3)(20pts) Un barco invasor se encuentra a 560m de un puerto de defensa, el puerto tiene cañones que
disparan con una velocidad de 82m/s. a) ¿Qué ángulo debe de tener el barco para poder golpear el
barco invasor? b) ¿Cuál es el tiempo de vuelo de las balas disparadas por el cañón utilizando el ángulo
de la respuesta "a"? c) ¿Qué tan lejos debe alejarse el barco invasor de la costa para lograr estar fuera
del alcance de los cañones?


Answer 1

a) Las balas de cañon disparadas desde el puerto deben tener una ángulo de 27.39° para que puedan impactar al barco, con una velocidad inicial de 82 m/s.

b) El tiempo de vuelo de las balas de cañon para alcanzar al barco que está a 560 m de distancia es de 7.69 s.

c) Sabiendo que el ángulo calculado en el inciso a) es para una distancia de 560 m, el barco debe estar a una distancia mayor para que las balas no lo alcancen.


Podemos usar las ecuaciones de tiro parabólico para encontrar el ángulo que permita derribar al barco invasor.

[tex]x=\frac{v_{i}^{2}sin(2\alpha)}{g}[/tex] (1)


v(i) es la velocidad inicial del cañon (82 m/s)α es el ángulo de tirog es la gravedad (9.81 m/s²)x es el desplazamiento total (560 m)

Lo que debemos hacer es depejar α de la ecuación 1






Por lo tanto, el ángulo para que el cañón impacte en el barco es de 27.39 °.


Sabemos que la componente de la velocidad en el eje x es constante, así que podemo usar la siguiente ecuación.


La componente x de la velocidad es V(x) = V(i)cos(α) y sabiendo la distancia total de 560 m, el tiempo será:




[tex]t=7.69\: s[/tex]

El tiempo total de vuelo de las balas de cañon es de 7.69 s.


Sabemos que el ángulo calculado en el inciso a) es de 27.39 °, y ese valor fue calcualdo para una distancia de 560 m, por lo tanto el barco debe estar a una distancia mayor que esa para que las balas no lo alcancen.

Puedes encontrar más información sobre tiro parabólico aquí:


Espero te haya sido de ayuda!

Related Questions

The function of which system is to release energy from food for cells to use and to take oxygen into the blood and to remove carbon dioxide?






The answer is the Circulatory System!

An engine raises 120kg of water through a height of 40m in 30s.What is the power of the engine take gravity to be = 10m/s.​



  1600 W


Power is the product of force and distance, divided by time.

  P = (120 kg)(10 m/s²)(40 m)/(30 s) = 1600 kg·m²/s³ = 1600 W

label the longitudinal wave





How does the appearance of spiral galaxies vary? *Select the two correct answers.*

A. They vary in how tightly their arms are wound.

B. They vary in the brightness of stars located on their arms.

C. Some are more elongated in shape than others.

D. Some have a band of stars and materials through their middle, but others do not​



A. And D.

A. They vary in how tightly their arms are wound.

D. Some have a band of stars and materials through their middle, but others do not.

The appearance of spiral galaxies vary in the following ways:

A. They vary in how tightly their arms are wound.

D. Some have a band of stars and materials through their middle, but others do not​

Spiral galaxies are the galaxies where the gas clouds and the stars are concentrated in spiral arms.

Examples of spiral galaxies include Milky way, Sunflower Galaxy, Andromeda Galaxy, etc.

It should be noted that spiral galaxies vary in how tightly their arms are wound while some have a band of stars and materials through their middle, but others do not​.

Read related link on:


Why are earth, other solar system planets, and most planetary objects spherical



A planet is round becuase of gravity


A planet's gravity pulls equally from all sides, gravity pulls from the center to the edge like the spokes of a bicycle wheel. This makes the overall shape of a planet sphere, which is a three-dimensional circle.

A planet is round because of gravity. A planet's gravity pulls equally from all sides. Gravity pulls from the center to the edges like the spokes of a bicycle wheel. This makes the overall shape of a planet a sphere, which is a three-dimensional circle.

A sphere of radius r =34.5 cm and mass m = 1.80 kg starts from rest and rolls without slipping down a 30.0∘ incline that is 10.0 m long.
A.) calculate its translational speed when it reaches the bottom.
B.) Calculate its rotational speed when it reaches the bottom.
C.) what is the ratio of translational to rotational kinetic energy at the bottom?




It depends on the construction of the sphere.

Let's ASSUME it is thin wall sphere with a moment of inertia (2/3)mR²

The Change in potential energy will equal the change in kinetic energy

mgh = ½mv² + ½Iω²

mgh = ½mv² + ½((2/3)mR²)(v/R)²

2gh = v² + 2/3v²

2gh = 5/3v²

v = √((6/5)gh)

v = √((6/5)(9.81)(10.0sin30.0))

A) v = 7.67 m/s  

B) ω = 7.67/0.345 = 22.2 radians/s

C)  ½mv² / ½Iω² = mv²/Iω² = mv²/((2/3)mR²)(v/R)² = 3/2

In the free-body diagram, what is the net force? (Hint-Trig.- SOH-CAH-TOA)

a. 35 N right

b. 28 N right

c. 75 N


I would say about 35 n right

A block m1 rests on a surface. A second block m2 sits on top of the first block. A horizontal force F applied to the bottom block pulls both blocks at constant velocity. Here m1 = m2 = m.
What is the normal force exerted by the surface on the bottom block? (Use the following as necessary: m and g as necessary.)



N = 2mg


Assuming the surface is horizontal

The surface must provide enough normal force to prevent the masses from accelerating in the vertical direction.

(a) The normal force exerted by the surface on the bottom block is N1 = 2mg.

Given that,

A block m1 rests on a surface. A second block m2 sits on top of the first block. A horizontal force F applied to the bottom block pulls both blocks at constant velocity. Here m1 = m2 = m.

Based on the above information, we can say that the N1 is 2mg.

Learn more: brainly.com/question/17429689

Please help meeeee!!! ​



1. Test tube

2. tongs





7. Flask

8. Beaker

9. Bunsen burner

10. Erlenmeyer Flask

11.  Molar and pestle

12. Wire gauze

13.  Graduated cylinder

14. Test tube rack

15.  Pipet

16. Filo


A jet airplane is in level flight. The mass of the airplane is m = 8930 kg. The airplane travels at a constant speed around a
circular path of radius R = 8.01 mi and makes one revolution every T = 0.106 h. Given that the lift force acts perpendicularly
upward from the plane defined by the wings, what is the magnitude of the lift force acting on the airplane?
At what angle is the airplane banked?




The lift force will have a vertical component equal to the weight of the plane and a horizontal component sufficient to supply the needed centripetal accleration.

R = 8.01 mi = 12891 m

ω = 2π/T =  2π/(0.106(3600)) = 0.016465 rad/s

F = m√(g² + (ω²R)²)

F = 8930√(9.81² + (0.016465²(12891))²)

F = 8930√(9.81² + 3.49²)

F = 92,996.480...

F = 93.0 kN

θ = arctan(3.49/9.81) = 19.6°

5. Sarah is standing 32.0 m away from Jason. If Sarah throws a snowball at a 45 degree
angle for maximum distance, what velocity must the snowball have to hit Jason directly.
(Assume Jason and Sarah are about the same height so that if she throws the snowball
from head level, it will hit Jason in the head.)




If air resistance is ignored and assume UP and Toward Jason are the positive directions.

horizontal analysis

d = (vx₀)t

t = d/vx₀

horizontal analysis

0 = vy₀t + ½gt²

0 = vy₀(d/vx₀)+ ½g(d/vx₀)²

as vy₀ = v₀sin45 and vx₀ = v₀cos45 and are equal.

0 = d + ½g(d²/v₀²cos²45)

-d = ½g(d²/v₀²cos²45)

-dv₀² = ½g(d²/cos²45)

   v₀² = -½g(d/cos²45)

   v₀² = -½(-9.81(32.0/cos²45)

   v₀² = 313.92

   v₀ = 17.717787...

   v₀ = 17.7 m/s

a raw egg and a hard boiled egg are rotating about the same axis of rotation with the same initial angular velocity. with the aid of diagram, explain which egg will rotate longer



Boiled egg rolls slower than a raw egg , because it has a higher moment of inertia than a raw egg . In order to conserve angular momentum , the angular velocity of the boiled egg decreases.

The hard boiled egg moves as if it was one solid unit. The raw egg has a solid shell but various types of fluids inside that can move independently of the shell. When you turn the egg to cause it to spin this rotating or turning force is called a torque. How the boiled egg spins? The rotating force on the shell of the hard boiled egg spins the entire egg –shell and content because the content is solid and moves when the shell moves. This egg easily spins and spins longer than does the raw egg.


Hence, Boiled egg spins longer than raw egg.

Chọn câu sai :

A. Đồ thị vận tốc theo thời gian chuyển động thẳng đều là một đường song song với trục hoành Ot

B. Trong chuyển động thẳng đều ,đồ thị theo thời gian của tọa độ và của vận tốc đều là những đường thẳng

C. Đồ thị toạ độ theo thời gian của chuyển động thẳng đều bao giờ cũng là một đường thẳng

D. Đồ thị toạ độ theo thời gian của chuyển động thẳng đều là một đường thẳng xiên góc


P.s this language is: Viatnamese :)


This is just to help the other readers help you. Or so that you understand:

Đây là để giúp bạn đọc giúp bạn!

What they tried to say:

Choose the wrong sentence:

A. The velocity-time graph of uniform linear motion is a line parallel to the horizontal axis Ot

B. In uniform linear motion, the time graphs of the coordinates and of the velocity are both straight lines

C. The time-coordinate graph of uniform rectilinear motion is always a straight line

D. The coordinate-time graph of uniform linear motion is an oblique line

Is what they asked you.

Thankyou and your welcome

Vì tôi đã giúp đỡ, tôi có thể vui lòng có cám ơn nào không?

Have a great day!

~Happy helper~

một viên đạn được bắn lên với vận tốc v0=800m/s theo phương hợp với mặt phẳng nằm ngang một góc 30 độ. xác định tầm xa của viên đạn


Step 1 First Draw a Diagram.


Step 2 Identify the givens


g= -9.8 m/sec2

x0 = 0 m

Y-Yo= 80m

V0 = 800m/s -30o inclined from horizontal

Xf= ?

t = ?

Step 3  * A 2 dimensional problem so break it down into x component and y component



Step 4   x component  


x= [Vox ][cos 30o][t]

x= [800m/s][cos 30o][tsec]

x=[692.8m/s][tsec]       <---------------Need t


Step 5 y component



Y-Yo= Voy - 1/2gt2

80m= -[v][sin30o][t] -1/2gt2

1/2gt2+[v][sin30o][t]+80m=0   <-------Form Quadratic Equation

Solve for t


t=   -[v sin 30]  +/-   [(v sin 30)-(4)(1/2)(9.8)(80)]1/2



t= 400+/- 398


t= 0.2 sec



Step 6 Plug this into initial x component equation



If 1 light year = 9.46x 1015.
m and 1 mile = 1.6 km, how many miles are in a light year? You



5 912 500 000 000 = 5.91x10^12 miles


The first thing we need to do is convert the light year distance to kilometres, since we have the kilometre to mile conversion. There are 1000m in a kilometre, so we need to divide the light year value that we have by 1000, giving us 9.46x10^12 km for 1 light year.

Now that we have our value in kilometres, we simply need to divide it by 1.6 to get it in miles. Doing so gives us 5 912 500 000 000 miles, or 5.91x10^12 miles.

Hope that made sense, and let me know if you have any further questions!




[tex]2 \\ because \\ 2 - 2 = 0 \\ 5 - 5 = 0[/tex]

the velocity of an object must include these two things ________ and _________

will give brainlest



The velocity of an object must include these two things displacement and time.


Hope this helps you. Have a nice day^_^

Please mark as brainliest. It helps a lot. :)

If you push on a door for 12 seconds with a force of 53 N, how much impulse
have you applied to the door?
A. 815 kg•m/s
B. 332 kg•m/s
C. 636 kg•m/s
D. 4.42 kg•m/s



C. 636 kg•m/s


53(12) = 636 N•s or kg•m/s

Please help on these two thanks



Number 29

= 10 N (from rocket) + 10 N (from wheels) - 7 N (from parachute 'cause force in other direction)

= 20 N - 7 N

= 13 N ✔

Number 30

= 100 N - 85 N

= 15 N to the left ✔

A racecar begins at rest and accelerates to 25 m/s at a rate of 6.25 m/s2. What distance does the racecar cover?

2 m

156 m

4 m

50 m




50 m


v² = u² + 2as

s = (v² - u²) / 2a

s =(25² - 0²) / (2(6.25))

s = 50 m

Which statement best explains how a planet affects the orbit of a comet as the comet passes by the planet?


Comets orbit the sun just like planets do. Except a comet usually has a very elongated orbit. Thanks to the laws of gravity comets obey the same laws. A comets orbit takes it very close to the sun and then far away again.

in the free body diagram. what is the net force?

A) 40 N, right

B) 10 N, right

C) 80 N

D) 32 N, right



None of the suggested solutions.


horizontally, net force is

60cos30 - 20 = 31.96... 32 N right

which might be their desired answer.

There is also a vertical net force component.

vertically, net force is 40 + 60sin30 - 40 = 30 N up

total net force is

√(32² + 30²) = 43.834... 44 N

θ = arctan(30/32) = 43° above horizontal right.

Why is 250 million years called a cosmic year?
That’s the amount of time it takes the Milky Way to revolve around the Universe core.
That’s the amount of time it takes the Milky Way to rotate on its axis.
That’s the amount of time it takes the solar system to rotate on its axis.
That’s the amount of time it takes the solar system to revolve around the Milky way core.



250 million years is called a cosmic year  because - D) That’s the amount of time it takes the solar system to revolve around the Milky way core.


The planets in our solar system orbit around the sun. ... Even at this blazing speed, it takes the sun approximately 225-250 million years to complete one journey around the galaxy's center. This amount of time – the time it takes us to orbit the center of the galaxy – is sometimes called a cosmic year.

The cosmic year is of 250 million years because that is the amount of time it takes in the solar system to revolve around the milky way core. Hence, option D is correct.

What is the Milky way?

A large spiral galaxy known as the Milky Way contains the Sun and several hundred billion other stars. It gets its name from the Milky Way, an amorphous belt of stars and gas clouds that can be viewed in the sky from Earth. Astronomers do not fully comprehend the nature of the Milky Way Galaxy, which is commonly referred to simply as the Galaxy, despite the fact that Earth is located within it.

Much of the Galaxy is hidden by a thick layer of interstellar dust that prevents optical telescopes from seeing it, and astronomers can only determine its large-scale structure with the help of radio and infrared telescopes that can detect the types of radiation that can pass through the obscuring matter.

Our solar system's planets revolve around the sun. Even at this incredible speed, one orbit of the galaxy's center takes the sun about 225–250 million years to complete. A cosmic year is another name for the period of time it takes for us to orbit the galactic center.

To get more information about the milky way :



Why does the sun have less gravitational pull on planet far away like Pluto?



Because the planet is far away from the sun


The closer the planet is to the Sun, the greater the pull of the Sun's gravity, and the faster the planet orbits.

While, over here the Pluto is very far away from the Sun so it will have very little gravitational  pull and still keeps revolving around the Sun

Pls Mark Brainliest

Hollywood studios get in trouble for a lack of diversity in their casting decisions. In order to remedy that, they create a computational model to find promising new actors. The computational model compares prospective actors to famous ones and chooses prospective actors that are the most similar to famous ones. What is a true statement about this computational model?
1. It will be effective and efficient at eliminating bias from casting decisions because computers are more objective than people.
2. Though it will choose from the applicants quicker than humans could, it will repeat the biases of the original casting decisions.
3. It is not a good idea to use computational models in the casting process as computers often deviate from the equations they're given. 4. While it would help eliminate bias from casting decisions, it is inefficient because it would be quicker for humans to choose the applicants.​


Hollywood studios get in trouble for a lack of diversity in their casting decisions. The true statement about this computational model is that it will be effective and efficient at eliminating bais from casting.

Option 1 is correct.

The lack of diversity in Hollywood studios casting decisions results in the inability to select and choose the right actors for a specified role play.

The use of a computational model makes use of a computer program that studies and compares the prospective actors to famous ones and chooses prospective actors that are most similar to famous ones.

This is the best result to can be achieved and derived in making decisions in the diversity of casting because the computational model provides actors that are most effective and efficient thereby elimination the bias from casting decisions. This model is objective and it's not based on emotional decisions, unlike people.

Learn more about computational models here;


A small heat engine has an energy input of 1,176 joules, and does 201 joules of work. What is the efficiency of the engine? (round your answer to the nearest whole number percent, but leave off the % symbol)

so, if you calculate it is 13.3%, enter your number as 13.


The efficiency of the engine is 17%.

Given the following data:

Energy input = 1,176 JoulesEnergy output = 201 Joules

To find the efficiency of the engine:

Mathematically, the efficiency of an engine is calculated by using the formula:

[tex]Efficiency = \frac{E_O}{E_I}[/tex] × [tex]100[/tex]


Eo is the energy output.Ei is the energy input.

Substituting the given parameters into the formula, we have;

[tex]Efficiency = \frac{201}{1176}[/tex] × [tex]100[/tex]

[tex]Efficiency = 0.171[/tex] × [tex]100[/tex]

Efficiency = 17%

Therefore, the efficiency of the engine is 17%.

Read more: https://brainly.com/question/22599382

types of circulatiom


Systemic circulation, pulmonary circulation, and portal circulation

A car accelerates at 4 m/s/s from rest. What is the car's velocity after 5 seconds?










If a material were being designed to demonstrate no thermal expansions, how would the energy plot look like?


The characteristics of thermal expansion allow finding that the response for a material without thermal expansion is

The length variation is zero In the graph the line is horizontal so there is no change in length with temperature

Thermal expansion is the macroscopic sum of the changes in the length of the bonds when the energy (temperature) changes, it can be written

              ΔL = α L₀ ΔT

Where ΔL is the change in length, α the coefficient of linear expansion, L₀ the initial length and ΔT the change in body temperature

In this case, a material is being designed that the thermal expansion is very small, for this the material must be made up of several compounds where some of them present a contraction with temperature, some examples: water at low temperature, liquefied gases , ceramic tile, quartz, etc.

The thermal expansion measurement processes control the body temperature and measure the change in length, in this case the change in length must be zero, in the attachment we can see a graph of a composite material with these characteristics, an example of this type of material is Invar an alloy of nickel and iron α = 3.7 10⁻⁶ ºC⁻¹

In conclusion, using the characteristics of thermal expansion we can find that the response of material without thermal expansion is

The length variation is zero In the graph the line is horizontal so there is no change in length with temperature

Learn more here:  brainly.com/question/18717902

Say hi :P...................................................................



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