferdinand Magellan is credited as being the first man to sail around the world.

I hope this helps!

In which occupation did the colonists work with the native americans population?
3-fur trading


Fur trading because they traded with the Natives primarily.

Se que esto no tiene que ver con tarea pero, últimamente me siento tan cansada sin ganas de hacer nada es tan fuerte este sentimiento que nunca antes me había sentido así, siento que salí de mi burbuja y me di cuenta mi vida es una completa porquería todos los días tengo la misma rutina, todos los días son totalmente iguales así que no espero a que pase nada nuevo, todos los amigos que tenía me termine alejando de ellos, quiero cambiar pero ni siquiera hago un mínimo esfuerzo para hacerlo, todo el día estoy sumida en mi cama sin hacer más nada en todo el día, no me gusta mi cuerpo, no me gusta como soy, todo los pasatiempos que hacia antes me están comenzando a aburrir si no hago nada ahora no se que será de mi cuando crezca, me siento sola no puedo parar de llorar al verme al espejo

El sentimiento de soledad me esta pegando fuerte, pero luego me acostumbraré aunque no haga nada para cambiarlo, solo quería desahogarme no tienen que responder


Answer:Hola siento mentir eso desde que perdí a mi abuelo pero lo escondo porque nadie me entiende así que lo finjo sé que no es bueno pero si tienes una mascota puedes tú esa mascota como una ESA que tienen mis perros y hurones Ayudó mucho y busca las cosas buenas de la vida y úsalas para seguir adelante si quieres saber más, solo pregúntale a Jamie por cierto.


What is the bargain between the u.s. and Panama described in this treaty ?



Hay–Bunau-Varilla Treaty, (Nov. 18, 1903), agreement between the United States and Panama granting exclusive canal rights to the United States across the Isthmus of Panama in exchange for financial reimbursement and guarantees of protection to the newly established republic


5 casos concretos de acontecimientos reales que hayan sucedido y hayan cambiado el modo de vida social y/o cultural de tu comunidad. ejemplo: la construcción de canchas de fut bol en la colonia que dieron mejora deporte y erradico la drogadicción.



40 <3


ow did the 1803 ruling in Marbury v. Madison affect the balance of power in the federal government?
It made the executive branch stronger than the other branches.
It gave the executive branch a way to check the power of the Supreme Court.
It gave the judicial branch a way to check the power of Congress.
It made the judicial branch stronger than the other branches.



It gave the judicial branch a way to check the power of Congress.

why did conquering constantinople strengthen the ottoman empire



It gave the Ottomans a trading center and a governmental and cultural capital.

The conquering constantinople strengthen the ottoman empire because  It gave the Ottomans a trading center and governmental and cultural capital. Thus the correct option is C.

What are the characteristics of the ottoman empire?

The Ottoman Empire was renowned for its contributions to the humanities, sciences, and health care. It was a vast, culturally and religiously diverse kingdom, the Ottoman Empire was structured into a very complex social system.

One of Eastern Europe's largest and most significant cities was Constantinople. This city was a cultural center, had an impressive influence, and was also quite appealing to the world.

Ottomans are a commercial hub, and also consider a political superpower, and a center of culture due to their enormous resources, which enable them to pursue economic expansion and progress.

Therefore, option C is appropriate.

Learn more about the ottoman empire, here:



The complete question is

Why did conquering Constantinople strengthen the Ottoman empire?

A. It helped in overcoming the Safavids.

B. It allowed expansion into Africa

C. It gave the Ottomans a trading center and a governmental and cultural capital

D. It prevented the rise of Portuguese and European navies

Political machines
in exchange for votes.
A. helped immigrants find jobs
B. gave people food and money
C. paid for funerals
D. all of the above



My answer is b. gave people food and money.

Write a short paragraph (in your own words) describing “Humanism.”


Humanism is a philosophical stance that emphasizes the individual and social potential and agency of human beings. It considers human beings as the starting point for serious moral and philosophical inquiry. Humanism is an approach to life-based on reason and our common humanity, recognizing that moral values are properly founded on human nature and experience alone. While atheism is merely the absence of belief, humanism is a positive attitude to the world, centerd on human experience, thought, and hopes.

Hope that helps, Bai

Need help please!!!!!!

Describe the three different sections of Auschwitz. Write at least one paragraph for each section.



It consisted of Auschwitz I, the main camp (Stammlager) in Oświęcim; Auschwitz II-Birkenau, a concentration and extermination camp with gas chambers; Auschwitz III-Monowitz, a labor camp for the chemical conglomerate IG Farben; and dozens of subcamps.


Auschwitz I, the main camp (Stammlager) near Owicim; Auschwitz II-Birkenau, a concentration and death camps with gas chambers; Auschwitz III-Monowitz, a labor camp for the chemical company IG Farben; and several subcamps made up the complex.

What is Auschwitz?

The greatest concentration and death camp in Nazi Germany is called Auschwitz. Auschwitz was a concentration camp that also served as a jail, an extermination camp, and a slave-labor camp.

It was situated in southern Poland, next to the industrial town of Owicim, in a region of the country that was invaded by Germany at the start of World War II. Auschwitz has come to symbolize the "final solution," which is essentially another name for the Holocaust, as it was the most deadly of the Nazi extermination camps. 90 percent of the 1.1 to 1.5 million individuals who perished at Auschwitz were Jews.

Around 19,000 Roma were also among the dead; they were detained at the camp until the Nazis murdered them on July 31, 1944, making them the only other victim group to be killed in family groups with the Jews.

Learn more about Auschwitz, from:



why was the great awakening significant to the american colonies? it gave more power to ministers, which led to a more responsible and orderly society. its leaders made religion more strict, which led to people abandoning christianity and breaking from europe. its leaders preached catholicism, which more closely tied the colonies to european culture. it encouraged the desire for individual rights, which led to the american revolution.



it encouraged the desire for individual rights, which led to the american revolution.


The great awakening was significant to the American colonies because it encouraged the desire for individual rights, which led to the American revolution. The correct option is D.

What was the focus of the Great Awakening?

It does not require belief or organized religion and instead emphasizes the observation of the natural world. Religion-related beliefs were beginning to shift once more. The "Great Awakening" followed that. Spirituality and religious fervor were resurrected during the First Great Awakening.

The Great Awakening promoted ideas of nationalism and individual rights, according to many historians, which had an impact on the Revolutionary War. Other notable educational institutions founded as a result of the resurgence include Princeton, Rutgers, Brown, and Dartmouth Universities.

Thus, the ideal selection is D.

Learn more about the Great Awakening here:



¿se puede justificar la intervencion de un pais sobre otro?
ayudenme porfa doy corazon y estrella



i dont speak this


A.guarantee free speech to all Plymouth colonists
B.promote religious tolerance to accept all outside religions
C.encourage free trade with Native Americans
D.establish an organized community with fair laws



D. Establish an organized community with fair laws.


The Mayflower Compact was created for self governing in which led to the case of fair laws... this quickly ended ever since slaves became apart of America as a citizen, making it an unfair law against them.

Which events led to American victory in the war.


- The Stamp Act (March 1765)

- Townshend Acts (June-July 1767)

- The Boston Massacre (March 1770)

- The Boston Tea Party (December 1773)

- The Coercive Acts (March-June 1774)

- Lexington and Concord (April 1775)

- British attacks on coastal towns (October 1775-January 1776)
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