2. Samuel Adams and the radical Sons of Liberty were desperately looking for another Boston Massacre-
type event to catalyze American resistance. The Tea Act provided just such an opportunity.
When three tea-laden cargo ships landed in Boston Harbor, Sam Adams led a group of 150 colonists
dressed as Mohawk Indians to the docks. The men boarded the ships, smashed the crates and dumped
tea into the water. By the end of the night, the Boston Tea Party had destroyed $70,000 worth of British
tea. It was a powerful message to the British. King George of England took it to be an act of defiance.
"The die is now cast. he told his prime minister. The colonies must either submit or triumph."
What is the purpose of the underlined sentences in the passage?
A. to explain the king's relationship to his B. to support the claim that King George didn't
prime minister
care about the Boston Tea Party or the
colonists in America
C. to hint that the Boston Tea Party was going
to set off a larger conflict between the
colonies and England
D. to provide a detail about the type of board
games King George liked to play


Answer 1




Die is cast refers to game.  George thought like a chess match, his move was to commence on a larger program of total world domination (submission by colonies)

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4 Based on passage what are the benifits of the Hoover dam



The Hoover Dam provides water to crops and people, keeps potential floods under control, and generates electricity for people in the outlying areas.


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It made the business boom in Europe as well as the America's


¿Qué derechos se exigen en la declaración?de la Independencia de los Estados Unidos de América de 1776,



La Carta de Derechos protege la libertad de expresión, la libertad religiosa, el derecho de tener y portar armas, el derecho de reunirse y la libertad de petición. También prohíbe la búsqueda e incautación irrazonable, el castigo cruel e inusual y la autoincriminación obligada.


In no more than 50 words, give a brief history of theater.



Despite theatre's resemblance to the performance of ritual activities, and the relationship that theatre shares with ritual, there is no evidence in any shape or form to show that theatre originated from ritual. This similarity of theatre to ritual is negatively attested by Aristotle, who in his Poetics defined theatre.  

Hope it helps!

Why does the U.S. have the Electoral College system?



Presidential elections use the Electoral College. To win the election, a candidate must receive a majority of electoral votes. In the event no candidate receives a majority, the House of Representatives chooses the president and the Senate chooses the vice president.


Hope This Helped ;)

Identify. Match the examples with the five features of American democracy: 10 1. When the President of the United States wants to create a law he must go to Congress with the idea. A. Consent of the Governed 2. People elect representatives on both the state and national level to speak for them in government. 3. By electing officials in or voting them out, people give their B. Checks and Balances approval to the government. 4. The people are the source of all government authority. C. Individual Rights 5. Our Bill of Rights protects the rights of all U.S. citizens. 6. The national government and states' governments have D. Rule of Law divided up certain responsibilities of government. 7. The President of the United States must follow the Constitution and the laws of the country. E. Representative Government 8. The law protects all people, even those in the minority. 9. Citizens vote for President every four years. EACH LETTER MAY BE USED MORE THAN ONCE.​



A. Consent of the Governed:

3. By electing officials in or voting them out, people give their approval to the government. 9. Citizens vote for President every four years.

B. Checks and Balances:

1. When the President of the United States wants to create a law he must go to Congress with the idea. 6. The national government and states' governments have divided up certain responsibilities of government.

C. Individual Rights

5. Our Bill of Rights protects the rights of all U.S. citizens.

D. Rule of Law

7. The President of the United States must follow the Constitution and the laws of the country8. The law protects all people, even those in the minority.

E. Representative Government:

2. People elect representatives on both the state and national level to speak for them in government. 4. The people are the source of all government authority.

Phew!! There you go. Hope this helps. :)

What areas do the French claim on this map?

How would you characterize the size of the French claim?

If LaSalle claimed all the lands which waters drain into the Mississippi River, what is the extent of France’s claim in the New World?


Answer:Shows boundaries, cities and towns, forts, Indian villages and tribal territory, and "Earl Granville's Property."

Explanation:French explorer, Rene-Robert Cavelier de La Salle, sailed from the Great Lakes up the St. Lawrence River, through the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico, ..

which issue created a major conflict between state and federal governments one that we switched to resolve by a powerful and assertive Federal response​


1860 -- The Civil War: Testing Federalism. Civil War addressed two central issues: 1) the role of the federal government and 2) the nature of the union.



racial segregation


took the test and got 100%

during the first territorial state of the northwest ordinance of 1787 congress



Northwest Ordinance

An ordinance for the government of the territory of the United States, North-west of the river Ohio.

An Ordinance for the Government of the Territory of the United States, North-West of the River Ohio, 1787.

New York: s.n., 1787.

Rare Book and Special

Collections Division

The Northwest Ordinance, officially titled "An Ordinance for the Government of the Territory of the United States North West of the River Ohio," was adopted by the Confederation Congress on July 13, 1787. Also known as the Ordinance of 1787, the Northwest Ordinance established a government for the Northwest Territory, outlined the process for admitting a new state to the Union, and guaranteed that newly created states would be equal to the original thirteen states. Considered one of the most important legislative acts of the Confederation Congress, the Northwest Ordinance also protected civil liberties and outlawed slavery in the new territories.


Because it was a guess wink wink

Responsibilities of Lycurgus



The role that Spartan tradition attributed to Lycurgus ended up subsuming and eventually cancelling any memory of this process, and his role in the establishment of the city's laws and customs, along with Apollo's blessing, rendered them more legitimate and binding.



based on this passage, how would you detail the journey of the Israelites



It was not an easy journey. They faced many challenges which caused them to become discouraged and complain against God and Moses. They were punished for this by God sending poisonous serpents to bit the Israelites.

What is one way the Industrial Revolution brought negative results that still affect your life today?​



The Industrial Revolution was the beginning of the large-scale urbanization seen today. It also created huge factories that create most of the everyday products used today. Both of these things have contributed to the pollution that affects the environment today. While factories do produce much of what we need they also create air pollution from the mass amounts of fossil fuels used. Additionally, urbanization has led to urban sprawl, which also contributes to pollution. It also increases the amount the average family spends on transportation.

which is an example of how growing nationalism resulted in revolution and change in europe in the 1800s?


The perfect example of how growing nationalism resulted in revolution and change in Europe in the 1800s is that "Greeks rebelled against their Ottoman rulers."

This is evident in that the Ottoman rulers conquered and ruled over the Greek people around the 15th till 19th centuries after capturing Constantinople.

The Greek nations, which were considered multicultural and majorly being Christians were later having a deep sense of nationalism.

This is because many of the Greek characteristics were different from Ottoman rulers, who were mostly Muslims.

The Greeks later rebelled against their Ottoman rulers through the Greek War of Independence in 1821.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the growing nationalism led to revolution and change in Europe in the 1800s.

The available options are the following:

Russian serfs staged a revolution against the tsar.Great Britain imposed limits on its Parliament.Greeks rebelled against their Ottoman rulers.France established a constitutional monarchy

Learn more here: https://brainly.com/question/19926479

how do i get i guy to like me when were only in middle school?


Just talk to him and show that you care

What are the different plans for the constitution



The Virginia and New Jersey Plans. In the Constitutional Convention, the Virginia Plan favored large states while the New Jersey Plan favored small states.



:Por qué se ha descrito la guerra
hispanoamericana como una "pequeña guerra



Fue descrita como "pequeña guerra espléndida" debido al hecho de que no se perdieron demasiadas vidas durante ella. Además, no fue una guerra demasiado larga y fue por una causa noble.

which two phrases best explain major direct results of the fall of the roman empire?



Invasions by Barbarian tribes. The most straightforward theory for Western Rome's collapse pins the fall on a string of military losses sustained against outside forces. Rome had tangled with Germanic tribes for centuries, but by the 300s “barbarian” groups like the Goths had encroached beyond the Empire's borders.


I got you.

What was the significance of the 36°30' parallel?
A. It separated the North from the South.
B. It indicated the northern border of Missouri.
C. It showed the borders of the United States.
D. It indicated where slavery was allowed and banned.


the northern limit for slavery to be legal in the territories of the west.

answer is D :) hope this helpppsssssssssssss!,

A child swings on a swing at the playground. The motion of the swing resembles the motion of a pendulum.

When is the kinetic energy of the swing decreasing?

at the bottom of the swing

when it stops moving at the top of the swing

when it is moving the fastest

as it moves up from the bottom of the swing



As it moves up from the bottom of the swing


The kinetic energy of the swing is decreasing as it moves up from the bottom of the swing. The appropriate response is option D.

What is kinetic energy?

The energy that an object has as a result of motion is known as kinetic energy. It is described as the effort required to move a mass-determined body from rest to the indicated velocity. The body holds onto the kinetic energy it acquired during its acceleration until its speed changes.

Kinetic energy has the following formula: K.E. = 1/2 m v2, where m is the object's mass and v is its square velocity. The kinetic energy is measured in kilograms-meters squared per second squared if the mass is measured in kilograms and the velocity is measured in meters per second.

A swing only has kinetic energy when it is in the rest position since there is no potential energy operating on it. Its potential energy rises and its kinetic energy falls as it is lifted to a particular height.

Hence, The appropriate response is option D.

To learn more about kinetic energy



How did William Henry Perkin’s work with carcinogens (cancer-causing chemicals) help make textile production more profitable?



Perkin's experiments with carcinogens led him to discover a man-made fabric dye.

Just took the test.

As a result of his experiments with carcinogens, William Henry Perkin discovered a man-made fabric dye, which helped make textile production more profitable.

What are the carcinogens?

Carcinogens are substances that cause DNA mutations that result in the development of cancerous cells. Carcinogens are classified as either physical carcinogens, such as ionizing radiation or ultraviolet light, or chemical carcinogens, such as asbestos or cigarette smoke components.

Some carcinogens cause cancer by altering the DNA of cells. Others do not directly affect DNA, but cause cancer in other ways.

Therefore, William Henry Perkin discovered a man-made fabric dye as a result of his experiments with carcinogens, which helped make textile production more profitable.

Learn more about the carcinogens, refer to:



how old was johnny depp in nightmare on elm street



21 years old


Johnny depp was 21 years old

Which side seems to have the greater chance of winning a war? Why?



British Strengths

When war erupted in 1775, it seemed clear that Britain would win. It had a large, well-organized land army, and the Royal Navy was unmatched on the sea. Many of the British troops in the Revolutionary War were veterans who had fought in the French and Indian War.


5 x 5 to the power of 2 ? Answer in index form


answer:125 i looked it up


what historical evidence does the author use to support the claim that colored persons were citizens


Answer: How do the authors use historical evidence to support their claim in this passage? They use primary-source quotations to show that enslaved people in Saint Domingue were willing to destroy property to gain their freedom.


5. What was an outcome of the wars for independence in Latin America?



it's B


because that did hAve a long lasting established

An outcome of the wars for independence in Latin America due to a long-lasting establishment. Thus, option B is the correct option.

One long-lasting outcome of the wars for independence in Latin America was the establishment of independent nation-states. Prior to these wars, Latin America was predominantly under colonial rule by European powers such as Spain and Portugal. However, through years of armed conflict and revolutionary movements, Latin American countries successfully gained their independence.

This led to the formation of sovereign nations across the region, each with its own government, constitution, and national identity. The wars for independence sparked a wave of decolonization that reshaped the political and social landscape of Latin America, laying the foundation for the nations we recognize today.

Learn more about independence in Latin America here:



eight friend divide seven bags of apple equally between them. enter the represent by this situation as a fraction





Seven bags of apples divided equally among 8 friends would be represented by the fraction: 7/8. The thing you are dividing among something being placed on top as the numerator, and the thing recieving that division being the denominator.

Chapter 2: Section 1: Explorers
Please restate and answer in complete sentences.
1. Where did the Vikings come from? What kind of ships did
they have? How did they get/make money? (p. 38)
The Vikings
2. Who was the first European to reach North America and how
did he reach it? Why did they only stay a few years? (p. 38)
3. Who was Henry the Navigator AND how did he impact the Age
of Exploration? (pg. 39)
4. What were three motivations for the Europeans to explore
North America and Asia? (p. 39)
Draw a picture for each:


Answer:Chapter 2

Section 1: Europeans Set Sail

Viking Sailors Reach North America

The Vikingswere the first Europeans to make contact with North America. They came

from Scandinavia, a peninsula that includes the present­day countries of Denmark,

Norway, and Sweden. The Vikings were skilled sailors who developed a new style of

ship, called the longship, that curved up at both ends. Viking vessels traveled the rough

North Atlantic seas better than earlier Ships because their designs were more stable.

The Vikings raided countries throughout Europe, but they also developed large trading

networks. Viking ships sailed to the British Isles and the Mediterranean and Black seas.

Eventually, the Vikings sailed west into the North Atlantic. There they founded a

settlement on the Island of Icelandin about 874. More than 100 years later, Viking Erik

the Redleft Iceland to settle Greenland.

Leif Eriksson, the son of Erik the Red, shared his father's love of adventure. In the

year 1000, he was sailing from west Norway to Greenland when strong winds blew his

ship off course and carried his ship all the way to the North American coast.

Eriksson and his crew landed on the Labrador Peninsula in present­day Canada. The

Vikings then sailed further south to the island of Newfoundland, and perhaps to what is

now New England. According to their myths, Vikings saw forests, meadows, and rivers

that held "larger salmon then they had ever seen."

Eriksson settled in a coastal area he called Vinland, but the Vikings left after only

a few years. Attacks by Native Americans posed a constant threat, and the area may

have been too far from other Viking settlements to be supported.

After the Vikings left North America, Europeans did not return to the continent for

centuries. In the 1400s, however, a growing interest in discovery and exploration

spread across Europe.

Prince Henry the Navigator

In the early 1400s Portugalbecame a leader in world exploration. One man in

particular, Prince Henry the Navigator, was responsible of advances that would make

exploration more successful. Although he never set out on a voyage himself, Henry

greatly advanced Portugal’s exploration efforts.

In the early 1400’s, Prince Henry built an observatory and founded a school of

navigation to teach better methods of sailing. He also financed research by mapmakers

and shipbuilders. Finally, he paid for exhibitions to explore the west coast of Africa.




Why is James Madison considered the Father of the Constitution?



Because he is the father of constitution


James Madison is known as the Father of the Constitution because of his pivotal role in the document's drafting as well as its ratification. Madison also drafted the first 10 amendments -- the Bill of Rights. ... Ten of these amendments were ratified by the states and have been enshrined as the Bill of Rights..


Hope it helps you..

Y-your welcome in advance..


Which land cover was in the region of the Black Sea Lowland, Ukraine?



Pontic Sea


The Black Sea Lowland was covered by the Pontic Sea as recently as the Lower Pliocene. Eventually it became dry land, dissected by a few small rivers. This process was cut short by the uplifting of the sea, which flooded the river mouths and caused estuaries to form.

Other Questions
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